
Decklists of WCS 2019 Final Player

update 16/08/2019

1st Place: [D1] コバヤシ

Standard Deck 1: Blue-Eyes

The White Stone of AncientsThe White Stone of AncientsThe White Stone of AncientsSnipe HunterSnipe HunterDragon Spirit of White
Dawn KnightDawn KnightCosmo BrainCosmo BrainCosmo BrainSphere Kuriboh
Sphere KuribohSphere KuribohBlue-Eyes White DragonBlue-Eyes White DragonBlue-Eyes White DragonSilver's Cry
Treacherous Trap HoleTreacherous Trap Hole----
Crystron AmetrixArmades, Keeper of BoundariesStardust DragonGiganticastleAzure-Eyes Silver DragonVermillion Dragon Mech
[Skill] descriptionUser
Sealed Tombs
Until the end of the opponent's next turn, neither player can banish cards from the Graveyard or Special Summon monsters from the Graveyard. This skill can only be used once per Duel.
Ishizu Ishtar
Ishizu Ishtar

Standard Deck 2: Six Samurai

Legendary Six Samurai - KizanLegendary Six Samurai - KizanLegendary Six Samurai - KizanLegendary Six Samurai - EnishiLegendary Six Samurai - EnishiSecret Six Samurai - Kizaru
Secret Six Samurai - FumaSecret Six Samurai - FumaSecret Six Samurai - FumaLegendary Secret of the Six SamuraiSix Samurai UnitedSix Samurai United
Six Samurai UnitedShien's DojoShien's DojoWorld Legacy ClashWorld Legacy ClashReturn of the Six Samurai
Six Style - Dual WieldSix Style - Dual Wield----
Secret Six Samurai - RihanArmades, Keeper of BoundariesX-Saber WayneMist WurmLegendary Six Samurai - Shi EnLegendary Six Samurai - Shi En
[Skill] descriptionUser
The Tie that Binds
Until the end of you turn, the ATK of all face-up monsters on your field increases by the number of monsters on your field times 100. This skill can only be used once per turn.
Jesse Anderson
Jesse Anderson

Standard Deck 3: Desperado Dragon

Desperado Barrel DragonDesperado Barrel DragonDesperado Barrel DragonDekoichi the Battlechanted LocomotiveDekoichi the Battlechanted LocomotiveDekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive
BM-4 Blast SpiderBM-4 Blast SpiderBM-4 Blast SpiderArcana Force XIV - TemperanceTwin-Barrel DragonTime Wizard
Cup of AceCup of AceDust TornadoDust TornadoDust TornadoPaleozoic Canadia
Paleozoic CanadiaPaleozoic Canadia----
[Skill] descriptionUser
Master of Destiny
When you toss a coin, the results will always be heads for the first 3 coin tosses. This Skill can only activate if you begin the duel with a deck that has 5 or more cards with different names that require coin tosses.
Sartorius Kumar
Sartorius Kumar

Legendary Deck 1: Magnet Warrior

Beta The Magnet WarriorValkyrion the Magna WarriorGandora the Dragon of DestructionGandora the Dragon of DestructionBlock DragonAlpha The Electromagnet Warrior
Alpha The Electromagnet WarriorAlpha The Electromagnet WarriorBeta The Electromagnet WarriorGamma The Electromagnet WarriorGamma The Electromagnet WarriorGamma The Electromagnet Warrior
Berserkion the Electromagna WarriorBerserkion the Electromagna WarriorDelta The Magnet WarriorDelta The Magnet WarriorDelta The Magnet WarriorGalaxy Cyclone
That Grass Looks GreenerThat Grass Looks GreenerThat Grass Looks GreenerPowerful RebirthDrowning Mirror ForceDrowning Mirror Force
Triamid PulseTriamid PulseTriamid PulseMagnet ConversionMagnet ConversionMagnet Conversion
[Skill] descriptionUser
Access Denied
Can be used if your LP drops below 1000. Until the end of your opponent's next turn, neither you or your opponent can normal summon or special summon effect monsters, or activate monsters effects. This skill can be used once per duel.
Yugi Muto
Yugi Muto

