
How to beat/farm Soulburner Lvl 40

Duel Links Soulburner Lvl 40, decks to farm Soulburner, and Soulburner's Duel Rewards.
update 29/09/2022

Element Unite Farm

Essential cards

Example Deck

Gravekeepers VassalUnion AttackUnion AttackUnion AttackShard of GreedShard of Greed
Shard of GreedPower of the GuardiansPower of the GuardiansPower of the GuardiansSecret Pass to the TreasuresLegacy of Yata-Garasu
Legacy of Yata-GarasuLegacy of Yata-GarasuGood Goblin HousekeepingGood Goblin HousekeepingGood Goblin HousekeepingJar of Greed
Jar of GreedJar of Greed----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Elements Unite!
You will start the duel with 500 Life Points and your starting hand will be 1 card, which is "Gate Guardian". In addition, you will start the Duel with Suijin, Kazejin, and Sanga of the Thunder on the side of your field. Their effects are negated and they cannot attack as long as they are face-up on the field.
Paradox Brothers
Paradox Brothers


  • The Gate Guardian given to you by your skill will be all you need to stall so summon it immediately. But remember to summon Gate Guardian in Defense Position to ensure doesn't attacked by Salamangreat Heatleo after lowering ATK with Heatleo's effect.

  • Soulburner can deck out quickly because of Salamangreat Gift and those Salamangreats' monster effect, so we use a lot of draw effects in this deck. Shard of Greed, Legacy of Yata-Garasu, Jar of Greed, Good Goblin Housekeeping, etc. helps you thin your decks quicker.

  • Power of the Guardians is used for protect Gate Guardian from being destroyed by battle from Hazy Flame Hyppogrif due to its continuous ATK Boost for each turn.

  • During your final turn, change Gate Guardian into Attack Position and summon Gravekeeper's Vassal and activate Secret Pass to the Treasures, then 3 Union Attack on him. Attack Soulburner Directly to end the Duel.

Lvl 40 Decklist

Open my path

Drop Rewards


Gravekeepers Rule
Been posted here already, got to the same conclusion with the gravekeepers.
Easy, consistent, but expensive farm deck.
Get necrovalley fast, fusion spiritualist, get number 27 on Board and transform it into gangri, then into Rail Juggernaut to ensure 10k damage. Counter his annoying stuff with tomb and attack with vassal. Deck thins fast, fast and easy farming method.
<< Anonymous(Gravekeepers Rule)
Anonymous Reply
Soulburner often crashes his monsters into face-down Spy/Guard, causing battle damage to him.
At this point, using Vassal for effect damage doesn't matter anymore.
Farm Soulburner with Salamangreat
Fight fire with fire, let him taste his own medicine~
You can also farm him with melodious. Budget, not that expensive. Most of the cards come from the same box and it's mini box. But unfortunately, for finisher, you cannot use Vassal because you need to destroy heatleo tensei version (link summon using the same name with sanctuary) meanwhile link monster cannot be in DEF position so you probably do some battle damage. Use piranha army for finisher instead. The idea is to disrupt his GY effects with quick effect of schuberta by banishing up to 3 cards. Then with 2nd copy, you can banish 6 or somehow you flip it face-down with card effects. Only banish his cards when he do something with GY. The best card to banish is heatleo, sunlight wolf, jaguar, beat bison and foxy. The rest of the cards is not really threatening.
the latest banlist did not even affect this broken npc at all
Similar results with the Winged Dragon of Ra/Hieratic deck
1. Use DNA Transplant
2. He won't have FIRE attribute for Link materials
3. Laugh
Farm level 40 Soulburner with Gravekeepers

3 Gravekeeper Spy
3 Gravekeeper Spiritualist
2 or 3 Gravekeeper Commandant
2 or 3 Gravekeeper Guard
1 Gravekeeper Vassal

2 Necrovally
3 Necrovally Throne
1 Union
1 Shooting Star Bow Ceal

2 Imperial Tombs of Necrovally

3 Gravekeeper Supernaturalist
1 Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Juggernaut Liebe
1 Super Quantal Mech King Great Magnus
1 Skypalace Gangridai
2 Number 27 Dreadnought Dreadnoid

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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