
Decks to farm LDs

update 27/04/2017

Decks to farm Lvl 40 LDs

For decks to farm each Legendary Duelist, check the links below.

Basic farming decks

Ways to deal the Damage!

Each farming deck generally do the same thing, which is to deal at least more than 5,000 or 9,999 points of damage. You can go with one of the methods below if you have the required cards to use.

Union attack + Gravekeeper's Vassal

This method uses Gravekeeper's Vassal and Union Attack to increase Vassal's attack to more than 5,000 and deals effect damage for the extra bonus points. Having 2 Union Attack is always better than just using one to achieve "Over 9999 Damage". If you only managed to get 1 Union Attack, you can use Spell Reclamation to re-use it.

Cú Chulainn the Awakened

Cú Chulainn the Awakened is a ritual monster card with an attack that can be easily increased through cards like Ritual Weapon and/or Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Although his effect only lasts for 1 turn, one turn is good enough since it can be used on the last turn to deal direct damage through Secret Pass to the Treasures.

Mythical Beast Cerberus

The most simple deck to build and use to farm most Legendary Duelists. This method mainly revolves around using Mythical Beast Cerberus and spell cards. You can put any spell cards as long as one of them is either Stop Defense or Shooting Star Bow - Ceal.

Millennium Scorpion

Millennium Scorpion has the ability to increase it's attack endlessly by 500 each time it destroys enemy monster. It can also be summoned easily by using Insect Imitation through any level 4 monster.

Piranha Army

Piranha Army can be used as the finishing card to deal direct damage. Increase it's attack by using cards like Riryoku or any other attack increasing cards, it will have double the effect because of Piranha Army's effect.

Guardian Baou

This card can increase it's attack by 1,000 each time it destroys an enemy monster. It is much more trickier to use than Millennium Scorpion, since summoning this card requires an already face up Wicked-Breaking Flamberge - Baou on your side of the field that is equipped to a different monster, and Guardian Baou itself starts at a very low attack of 800.

Piercing Moray + Jam Breeding Machine

Piercing Moray has the ability to permanently increase his attack each turn by 700 attack. It requires a tribute of fish, sea serpent, or aqua-type monster, but with the help of Jam Breeding Machine, you won't have to keep summoning new monsters.

Victory Viper

This card is available to purchase from the card trader. Victory Viper also has the ability to permanently increase its attack power indefinitely when it destroys an opponent's monster. You can also use the support spell Power Capsule to speed up the process.

Shattered Axe

With the card Shattered Axe, exclusively from Yugi Muto, you can combine it with Reverse Trap to have it be increased for a turn. Since it adds up every single turn, this will stack up faster compared to the other methods. Use either Enemy Controller + Shooting Star Bow - Ceal, or Jowls of Dark Demise to take control of that monster so you can direct attack. This only works if the equipped monster doesn't get tributed/destroyed, otherwise, you can use Tailor of the Fickle to equip to a different monster.

Megarock Dragon

Each rock monster in your graveyard is equal to 700 attack, so 15 rock monsters is enough to reach the highest damage bonus, giving you at least 5 cards in your deck that you can bring for support cards. You can also bring less rock monsters and use Gift of the Martyr to reach the threshold instead, using Des Kangaroo + The Dark - Hex-Sealed Fusion to get Master of Oz or through Mystical Beast of Serket. Also usable with Gravekeeper's Vassal and Union Attack.

Raging Mad Plants

Using a plant type deck, each plant monster in your graveyard will increase your plant monster's attack by 300. While it's lower than some of the attack increasing cards, if used with Talaya, Princess of Cherry Blossoms, you only need 8 plant monsters in the graveyard to reach over 5,000 attack. This can be used with Gravekeeper's Vassal and 2 Union Attack to reach over 10,000 damage.

"Titan Showdown" skill

Similar to Piranha Army's effect, Titan Showdown skill allows any monster card to be able to deal double damage. Using cards that already have high attack like Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon will make it easier to reach over 10,000 damage.

Fusion Deck for auto

The skill "Balance" is a drop skill that some characters can learn, although Mako can learn it by levelling up. This skill is used in the Two Fusion Dragons deck, which is a deck that's made to get a score of around 3,000 - 4,000 by using auto against Standard Duelists.

