
How to beat/farm Reginald Kastle Lvl 40 (Gate)

Duel Links Reginald Kastle Lvl 40, decks to farm Reginald Kastle Lvl 40.
update 23/04/2021

Winged Dragon of Ra Farm

Example Deck

The Winged Dragon of RaGranadoraRed ResonatorGalaxy SerpentGalaxy SerpentGalaxy Serpent
Guardragon JusticiaGuardragon JusticiaGuardragon JusticiaCards of ConsonanceCards of ConsonanceCards of Consonance
Concentrating CurrentDouble SummonShard of GreedShard of GreedShard of GreedWhite Elephants Gift
White Elephants GiftWhite Elephants Gift---Red Rising Dragon

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Labyrinth Builder
Shuffle 2 cards from your hand into the Deck to create "Labyrinth Wall" on your side of the field. This skill can only be used once per Duel.
Paradox Brothers
Paradox Brothers

Labyrinth Builder Farm

Example Deck

Thunder DragonThunder DragonThunder DragonGravekeepers RecruiterGravekeepers RecruiterGravekeepers Vassal
Union AttackUnion AttackUnion AttackPolymerizationShield & SwordWonder Wand
Wonder WandSecret Pass to the TreasuresLegacy of Yata-GarasuLegacy of Yata-GarasuLegacy of Yata-GarasuJar of Greed
Jar of GreedJar of Greed---Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Labyrinth Builder
Shuffle 2 cards from your hand into the Deck to create "Labyrinth Wall" on your side of the field. This skill can only be used once per Duel.
Paradox Brothers
Paradox Brothers

Lunalight Farm

Example Deck [Credits to THE ROCK]

Lunalight Yellow MartenLunalight Yellow MartenLunalight Yellow MartenGravekeepers VassalLunalight Crimson FoxLunalight Emerald Bird
Lunalight Emerald BirdLunalight Emerald BirdLunalight White RabbitLunalight White RabbitLunalight White RabbitUnion Attack
Union AttackLunalight FusionLunalight FusionLunalight FusionSecret Pass to the TreasuresLunalight Reincarnation Dance
Lunalight Reincarnation DanceLunalight Reincarnation Dance----
Lunalight Sabre DancerLunalight Sabre DancerLunalight Cat DancerLunalight Cat DancerLunalight Cat Dancer-

Video Links

Yubel Montage Farm

Example Deck

Yubel - The Ultimate NightmareYubel - The Ultimate NightmareYubel - The Ultimate NightmareYubel - Terror IncarnateYubel - Terror IncarnateYubel - Terror Incarnate
YubelYubelYubelMontage DragonFire King Avatar YakshaFire King Avatar Yaksha
Fire King Avatar YakshaPlanet PathfinderPlanet PathfinderBlustering WindsFire King IslandFire King Island
Fire King IslandShiens Spy----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
My Name is Yubel
Once per turn, shuffle "Yubel - Terror Incarnate" or "Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare" from your hand into deck, and add 1 "Yubel" from your deck to your hand.


  • Search base-form Yubel with your skill.
  • Search Fire King Island with Planet Pathfinder.
  • Destroy Yubel in your hand with Fire King Island or Yaksha's effect to Special Summon Terror Incarnate.
  • Keep Terror Incarnate onboard as your stall setup.
  • Get three copies of Ultimate Nightmare and one copy of Planet Pathfinder onhand.
  • On your final turn summon Montage Dragon by discarding three Ultimate Nightmares. Boost it with Blustering Winds.
  • Summon Planet Pathfinder and give it to your opponent with Shien's Spy.
  • Use Montage Dragon to attack Planet Pathfinder.

Cloudian Ra Farm

Example Deck

The Winged Dragon of RaZeradias, Herald of HeavenZeradias, Herald of HeavenZeradias, Herald of HeavenCloudian - Acid CloudCloudian - Acid Cloud
Cloudian - Acid CloudCloudian - AltusCloudian - AltusCloudian - AltusCloudian - CirrostratusCloudian - Cirrostratus
Golden LadybugShooting Star Bow - CealThe Sanctuary in the SkyThe Sanctuary in the SkyThe Sanctuary in the SkySpirit Barrier
Spirit BarrierSpirit Barrier----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Fairy's Smile
If you normal draw a Fairy-Type monster card during the Draw Phase, the card is shown to the opponent and you recover 1000 Life Points.
Jesse Anderson
Jesse Anderson


  • Your stall setup should consist of at least one Cloudian monster and The Sanctuary in the Sky or Spirit Barrier.
  • The Sanctuary in the Sky can be search with Zeradias.
  • Heal every turn with Golden Ladybug. Your skill also helps you gain LP.
  • Have at least three Cloudians onboard before your final turn.
  • On your final turn, summon The Winged Dragon of Ra and give it your accumulated LP. Equip Ra with Shooting Star Bow - Ceal so it can attack directly.

Reginald Lvl 40 Decklist

Drop Rewards


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My first copy of Number 47 and I get it via winning against Lvl 40 Shark with a Yubel Montage deck. I'm very hopeful about this...
<< Anonymous(LeodredAQW)
WoodFrJared Reply
Nice :)
<< WoodFrJared
Anonymous Reply

Easy Aromage farm you can probably do away with Dried winds altogether since Rosemary's position changing effect is enough to deal with everything. Just play smart and use blessed winds to your advantage, sometimes sending to grave and then paying 1000 during opponent turn is a better play. Also take advantage of banishing.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
can't disagree on that, aromgae-ra is stably slow lol
<< Anonymous(MangakaJ96)
arnold Reply
play first then say your opinion. in one turn can special, tribute, xyz, attack, special summon.

or summon, syncro, xyz, special summon, attacks.

i always follow mine usual move when play aromages
<< Anonymous(arnold)
Anonymous Reply
Against the 10 turn version, yeah, Aromage Ra is useless since it's far too slow.