Legendary Deck 2: Crystron SSA

The Legendary FishermanGenex UndineGenex UndineGenex UndineGenex ControllerGenex Controller
Scrap RecyclerScrap RecyclerScrap RecyclerCrystron CitreeCrystron CitreeCrystron Citree
Crystron PrasiortleCrystron SmigerCrystron SmigerCrystron SmigerCrystron RosenixCrystron Rosenix
Crystron RosenixCrystron RionCrystron RionCrystron RionCrystron SulfefnirCrystron Sulfefnir
The Legendary Fisherman IICitadel WhaleCitadel WhaleCrystron EntrySea Stealth AttackSea Stealth Attack
Crystron QuariongandraxWhite Aura DolphinBlack Rose DragonPowered InzektronCrystron AmetrixCrystron Ametrix
[Skill] descriptionUser
Mythic Depths
Begins Duel with the Field Spell "Umi" activated.
Mako Tsunami
Mako Tsunami

2nd Place: [Wc] あれ。

Standard Deck 1: Six Samurai

Legendary Six Samurai - KizanLegendary Six Samurai - KizanLegendary Six Samurai - KizanLegendary Six Samurai - EnishiLegendary Six Samurai - EnishiSecret Six Samurai - Fuma
Secret Six Samurai - FumaSecret Six Samurai - FumaLegendary Secret of the Six SamuraiLegendary Secret of the Six SamuraiSix Samurai UnitedSix Samurai United
Six Samurai UnitedShien's DojoShien's DojoWorld Legacy ClashWorld Legacy ClashReturn of the Six Samurai
Six Style - Dual WieldSix Style - Dual Wield----
Secret Six Samurai - RihanArmades, Keeper of BoundariesX-Saber WayneAlly of Justice Decisive ArmorLegendary Six Samurai - Shi EnLegendary Six Samurai - Shi En
[Skill] descriptionUser
Light and Dark
Choose 1 of the following: -Return 1 DARK monster from your hand to your Deck. Then, add from your Deck to your hand, 1 LIGHT monster with the same Level and Type as the monster you returned. -Return 1 LIGHT monster from your hand to your Deck. Then, add from your Deck to your hand, 1 DARK monster with the same Level and Type as the monster you returned. This Skill can only be used once per turn, and twice per Duel.
Umbra & Lumis
Umbra & Lumis

Standard Deck 2: Cyberdark Desperado

Desperado Barrel DragonDesperado Barrel DragonDesperado Barrel DragonBM-4 Blast SpiderBM-4 Blast SpiderCyberdark Edge
Cyberdark EdgeCyberdark CannonCyberdark CannonCyberdark CannonArcana Force XIV - TemperanceTwin-Barrel Dragon
Time WizardCup of AceCup of AceCosmic CycloneCosmic CycloneFloodgate Trap Hole
Floodgate Trap HoleFloodgate Trap Hole----
[Skill] descriptionUser
Master of Destiny
When you toss a coin, the results will always be heads for the first 3 coin tosses. This Skill can only activate if you begin the duel with a deck that has 5 or more cards with different names that require coin tosses.
Sartorius Kumar
Sartorius Kumar

Standard Deck 3: Triamid

Triamid MasterTriamid HunterTriamid HunterTriamid HunterTriamid DancerTriamid Dancer
Triamid DancerTriamid CruiserTriamid CruiserTriamid CruiserTriamid KingolemTriamid Kingolem
Triamid FortressTriamid FortressTreacherous Trap HolePaleozoic CanadiaPaleozoic CanadiaPaleozoic Canadia
Triamid PulseTriamid Pulse----
[Skill] descriptionUser
Your starting hand will reflect the card balance of your deck. This Skill will not activate unless you have at least 6 of each type of card (Monster, Spell, and Trap) in your Deck.
Yami Bakura
Yami Bakura

Legendary Deck 1: Magnet Warrior

Beta The Magnet WarriorBeta The Magnet WarriorValkyrion the Magna WarriorGandora the Dragon of DestructionBlock DragonAlpha The Electromagnet Warrior
Alpha The Electromagnet WarriorAlpha The Electromagnet WarriorBeta The Electromagnet WarriorGamma The Electromagnet WarriorGamma The Electromagnet WarriorGamma The Electromagnet Warrior
Berserkion the Electromagna WarriorBerserkion the Electromagna WarriorDelta The Magnet WarriorDelta The Magnet WarriorDelta The Magnet WarriorDoki Doki
Doki DokiThat Grass Looks GreenerThat Grass Looks GreenerThat Grass Looks GreenerEnemy ControllerWorld Legacy Clash
Powerful RebirthPowerful RebirthPowerful RebirthMagnet ConversionMagnet ConversionMagnet Conversion