Ways to stall turns

The Unhappy Girl + Holy Guard

The Unhappy Girl can stall the duel with Tea's Holy Guard skill.

Angel O7

Most monsters LD uses are effect monsters. The angel will make most of their monsters ineffective since they can't use their abilities. Protect him with cards like Riryoku Field to make sure it doesn't get destroyed.

Useful skills

Titan ShowdownLower your LP to trigger the condition and use a high attack monster to reach more than 5,000 or 10,000 damage.
Sorcery ConduitMainly to get Mythical Beast Cerberus into your hand.
Draw Sense: Low LevelUsed to get important low level cards to your hand like Mythical Beast Cerberus, Cat's Ear Tribe, or Spirit Ryu.
Draw Sense: LIGHTAlternative to Sorcery Conduit when you want to get Mythical Beast Cerberus to your hand.
RestartWhen you need a couple of good cards in your starting hand.
Holy GuardNecessary skill for The Unhappy Girl farm decks.

Useful cards

Gravekeeper's Vassal
Gravekeeper's Vassal
Used with Union Attack and Secret Pass to the Treasures, can inflict over 5,000 or 9,999 effect Damage.
Millennium Scorpion
Millennium Scorpion
Easy to summon with Insect Imitation and can keep increasing attack every time it destroys enemy monster.
Wrecker Panda
Wrecker Panda
Accumulates ATK points by paying 500 LP every standby phase depending on the top card of your deck. Works well with Draw Sense: EARTH.
Piranha Army
Piranha Army
Deals double damage based on it's attack, which can be increased using Riryoku from other monsters with high attack or other spell cards.
Mythical Beast Cerberus
Mythical Beast Cerberus
Increases attack by 500 for each spell card used. In a deck with 19 other spell cards, Cerberus can reach more than 10,000 damage easily.
Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Often used for tribute summoning bonus points or to be used with Riryoku to boost another monster's attack.
The Unhappy Girl
The Unhappy Girl
Helps to stall a duel with the Holy Guard skill. Usually used alongside with Gravekeeper's Vassal, Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon and Union Attack.
Cú Chulainn the Awakened
Cú Chulainn the Awakened
Summoning a ritual monster card already gives some bonus points, but this card can also reach more than 5,000 damage by using Ritual Weapon and Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Summoner of Illusions
Summoner of Illusions
An alternative way to get a strong high attack fusion monster like Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon by only bringing 1 card instead of 3 Blue Eyes and a polymerization.
Mystical Beast of Serket
Mystical Beast of Serket
A great card useful to summon monster from your extra deck, with the used of Celestial Transformation and Temple of Kings.
Master of Oz
Master of Oz
Master of OZ can be used as substitute to BEUD, since Ultimate Rising pack is already discontinued.
Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon
Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon
Used to boost other monster's attack with Riryoku or to deal more than 5,000 damage with some spell cards.
Prometheus, King of the Shadows
Prometheus, King of the Shadows
Good in a dark deck that can reach over 5,000 attack if used on the last turn.
Chaos Necromancer
Chaos Necromancer
Can be used in any deck with a lot of monsters to get high attack. Use with Gravekeeper's Vassal with double Union Attack, or with Titan Showdown skill.
Great Maju Garzett
Great Maju Garzett
Only increased based on tributed monster's base attack, but if you can summon multiple monsters with high attack then this is good.
Performing a fusion summon gives 400pts.
Ritual Weapon
Ritual Weapon
Increases attack for ritual monsters, mostly used for Cú Chulainn the Awakened to reach more than 5,000 damage.
Allows for damage that is equivalent to a direct attack, or to increase your attack by sapping the attack of your other high attack monsters.
Abyssal Designator
Abyssal Designator
Lower your LP to get low LP bonus and combeback bonus. Also used to remove Joey's Time Magician.
Shard of Greed
Shard of Greed
Speeds up the process of stalling the turns to get to 0 cards left in deck faster.
Secret Pass to the Treasures
Secret Pass to the Treasures
Allows some monsters, like Cú Chulainn, Piranha Army, and to be able to do direct attack that turn.
Union Attack
Union Attack
Used with Gravekeeper's Vassal so it deals effect damage and can finish off the opponent.
Mooyan Curry
Mooyan Curry
Allows for some control of your LP to reach 100 LP or to heal opponent for comeback victory.
Supremacy Berry
Supremacy Berry
Heal when needed or to decrease LP for comeback victory bonus.
Stop Defense
Stop Defense
To get enemies out of defense position when you want to use Riryoku or to attack them to deal damage.
Shooting Star Bow - Ceal
Shooting Star Bow - Ceal
Direct attack or decrease enemy's attack with it's effect.
Gift of the Martyr
Gift of the Martyr
A great card, can be used as substitute to Riryoku, be aware that it only adds the original attack of the destroyed monster.
Temple of the Kings
Temple of the Kings
Besides being used as a requirements to Mystical Beast Serket, the other effect which trap cards can be activated the turn they're set are helpful in most farming decks.
Union Attack
Union Attack
One of the key cards in most farming decks. Alongside Gravekeepers Vassal to make the final attack and to get the "effect damage only" assestment.
Windstorm of Etaqua
Windstorm of Etaqua
Best defensive card that works in a lot of situations.
Curse of Anubis
Curse of Anubis
Alternative to Windstorm. Doesn't work against some Legendary Duelist since it only affects effect monsters.
Mirror Wall
Mirror Wall
Can be used to destroy unsuspecting enemy monsters during their turn.
Jar of Greed
Jar of Greed
Speeds up the process to get to 0 cards left in deck faster.
Riryoku Field
Riryoku Field
A counter to Enemy Controller when going against Kaiba.

