
How to beat/farm Arkana level 40 (Gate)

update 11/05/2018
Vellian Crowler pages
Arkana Lvl 40 (Gate)
Arkana Lvl 40 (Gate)

Labyrinth Builder

SkillLabyrinth Builder
Essential cards

Example Deck

Machina CannonGravekeeper's VassalPlanet PathfinderPlanet PathfinderPlanet PathfinderZombie World
Union AttackUnion AttackShard of GreedShard of GreedShard of GreedShield & Sword
Secret Pass to the TreasuresFloodgate Trap HoleFloodgate Trap HoleLegacy of Yata-GarasuLegacy of Yata-GarasuJar of Greed
Jar of GreedJar of Greed----


  • The Setup you want on the field to stall is Zombie World and Labyrinth Wall.
  • Zombie World must be activated very early before Arkana has a chance to summon Dark Magician.
  • Use Planet Pathfinder to search out Zombie World.
  • In case Arkana summons Dark Magician Before you have Zombie World, use Floodgate Trap Hole on him.
  • Shard of Greed, Jar of Greed, and Legacy of Yata Garasu is used to deck out faster and draw the cards you need.
  • On the final turn, put your Labyrinth Wall to attack position and special summon Machina Cannon in attack position then use Shield and Sword.

Elements Unite!

The most consistent deck at the moment. Click here for more details about this deck.

Gravekeeper's Vassal

Gravekeeper's VassalCaligo Claw CrowShard of GreedShard of GreedUnion AttackUnion Attack
Last Day of WitchSecret Pass to the TreasuresGood Goblin HousekeepingGood Goblin HousekeepingGood Goblin HousekeepingReady for Intercepting
Ready for InterceptingReady for InterceptingJar of GreedJar of GreedJar of GreedRiryoku Field
Riryoku FieldRiryoku Field----

Piranha Army

Thunder DragonThunder DragonThunder DragonPiranha ArmyRiryokuShard of Greed
Shard of GreedLast Day of WitchGift of the MartyrSecret Pass to the TreasuresMagic JammerGood Goblin Housekeeping
Good Goblin HousekeepingGood Goblin HousekeepingReady for InterceptingReady for InterceptingReady for InterceptingJar of Greed
Jar of GreedJar of Greed----



  • Summon Gate Guardian immediately, he has a high enough attack for you to stall the entire duel.
  • To protect your Gate Guardian from Thousand Knives use Ready for Intercepting, Magic Jammer, or Riryoku Field. Ready for Intercepting Works because Arkana cannot activate Thousand Knives if you flip Dark Magician face-down immediately after it is summoned.
  • It might be safest to set 2 of your defensive cards at a time because Arkana is able to sometimes summon 2 Dark Magicians in one turn.
  • Attack Arkana's face-down Dark Magician.
  • Shard of Greed, Good Goblin Housekeeping, and Jar of Greed are used to draw into your defensive cards quicker and so that you can deck out quicker than Arkana.
  • Remember to activate Last Day of Witch during the final turn if your opponent controls Dark Magician before you summon anything. This is to prevent Arkana From using Dark Renewal.

Unhappy Girl

Score6,000 - 7,000
SkillHoly Guard
Essential cards

Basic Unhappy Girl Deck.

Example deck (No Union)

Mystical Beast of SerketThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlCrystal SeerCrystal Seer
Crystal SeerRai-MeiRai-MeiRai-MeiPiranha ArmyCelestial Transformation
Temple of the KingsGift of the MartyrHieroglyph LithographSecret Pass to the TreasuresForced CeasefireEnchanted Javelin
Enchanted JavelinEnchanted Javelin---Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon



Cerberus Union

Example deck

Mythical Beast CerberusGravekeeper's VassalUnion AttackUnion AttackGravity Axe - GrarlGravity Axe - Grarl
Enemy ControllerEnemy ControllerDian Keto the Cure MasterDian Keto the Cure MasterStormMagical Mallet
Magical MalletMagical MalletArray of Revealing LightPot of BenevolenceSecret Pass to the TreasuresRiryoku Field
Riryoku FieldRiryoku Field----