Legendary Deck 2: Neos Fusion

Neo-Spacian Air HummingbirdNeo-Spacian Glow MossNeo-Spacian Aqua DolphinNeo-Spacian Aqua DolphinNeo-Spacian Aqua DolphinNeo Space Connector
Neo Space ConnectorNeo Space ConnectorElemental HERO NeosElemental HERO NeosEnemy ControllerMiracle Contact
Concentrating CurrentNeos FusionNeos FusionNeos FusionConvert ContactConvert Contact
Convert ContactTreacherous Trap Hole----
Elemental HERO Aqua NeosElemental HERO Storm NeosElemental HERO Brave NeosElemental HERO Brave NeosElemental HERO Glow NeosElemental HERO Glow Neos
[Skill] descriptionUser
Neo Space!
Begin the duel with the card "Neo Space" activated.
Jaden Yuki
Jaden Yuki

Top 8: Suhnrysanti

Standard Deck 1: Triamid

Triamid MasterTriamid MasterTriamid HunterTriamid HunterTriamid HunterTriamid Dancer
Triamid DancerTriamid CruiserTriamid CruiserTriamid CruiserTriamid KingolemTriamid Kingolem
Triamid KingolemTriamid FortressTriamid FortressPaleozoic CanadiaPaleozoic CanadiaPaleozoic Canadia
Mirror WallMirror WallTreacherous Trap HoleTriamid PulseTriamid Pulse-
[Skill] descriptionUser
Your starting hand will reflect the card balance of your deck. This Skill will not activate unless you have at least 6 of each type of card (Monster, Spell, and Trap) in your Deck.
Yami Bakura
Yami Bakura

Standard Deck 2: Six Samurai

Legendary Six Samurai - KizanLegendary Six Samurai - KizanLegendary Six Samurai - KizanLegendary Six Samurai - EnishiLegendary Six Samurai - EnishiSecret Six Samurai - Kizaru
Secret Six Samurai - FumaSecret Six Samurai - FumaSecret Six Samurai - FumaLegendary Secret of the Six SamuraiLegendary Secret of the Six SamuraiSix Samurai United
Six Samurai UnitedShien's DojoShien's DojoWorld Legacy ClashWorld Legacy ClashWorld Legacy Clash
Six Style - Dual WieldSix Style - Dual WieldReturn of the Six Samurai---
Secret Six Samurai - RihanArmades, Keeper of BoundariesCrystron AmetrixVermillion Dragon MechLegendary Six Samurai - Shi EnLegendary Six Samurai - Shi En
[Skill] descriptionUser
Light and Dark
Choose 1 of the following: -Return 1 DARK monster from your hand to your Deck. Then, add from your Deck to your hand, 1 LIGHT monster with the same Level and Type as the monster you returned. -Return 1 LIGHT monster from your hand to your Deck. Then, add from your Deck to your hand, 1 DARK monster with the same Level and Type as the monster you returned. This Skill can only be used once per turn, and twice per Duel.
Umbra & Lumis
Umbra & Lumis

Standard Deck 3: Desperado

Desperado Barrel DragonDesperado Barrel DragonDesperado Barrel DragonBM-4 Blast SpiderBM-4 Blast SpiderArcana Force XIV - Temperance
Twin-Barrel DragonTime WizardDekoichi the Battlechanted LocomotiveDekoichi the Battlechanted LocomotiveDekoichi the Battlechanted LocomotiveCup of Ace
Cup of AceDimensional PrisonDimensional PrisonFloodgate Trap HoleFloodgate Trap HoleFloodgate Trap Hole
Bad AimBad Aim----
[Skill] descriptionUser
Master of Destiny
When you toss a coin, the results will always be heads for the first 3 coin tosses. This Skill can only activate if you begin the duel with a deck that has 5 or more cards with different names that require coin tosses.
Sartorius Kumar
Sartorius Kumar