Dueling against lvl 30 or 40

If dueling level 40 Legendary Duelist is difficult for you due to lack of cards, you can always farm the LDs at level 30 instead. An easy deck to make is to simply put monsters with 1600 attack or higher level 4 monsters that are glossy and/or prismatic and perform some tribute/fusion/ritual summons for some extra scores. Being able to spam level 30 LDs with a consistent high score is better compared to getting only 3,000 or 4,000 score against level 40.


Hot New Top
Not KoG
Arcana Force Hangman + BBtD = 2000+ points of effect damage.
Stupid tranny janny, stop shilling this chink website.
<< Anonymous(Girag)
Anonymous Reply
Not KoG
If they are not going to give us Chumley, at least give us a Chumley SD.
Beast monsters are a thing in DUEL LINKS.
<< Anonymous(Not KoG)
Lm Reply
I agree I wish they would add Chumley to Yu-Gi-Oh GX
<< Anonymous(Lm)
Anonymous Reply
Yes!!! I hate the don't release all characters in previous arc before making new worlds. 3 Jayden9's and still no Chumley? Why?
decks to farm lds new lvl 100 !
with Sylvans I clap your cheeks
Vylon Delta, from the last Tag Duel event, is actually a pretty decent card for farming DLs. Paired with Melodious monsters, whose Attribute is Light, you can easily summon Vylon with a 3-star tuner.

This deck is easily affordable and totally f2p:

- 3x Soprano the Melodious Songstress
- 3x Cannon the Melodious Diva
- 3x Solo the Melodious Songstress
- 3x Creation Resonator (or any other 3 starred Tuner)

- 3x Power of the Guardians
- 3x Silver Bow and Arrow
- 2x Lucky Iron Axe

- 1x(+) Schuberta the Melodious Maestra
- 1x(+) Vylon Delta

Schuberta is there for you to have a strong monster back row. Vylon will mill your deck every turn searching for those Equip cards. You're only going to Equip POG.
Skillvans are actually pretty good for farming.
I use Aromages combined with Ra to farm most LDs.

Some LDs are just impossible to farm with Aromage-Ra deck, though. Aster, Alexis, and Chazz have insane Lv40 decks and seemingly rigged draws. Mai Valentine just keeps replacing her monsters thanks to her field spell, making it hard to clear her field. Zane is impossible regardless of which lv40 deck he is using, as Claw and Cannon lets him get over even boosted Rosemary, while the Cyber Dragon deck is extremely explosive in nature.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Impossible is not the right word. Come on, many of these lds exist long before those god cards come. How do u think people back then farmed? U need to think throughly.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
He didn't say they're straight up impossible, he said "impossible with aRAmage."