Level 40 Arkana's deck

Dark Spellcaster Deck

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Brandon Carter
Unlock jack Altas carly zane truesdale Alexis rhodes bonz yugi muto
Ojama Lock seems to work fine against Arkana's level 40 deck
<< Anonymous(ADRYST)
Anonymous Reply
And doesn't work either.
Lost 2k maps already with these decks, arkana goes through them like hot knife on butter.
<< Anonymous(ADRYST)
Anonymous Reply
Any extra deck cards?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Rare fish x3 and Cyber end dragon x2
<< Anonymous(ADRYST)
Anonymous Reply
damn, with this ojama deck I clap him
Arkana can summon 3 DMs in 1 turn. not just 2. I didn't 🔥 his monsters because it was destroying his deck. Sometimes I couldn't complete the farm because he decked out too fast before I could get my combo off. :(
I been playin Duel Links a year and this are things Duel Links need to work on update:

- Legendary Duelist level capacity
- Legendary Duelist new rewards on gate
- More Stages, specially for Gx
- Make possible to make glossy or prismatic any card, with the useless stones or something not only the card trader cards.
- Less spawn events more unlock events (and new and better cards if the event get repeat is just boring doin the event all over again for lame cards)
- New ways to get gems, the fountain and trash is just lame (I don't know something like in the duel school, or challenges, able to do every day)
- Where is the tag duel idea?
-Complete old archetypes (grave keepers, gem knights, harpies) so many of them just get left in oblivion.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
魅惑のガーターや Reply
No... Not today.
<< Anonymous(魅惑のガーターや )
魅惑のガーターや the real 1 Reply
forget to add this to my name for real who is this guy and what is he thinking? lmao
Guaranteed win, unless Arkana manages to summon DM and activates Thousand Knives right before you get any Riryoku Field or Ready for Intercepting
<< Anonymous(Arkana Lv50)
Anonymous Reply
Pretty good
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
20% and I'm generous. Would work better if you could have 12 ryrioku fields in the deck.
<< Anonymous
Jeffery Galusha Reply
U Post Pics OF Decks That Some Cards People Don't Have Isnt There A Way To Use The Deck With Replacemnt Cards i am having a hard time finshing the goals required to unlock arkana
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Thanks for the deck, second duel got me this
Jeffery Galusha
Does Anyone Have A Good Deck Recipe For Yami Yugi I Also Need Replacement Cards Cause i Am Missing Some
<< Anonymous(Jeffery Galusha)
Anonymous Reply
Use Cerberus.
You can use this deck to farm. The rate is high. The only way you loose is that he summons DM before you have Ready to Intercept or Riryoku Field
Can I unlock him during this period?
Ojama works good, just hope for none dark magician
At the gate he’s only level 10 same with the hunter, anyone know why? I’ve already dueled him and won multiple times at level 10 at the gate, stage level 60 using level 30+ characters
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I’m talking about arkana not Marik
The cerberus deck doesn't work by any stretch of the imagination, Arkana summons 1400 monsters that laugh at your sorcerer conduit (1800) and draw light (1500) skills so you can't draw cerberus and you die. He also seems to always have the trap that targets one of your monsters and one of his, destroys them and then summons a DM.

And in the odd situations this doesn't happen, he buffs his DM more than your cerberus.

I'm basically praying to get the needed cards in the first hand, and even when so pray that he doesn't have the damn trap.
There's a very easy farm deck against Marik/Arkana, you can change the monsters displayed here for any FIRE type, with exception of FLAME TIGER and HAZY FLAME SPHYNX(if you get Hazy Sphynx in start hand and Flame Tiger, will be easier to summon it cause of Flame Tiger effect) just do everything possible to summon Sphynx and get Beast Rising ready, then keep using Sphynx effect with Aroma Strategy from Mai, and banishing with Beast Rising, powering up Sphynx till it get 10k, keep destroying every monster on field to do the OTK when 10k damage.
"Abyssal Designator" is for Marik Lava Golem's and "RA (Divine beast)"
<< Anonymous(Loki)
Loki Reply

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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