Legendary Deck 1: Silent Spellbook

Silent Magician LV8Breaker the Magical WarriorSilent MagicianSilent MagicianSilent MagicianSpellbook Magician of Prophecy
Spellbook Magician of ProphecySpellbook Magician of ProphecySilent Magician LV4Spellbook of SecretsSpellbook of SecretsSpellbook of Secrets
Spellbook of FateSpellbook of FateSpellbook OrganizationSpellbook of EternitySpellbook of PowerSpellbook Library of the Crescent
Spellbook of the MasterSpellbook of the Master--------
[Skill] descriptionUser
Light and Dark
Choose 1 of the following: -Return 1 DARK monster from your hand to your Deck. Then, add from your Deck to your hand, 1 LIGHT monster with the same Level and Type as the monster you returned. -Return 1 LIGHT monster from your hand to your Deck. Then, add from your Deck to your hand, 1 DARK monster with the same Level and Type as the monster you returned. This Skill can only be used once per turn, and twice per Duel.
Umbra & Lumis
Umbra & Lumis

Legendary Deck 2: Magnet Warrior

Ancient Gear Reactor DragonAncient Gear Reactor DragonAncient Gear Reactor DragonAncient Gear GolemBlock DragonBlock Dragon
Alpha The Electromagnet WarriorAlpha The Electromagnet WarriorAlpha The Electromagnet WarriorBeta The Electromagnet WarriorGamma The Electromagnet WarriorGamma The Electromagnet Warrior
Gamma The Electromagnet WarriorBerserkion the Electromagna WarriorBerserkion the Electromagna WarriorDelta The Magnet WarriorDelta The Magnet WarriorDelta The Magnet Warrior
That Grass Looks GreenerThat Grass Looks GreenerThat Grass Looks GreenerCosmic CycloneCosmic CycloneCosmic Cyclone
Enemy ControllerEnemy ControllerTriamid PulseMagnet ConversionMagnet ConversionMagnet Conversion
[Skill] descriptionUser
Middle Age Mechs
Activate the Continues Spell "Ancient Gear Castle" at the beginning of your first turn.
Vellian Crowler
Vellian Crowler

Top 8: RaW

Standard Decklist 1: Cyber Desperado

Desperado Barrel DragonDesperado Barrel DragonDesperado Barrel DragonSphere KuribohSphere KuribohCyberdark Edge
Cyberdark EdgeCyberdark EdgeCyberdark CannonCyberdark CannonCyberdark CannonTackle Crusader
Elemental HERO NeosElemental HERO NeosCosmic CycloneCosmic CycloneNeos FusionNeos Fusion
Neos FusionDrowning Mirror ForceDrowning Mirror Force---
[Skill] descriptionUser
Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1000. Return 1 card in your hand to your Deck and draw another. This skill can only be used once per turn and twice per Duel.
Bandit Keith
Bandit Keith

Standard Deck 2: Six Samurai

Legendary Six Samurai - KizanLegendary Six Samurai - KizanLegendary Six Samurai - KizanLegendary Six Samurai - EnishiLegendary Six Samurai - EnishiSecret Six Samurai - Kizaru
Secret Six Samurai - FumaSecret Six Samurai - FumaSecret Six Samurai - FumaLegendary Secret of the Six SamuraiSix Samurai UnitedSix Samurai United
Six Samurai UnitedShien's DojoShien's DojoWorld Legacy ClashWorld Legacy ClashWorld Legacy Clash
Six Style - Dual WieldReturn of the Six Samurai----
Secret Six Samurai - RihanArmades, Keeper of BoundariesX-Saber WayneVermillion Dragon MechLegendary Six Samurai - Shi EnLegendary Six Samurai - Shi En
[Skill] descriptionUser
Light and Dark
Choose 1 of the following: -Return 1 DARK monster from your hand to your Deck. Then, add from your Deck to your hand, 1 LIGHT monster with the same Level and Type as the monster you returned. -Return 1 LIGHT monster from your hand to your Deck. Then, add from your Deck to your hand, 1 DARK monster with the same Level and Type as the monster you returned. This Skill can only be used once per turn, and twice per Duel.
Umbra & Lumis
Umbra & Lumis

Standard Deck 3: Triamid

Triamid MasterTriamid MasterTriamid HunterTriamid HunterTriamid HunterTriamid Dancer
Triamid DancerTriamid CruiserTriamid CruiserTriamid CruiserTriamid KingolemTriamid Kingolem
Triamid KingolemTriamid FortressTriamid FortressPaleozoic CanadiaTreacherous Trap HoleTreacherous Trap Hole
Triamid PulseTriamid PulseTriamid Pulse---
[Skill] descriptionUser
Your starting hand will reflect the card balance of your deck. This Skill will not activate unless you have at least 6 of each type of card (Monster, Spell, and Trap) in your Deck.
Yami Bakura
Yami Bakura