Unless we get that crystal like in actual Raid Duel event, the crystal that allows us to draw 2 cards during each draw phase.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
For the 10 turn version, IMO just play normally with a fast Xyz beater deck.

Bujin is a good choice, that's what I use.
Lab deck is the best. 100% winrate. And its faster 10-15 turns. Ans you get more point.
Fast and consistent deck:

3x Berry Magician Girl
3x Crystal Seer
2x Lemon Magician Girl
1x Fortune Fairy Hikari
1x Fortune Fairy Chee
1x Gravekeeper's Vassal
3x Wonder Wand
2x Union Attack
1x Magicalized Fusion
3x Good Goblin Housekeeping
1x Quintet Magician

Just summon 1 Lemon Magician Girl to stall until last turn (never pass your turn without cards in your hand) and summon Quintet Magician with 5 different spellcaster monsters to destroy all cards on Shark's field. Safe and fast deck, usually wins in 10 or less turns.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This Yubel? Doing every step it says? Cause it's better to use the spell "Exile Of The Wicked" to destroy your Terror Incarcate to summon The Ultimate Nightmare after using 3 to summon Montage Dragon & using it to attack your Montage Dragon is better.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yes, that Yubel.
<< Anonymous(Threadripper)
Yugi Reply
Almost the same farm deck I use. But I use 2 mystic piper instead of 3 crystal seer. When I draw hikari, I search mystic piper and then use his effect to draw another card(or 2 if I'm lucky enough). unfortunatelly I don't have many luck and I usually already have used de 2 pipers when I draw hikari. But when this combo works it's really fast farming.
<< Anonymous(Threadripper)
Anonymous Reply
Just Play yubel. 99.99% winrate
You don't have to bother with this people (nor in any event), just play each day as always defeat npc's and such then at the final day challenge the duelist at the portal and set the multiplier to x3.

I've been doing this since always and I never failed at getting 3 of each card.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
x3 multiplier at which level? 40?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Obviously. I mean are you really going to try getting the SR and UR from lv10?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
no. If the ratio of keys and reward probability allowed it, then it might be more profitable to do level 30.
I'm going to try Aromage Ra, if it doesn't work then back to Cloudian Ra again I guess
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Aromas Ra won't work. Cloudian/Ra does
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Ignore the person below, aromage-ra works well and I have yet to lose or brick.

1x Ra
2x Cananga
3x Jasmine (draw power)
2x Majorjam
2x Rosemary

3x Gardening
3x Garden
3x Blessed Winds
2x Dried Winds

Blessed winds makes this easy. Just don't mill out and send Jasmine to grave/use her as tribute. If a monster is set, use blessed to put card from grave back in deck. Repeat till no monsters. Easy
Unhappy Girl Ra Farm
Farm with Amazoness. Works fine alright.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
1 Wing Dragon of Ra
1 Amazoness Queen
3 Amazoness Princess
3 Giant Rat
2 Amazoness Fighter
2 Amazoness Sage
3 Golden Ladybug
1 H - Heated Heart
1 Anti-Magic Arrows
1 Amazoness Onslaught
2 Spirit Barrier

No Skill needed.
Get Amazoness Queen, Onslaught, and Spirit Barrier ASAP. Aero Shark is not a big deal as long as you have a lot of life points.
Labyrinth builder

3x Thunder dragondark
2x Luna the dark spirit
1x Vassal
2x union
3x shard of greed
1x shield and sword
1x secret pass
3x legacy of yata-garasu
3x good goblin
3x jar of greed
1x utopia
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
What skill would you use
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Lol Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Trash deck
Trash character,trash rewards
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Just manage to beat the lv 90 on the first battle with an Aroma Deck
1x 000 in 5 turns not bad for a control/stall kind of deck
<< Anonymous(Osha)
Fetih 1453 Reply
1 x 000= 0 right?
How is it not bad?
<< Anonymous(Fetih 1453)
Osha Reply
Have you ever beat a duelist with 0 LP from the start ?

1x 000 is either 16 or 18 000 but I don't remember wich one so I put an x instead of a number.
<< Anonymous(Osha)
Fetih 1453 Reply
I mean 1x 000 = 0 DMG, not 0 LP from the start.

OK, I see.
Thanks for your explanation.

I would have written like this to avoid confusion:
1*,000 or 1x,000
#DuelReplay #DuelLinks
<< Anonymous(Kwstas21)
Kwstas21 Reply
1x Gravekeeper's Vassal
1x Path Finder
2x Wetlands
2x Union Attack
1x Secret Pass To The Treasures
2x Paleozoic Hallucigenia
2x Paleozoic Canadia
2x Floodgate Trap Hole
3x Wall Of Disruption
3x Paleozoic Pikaia
1x Paleozoic Marella

Paleozoics are unaffected by monster effects. Use pikaias to draw cards, wetlands to power them up to 2400 ATK and WoD and FTH to defeat the more powerful creatures
<< Anonymous(Kwstas21)
Kwstas21 Reply
Proposed skill: Draw sense Earth
to get the Planet Pathfinder

7000-8000 points

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I Need Red-Eyes Black D. 253-257-930
Bruh this is litterly worse than axe of despair in every single way cause it already gives the ex...
What deck in or box in links
I‘m a good scammer. Please contact me for good scam. I love money
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