
How to Get High Score

This page notes what the score is in Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links, the list of conditions, and how to gain high score.
update 15/02/2017


Based on Duel Assessments

The amount of score is based on the conditions players achieve in a duel. The more amount of score can be obtained as the achieved assessments are difficult.

One Reward by 1,000 Score

Players can obtain one reward per 1000 score when winning a duel. For example, when the score is 2000 or more but less than 3000, you can get 2 rewards.


Over 6,000 score

Quick Victory and Comeback Victory can be active at the same time and gives you score of 2,500. Not easy to achieve two of them in a duel, but not impossible.

Over 9,999 Damage and Cards on the Brink

To achieve those two is the most popular way to get high score from Legendary Duelists. See the list of cards that can increase their ATK over 10,000.

Quick Victory and No Damage

Quick Victory and No Damage are the easiest conditions to achieve. Using high stats monster cards and equip spell may also allow you to achieve Over 3000 Damage.

Depends on your opponent

If your opponent use spell cards decreasing your life points, LP on the Brink will be easier to achieve. Understanding cards in the opponent's deck is important.

List of assessments by type

Standard conditions

Following conditions cannot be overlapped.

Duel Loss1,000Lose a duel.
1,500End a duel in a draw.
Duel Victory
2,000Win a duel.
Deck Out Victory
2,100Win a duel by reducing your opponent cards in the deck to 0.
Quick Victory2,500Win a duel within turn 1 - 4.
Special Victories3,000
Surrender0Surrender a duel.

LP/deck on the brink

Following conditions can be added to the score by each.

Comeback Victory500Win the duel when your LP is lower than your opponent at the start of your turn.
LP on the Brink1,000Win a duel when you life point is 100 or less.
Low LP500Win a duel when you life points is 1000 or less.
Cards on the Brink500Win a duel when the number of cards in your deck is 0.
Few Cards200Win a duel when the number of cards in your deck is 5 or less.


The following conditions can be added to the score by each.

Victory by Effect Damage Only1,000Reduce the opponent's life points to 0 by only effect damage.
No Damage Taken
500Win a duel without receiving damage.
Destroy 10
(or 7 or 5)
Destroy 10 or more monsters.
Over 3000 Damage!500Decrease the opponent's life points by more than 3,000 with one attack.
Over 5000 Damage!1800Decrease the opponent's life points by more than 5,000 with one attack.
Over 9999 Damage !3,000Decrease the opponent's life points by more than 9,999 with one attack.


The following conditions can be added to the score by each.

Perform a Ritual Summon400Conduct at least one ritual summon.
Perform a Fusion Summon400Conduct at least one Fusion Summon.
Perform a Tribute Summon300Conduct at least one tribute summon.
Perform a Special Summon100Conduct at least one Special Summon.
Activate a Spell100Use at least one Spell card.
Activate a Trap100Use at least one Trap card.

Glossy/Prismatic card

The following conditions can be added to the score by each. More score you can get as you use more glossy/prismatic cards.

Played Prismatic Card200Use a prismatic card.
Played Glossy card100Use a glossy card.


Hot New Top
Elon Muzk
Hitler wasn’t that bad. In fact, most people I have talked to recently agreed that he did more good things than bad things. And the same can be said about Trump. Think about it
The "PVE Duel Assessment" option does not appear in my bot, what do I have to do to make it appear?
[This image is being checked...]
And what about summoning DIVINEattribute monaters, brainiacs? Those are giving lotsof points... so far I saw this nowhere...
<< Anonymous(-)
Anonymous Reply
Not enough points tho. The only DIVINE monster used in farming deck is Ra and it's only because you can easily deal 10k+ damage with it
Train your Kuriboh and get prismatics such as Union Attack, wonder wand, blue-eyes, solemn wishes, etc, etc.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I don't think Wonder Wand is on Kuriboh ticket.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
just upgrade it in card trader
What is the best way to get cards?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Use master card
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
LOL. I have to agree.
Does anyone know which chest reward gives gems as rewards?

I have the feeling the 1st and 2nd never give any gems for example.

Is it right?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
every chest can give gem, you could even get gem from a duel loss 1 chest.
I want to ask, how to unlock Chazz in GX duel? I cant do comeback victory. No idea to lower my lp from start.
<< Anonymous(OpaH)
Anonymous Reply
Aromage deck help me with comeback victories.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Just play as always, draw cards until you get aroma gardening and marjoram, activate gardening but don't use its effect, switch your jazmines to atk and let the ai attack you, when you are low in lp activate gardening summon bergamot and with the destroyed jazmine summon marjoram, in your turn you should be able to otk
<< Anonymous(OpaH)
Anonymous Reply
like the first one said, let a level 10 at gate attack you then you summon something 1300+ attack and hold the field, summon until you could Otk them.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
lv10 duellist will always hold their low attack monsters in atk position so otk them is easy as pie. The "Kachi kochi dragon" you get from the tag duel event help lots with otk too.
Needs to be updated for XYZ summon, 400
Is there any reason you can't just use 3 Power of the Guardian and just spam attacks until the monster reaches 10000 attack and just go for direct attack?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
- Too much time consuming
- If at any point the AI stops summoning monsters, you get stuck with below 10k ATK without the option of increasing more your attack without going in for the final blow
- You are missing out on the juicy "Only Effect Damage" bonus
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Then why not both?
I've been reaching 7000-8000 points within 10 turns using this fur hire ra deck! Very simple to use: clean your opponent's field with your fur hire's effects, and thin out your deck with beat until you draw different dimension capsule or ra itself. Use mayhem so you can swarm your field even with ra on it! It's a cheap fast farming deck!!!
<< Anonymous(Pduque13)
Too small Reply
Your image is too low quality can't understand any of the cards
<< Anonymous(Too small)
Anonymous Reply
not that you need to anyway
Hey, This has probably been mentioned somewhere before but i figured id add it just in case cause i haven't seen one but this deck is pretty easy to attain with f2p through Trader and Special Missions. 8300 is consistently achievable for your LD farming. Pretty much just aromage + ra with your and Life Boost-α Fragrance storm for card draw horseytail as tech if you want to make 9999+ easier. Only downside is Enemy Controller but meh not every LD runs it and you can run tech cards for specific LDs
<< Anonymous(Fredrickson)
Anonymous Reply
Can't see the cards, way too small. What is does the deck consist of? I can only figure out Ra.
<< Anonymous
ValleCula Reply
Aromage Jasmine, Bergamot, Rosemary, Aromage Garden and I believe there's also a Fragrance Storm.
<< Anonymous(Divanihsta)
Anonymous Reply
Based on the previous comments and some looking over the card trader list, I think these are the cards in the picture. Let the blurry image madness stop:

x1 The Winged Dragon of Ra
x3 Aromage Jasmine
x2 Rose Lover
x2 Aromage Bergamot
x3 Aromage Rosemary
x1 Horseytail
x1 Twister
x3 Fragrance Storm
x3 Aroma Garden
x1 Treacherous Trap Hole

<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
considering that treacherous_trap_hole and rose_lover are semilimited, how we deal with the problem? what we can change/add? thanks

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Comments (updated every hour)

My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
Well I eventually joined the dark side, and put this in my deck. :P
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