Legendary Deck 1: Ancient Gear

Ancient Gear Reactor DragonAncient Gear Reactor DragonAncient Gear GolemKarakuri Ninja mdl 339 "Sazank"Karakuri Ninja mdl 339 "Sazank"Ancient Gear Wyvern
Ancient Gear WyvernAncient Gear WyvernAncient Gear FrameGalaxy CycloneGalaxy CycloneGeartown
GeartownGeartownDouble CycloneDouble CycloneAncient Gear FortressFloodgate Trap Hole
Floodgate Trap HoleMagical HatsMagical Hats---
[Skill] descriptionUser
Middle Age Mechs
Activate the Continues Spell "Ancient Gear Castle" at the beginning of your first turn.
Vellian Crowler
Vellian Crowler

Legendary Deck 2: Magnet Warrior

Beta The Magnet WarriorBeta The Magnet WarriorValkyrion the Magna WarriorGandora the Dragon of DestructionBlock DragonBlock Dragon
Alpha The Electromagnet WarriorAlpha The Electromagnet WarriorAlpha The Electromagnet WarriorBeta The Electromagnet WarriorGamma The Electromagnet WarriorGamma The Electromagnet Warrior
Gamma The Electromagnet WarriorBerserkion the Electromagna WarriorBerserkion the Electromagna WarriorDelta The Magnet WarriorDelta The Magnet WarriorDelta The Magnet Warrior
Doki DokiThat Grass Looks GreenerThat Grass Looks GreenerThat Grass Looks GreenerCosmic CycloneOfferings to the Doomed
Offerings to the DoomedPowerful RebirthPowerful RebirthMagnet ConversionMagnet ConversionMagnet Conversion
[Skill] descriptionUser
The Tie that Binds
Until the end of you turn, the ATK of all face-up monsters on your field increases by the number of monsters on your field times 100. This skill can only be used once per turn.
Jesse Anderson
Jesse Anderson

Top 16: Eduu16

Standard Deck 1: Blue-Eyes

Keeper of the ShrineSnipe HunterSnipe HunterThe White Stone of AncientsThe White Stone of AncientsThe White Stone of Ancients
Dragon Spirit of WhiteDragon Spirit of WhiteDawn KnightDawn KnightCosmo BrainCosmo Brain
Cosmo BrainSphere KuribohSphere KuribohSphere KuribohKoa'ki Meiru IceBlue-Eyes White Dragon
Blue-Eyes White DragonTreacherous Trap HoleTreacherous Trap Hole---
Crystron AmetrixArmades, Keeper of BoundariesGiganticastleAzure-Eyes Silver DragonVermillion Dragon MechVermillion Dragon Mech
[Skill] descriptionUser
Sealed Tombs
Until the end of the opponent's next turn, neither player can banish cards from the Graveyard or Special Summon monsters from the Graveyard. This skill can only be used once per Duel.
Ishizu Ishtar
Ishizu Ishtar

Standard Deck 2: Triamid

Triamid MasterTriamid MasterTriamid MasterTriamid HunterTriamid HunterTriamid Dancer
Triamid DancerTriamid CruiserTriamid CruiserTriamid CruiserTriamid KingolemTriamid Kingolem
Triamid KingolemTriamid FortressTriamid FortressPaleozoic CanadiaFloodgate Trap HoleFloodgate Trap Hole
Floodgate Trap HoleDrowning Mirror ForceTriamid PulseTriamid PulseTriamid Pulse-
[Skill] descriptionUser
Your starting hand will reflect the card balance of your deck. This Skill will not activate unless you have at least 6 of each type of card (Monster, Spell, and Trap) in your Deck.
Yami Bakura
Yami Bakura

