
How to beat/farm Espa Roba Lvl40 (Gate)

Duel Links tips to defeat Espa Roba Lvl 40, decks to farm Espa Roba Lvl 40, and rewards.
update 18/12/2018

Dark Paladin Farm

Score7,000- 8,000
Essential cards

Example Deck

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Can be used only once after starting hands are dealt. Reveal and redraw your starting hand. Your first Draw will be skipped if you use this Skill.
Akiza Izinski
Akiza Izinski
Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1800. Return 1 card from your hand to your Deck and draw a random Warrior-Type monster.
Tetsu Trudge
Tetsu Trudge
Master of Fusion
Can be used each time your Life Points decrase by 1800. In the Draw Phase, instead of doing a normal draw, one Polymerization Spell Card, from outside of your Deck, is added to your hand.
Aster Phoenix
Aster Phoenix

Espa Roba's decks

ESP Power! / Lvl: 40

Espa Roba Lvl 40's Rewards


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At least with the new banlist they'll change his level 40 deck, making him easier to farm.
<< Anonymous(LeodredAQW)
Anonymous Reply
Scrap Recycler and Pulse Mines are limited-2, and AIs also follow banlists, so they'll have to edit his level 40 deck.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
His deck is just a class above any DM NPC. Now megacyber is in his deck making jinzo summoning too easy and it is much more difficult to beat.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This is a troll post??? All dm characters use REALLY outdated decks. (Btw they need to remake them FOR SURE). If you loose to them you do something REALLY REALY wrong. Espa roba all he can do is summon megacyber or jinzo. In an era where we can easily special summon 3000+ monsters A typical auto duel should be a 3 turn win.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
A typical auto duel is an auto lose. AI is too stupid and needs to be upgraded with customize setting.
I think you can also use dark cavalry as alternative or addition because most of his cards are target
dark necrofear 6-7000
i have few cards, but fairly consistent and cheap other option at least to dark paladin
Yami Yugi power of dark skill worked best for me

2 dark necrofear
3 duke shade the ssl
1 kuriboh
3 doomdog octhros
2 crashbug y
1 gravekeeper vassal

1 shield crush
1 dark core
2 gravity lash
2 union attack
1 secret pass to treasures

1 widespread ruin

anyone else got anything besides paladin
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Silent swordsman maybe
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You can use six samurais now. I've been using them against multiple characters and it's very efficient. Just have a shien relatively consistently and you'll do well. Consider putting a few copies of power of guardians too.
Blue-Eyes is the way to go. My build is rather expensive, but it works like a charm.
I use blue eyes. Slow but consistent so far. Extra deck Azure is needed to revive spirit multiple times. Keep Azure always in DEF. And attack his facedown monsters if he has a face app monster and he will use his mines in case you miss them with Spirit. Deck can improve but that's the best I got.
<< Anonymous(RR)
RR Reply
So I finally got playsets for this guy's rewards.

Deck works, but not 100% consistent. Also, you have to play right. I lost 3 times, but 2 of them because I made misplays: I had Cosmo brain on field, silver's cry and Spirit on GY. OP used Reflector and GB, but I waited until attack declaration to use silver's cry and he beat my Cosmo brain and my Spirit.
Can cloudian farm him?
<< Anonymous
Another Anon Reply
Well.. I tested it and AI used pulse mine to wipe your field and attempt to otk you. I guess they are smarter now.

So spell negation (like paladin) is still the best option.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Tjd Hali issez kio He le le jf kk ks hahr Thai essen is very helpvul
How come players have 2 copy of Jinzo while there is only 1 with starter deck?
Jinzo is not even in gate??
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Espa Roba had 2 Duel Carnival event, the second Duel Carnival event gave players a second copy of Jinzo.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
So if missed her Duel Carnival event, does that mean i can't get 2nd jinzo anymore?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yes at least for now
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Jinzo will BE There again with an ur Ticket in the Future but will Take some time
I have paladin in my old account before my phone crashed and lost all the data.
I just installed this again after a year
i am a new player to duel links hopefully they give the old events again. i heard they were good.
<< Anonymous
Ooomrus Reply
Ya man!
They’re good :/
Another Anon
Declaration: I didn't try to farm him because I have enough copies of his drops so I may be wrong.

Based on his decklist by gamea (thank you), I think cloudian + sanctuary in the sky + AMA should work.

1. GBlaster is troublesome but it's only at 1 copy and you can destroy it with acid cloud

2. Pulse mine is your Achilles heel but based on my experience, AI won't activate it if you not attacking them with higher attack monster I.e. only use it for defensive purpose.

Deck uses no trap. Pair it with anti magic arrow and you should be able to finish him.
<< Anonymous(Another Anon)
Hk-51 Reply
Dissapointment: When you started your comment i thought it was gonna reference a lovely droid from the Kotor Series, but it didn't.
<< Anonymous(Another Anon)
Anonymous Reply
they include new card it his drop reward right?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah, he drops Psychic Shockwave which previously is only obtainable through his very first event, out of his three events.
<< Anonymous(Another Anon)
Anonymous Reply
He will activate pulse mine on your cloudians so you cant

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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