SKillvans ftw :v
need a deck to farm evil bakura and paradox bros

For NEWBIES, you can prioritize any of the cards below because they can be used both in competitive and farming decks, which basically means a win-win scenario.

x3 Wall of Destruction
x3 Floodgate Traphole
x3 Paleozoic Canadia
x3 Draining Shield / Defense Draw
x1 Massivemorph (currently limited to 1)

x1 Hey Trunade
x1 Anti-Magic Arrows

x5 "Yubel" archetype
x1 The Tricky / Dynatherium


Ra Farming - this variant focuses on summoning Winged Dragon of Ra with the help of token summon(s) to inflict massive "battle damage"

Vassal Farming - the primordial variant of all farming decks, Vassal in 5ds revolves around defensive focus and counter-effect measures to inflict massive "effect damage" with a "direct attack"

Labyrinth Farming - usually in conjunction with Vassal, this variant focuses on utilizing Paradox Brothers' skill to put up a defensive behemoth on the field AND withstand aggressive opponents like Crow

Yubel Farming - usually in conjunction with Ra, this on-the-rise variant focuses on being ultra-aggressive with its destruction effects on the board. It is not currently streamlined to be 100% effective, but for many new players, Yubel's availability made this deck a decent, alternative option.
<< Anonymous(Naicha)
Naicha Reply
(Yubel Ra + Fire King) - Akiza, Crow

x3 Planet Pathfinder
x3 Fire King Island
x5 All the available "Yubel" cards
Skill: Use "My Name is Yubel" if Nightmare or Incarnate is in starting hand
Summon: Terror Incarnate
x3 Golden Ladybug (at least one copy)
x3 Any "Fire King" monster
<< Anonymous(Naicha)
Naicha Reply
Final Turn
Summon: Either a Golden Ladybug or a "Fire King"
x1 Caligo Crow / Dynatherium / Spell Striker / The Fiend Megacyber / The Tricky (special summon)
Checkpoint: Three cards on monster zone
x1 Double Summon
x1 Anti-Magic Arrows (optional)

II. Vassal Farming / Labyrinth Farming

(Vassal Labyrinth + Counter) - Crow
<< Anonymous(Naicha)
Naicha Reply
Core Additions:
3x My Body as a Shield / Destruction Jammer (Icarus Trap counter)
?x Seven Tools of the Bandit (optional counter)
3x Dimension Gate (Blackwing-Elphin counter)
1x Forbidden Chalice / Divine Wrath (Black-winged Dragon counter)

Final Turn
x1 Labyrinth Wall (switch to attack position)
x1 Shield and Sword
x1 Anteatereatingant / The Tricky / The Fiend Megacyber
x1 Vassal, and so on.
<< Anonymous(Naicha)
Naicha Reply
(Vassal Labyrinth + Counter) - Leo

Core Additions:
x3 The Emperor's Holiday
x3 Disarmament
x1 Acidic Downpour / Sorcerous Spell Wall

Final Turn
x1 Labyrinth Wall (switch to attack position)
x1 Shield and Sword
x1 Anteatereatingant / The Tricky / The Fiend Megacyber
x1 Vassal, and so on.

Optional Build: Gate Guardian skill instead of Labyrinth Wall
Personally, I recommend Beast Rising with Mosaic Manticore. Though you'd need 2 other high ATKers for tributes for Manticore, after tributed, you can banish Manticore with Beast Rising when its effect activates during the stand-by phase to add its ATK to one other monster. Repeating this process with 2 other Manticore will bring the other monster's ATK to about 8500. If you can use BR's ef on the 2 revived monsters, it'll easily reach 10000. Problem is... it's hard to pull it off with backrow running LDs.

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Did you fall for a crypto scam and are looking for a way to cope with? Look no further! I have th...
Sounds as legit as the shady @@@ dealer I see sometimes after nightfall in the park V
You must have added monster(s) other than "Performapal" monsters, "Magician" ...
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