Standard Deck 3: Silent Spellbook

Silent Magician LV8Breaker the Magical WarriorBreaker the Magical WarriorKycoo the Ghost DestroyerKycoo the Ghost DestroyerSilent Magician
Silent MagicianSpellbook Magician of ProphecySpellbook Magician of ProphecySpellbook Magician of ProphecySpellbook of SecretsSpellbook of Secrets
Spellbook of SecretsSpellbook Library of the CrescentSpellbook of FateSpellbook of FateSpellbook OrganizationSpellbook of Eternity
Spellbook of PowerSpellbook of the MasterSpellbook of the Master------
[Skill] descriptionUser
Light and Dark
Choose 1 of the following: -Return 1 DARK monster from your hand to your Deck. Then, add from your Deck to your hand, 1 LIGHT monster with the same Level and Type as the monster you returned. -Return 1 LIGHT monster from your hand to your Deck. Then, add from your Deck to your hand, 1 DARK monster with the same Level and Type as the monster you returned. This Skill can only be used once per turn, and twice per Duel.
Umbra & Lumis
Umbra & Lumis

Legendary Deck 1: Subterror

Subterror Behemoth UmastryxSubterror Behemoth UmastryxSubterror Behemoth StygokrakenSubterror Nemesis WarriorSubterror Nemesis WarriorSubterror Nemesis Warrior
Temple of the KingsStatue of Anguish PatternStatue of Anguish PatternStatue of Anguish PatternPaleozoic CanadiaPaleozoic Canadia
Embodiment of ApophisEmbodiment of ApophisEmbodiment of ApophisSubterror Final BattleSubterror Final BattleSubterror Final Battle
Tiki CurseTiki Curse----
[Skill] descriptionUser
Chain Reaction
Can be used each time you activate a Trap card. Decreases your opponent's Life Points by 200.

Legendary Deck 2: Buster Blader DNA Surgery

Arcana Force EX - The Light RulerArcana Force XII - The Hanged ManBuster Whelp of the Destruction SwordsmanBuster Whelp of the Destruction SwordsmanArcana Force VII - The ChariotBuster Blader
Buster BladerArcana Force IV - The EmperorGoddess with the Third EyeCosmic CycloneCosmic CycloneDestruction Swordsman Fusion
Cards from the SkyCards from the SkyCards from the SkyCup of AceCup of AceDNA Surgery
DNA SurgeryDNA Surgery----
Buster Blader, the Dragon Destroyer SwordsmanBuster Blader, the Dragon Destroyer SwordsmanBuster Blader, the Dragon Destroyer SwordsmanDark PaladinDark PaladinArmades, Keeper of Boundaries
[Skill] descriptionUser
Master of Destiny
When you toss a coin, the results will always be heads for the first 3 coin tosses. This Skill can only activate if you begin the duel with a deck that has 5 or more cards with different names that require coin tosses.
Sartorius Kumar
Sartorius Kumar


Of course the Top deck of WCS will be from Ex Structure deck just like previous year Silent magician
So, Despacito and Six Samurai are common decks right now.

Hamada's Triamid deck is dope. It's true that Triamid Master has good ATK and effect, but against high level players it's more effective to keep Hunter + Dancer on the field, continuously recycle stuffs and control the board than playing agressive using Master
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Hamada indeed used Balance skill but he played as Crowler, not Bakura
As I look at these Championship checklists, and see the exact same cards that hundreds of other players have been using for months, you have to realize that the only difference between these people and the average meta player in Duel Links is time. Not skill, just hours and days spent grinding in the KC Cup and Regionals while the average player is at work or school. They're not unique or better than you, they just have more time on their hands.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Exactly. I can't tell KC Cup or WCS winners are top player until Konami limit the number of duels in the 2nd stage, for example only 300 duels allowed for 3 days
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
To be fair, that increased amount of play time does have an effect on gameplay as well. It does tend to make them better players. So it's a combination of factors.

It's worth pointing out that basically every competitive scene works the same way, though. The more time and effort you put in, the more likely you are to succeed.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
But I highly doubt someone could play over 700 games in 3 days by himself without his friend helping him to run his account while he needs to sleep. Limiting the number of duels will prevent this exploit, but seems Konami prefer doing profitable things like designing new cards for the next box/structure deck than implementing new algorithm for the same event
I want to see Zeeta Legendary Subterror decklist. It looked really nice...
Well, I'll be damned....
those dust tornado
The Blue-Eyes deck of Kobayashi was 21 cards and contained 2 copies of Dragon Spirit of White. Get your facts straight.

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Freind code add me plz 001xua0gzw0c
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
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