
Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's Duel Links [From Sep 25!]

Yu-Gi-Oh 5ds in Duel Links, 5ds Characters, Shynchro Summon, New Cards.
update 24/09/2020

#おいデュエルしろよ トレンド入りありがとうございます! #TGS2018 初日終了!9/22(土)は12:15~より不動遊星役宮下雄也さん、ジャック・アトラス役星野貴紀さん、十六夜アキ役木下あゆ美さんをゲストに迎えた遊戯王デュエ…

2018 Tokyo Game Show

2018 Tokyo Game Show

At 2018 Tokyo Game Show (Sep 20 - 23 in Japan), 5ds announcment will be published. We'll get 5ds duelists and their cards soon!

Stay tuned!

What we know in TGS 2018

  • 5ds World will be available on 25 Sept 2018
  • Junk Warrior [Prismatic Rare]
  • 1000 Gems
  • Card Sleeves: 5D's Release Celebration
  • Game Mat: 5D's Release Celebration
  • UR Dream Ticket

5ds Celebration Campaign


Cards appeared in the 5ds PV

Stardust Dragon Summon Animation Leaked



In-game announcement

The announcement for September and early October updates informed players of a massive update coming to Duel Links. This update is scheduled to happen mid-September and is speculated to be adding 5D's World similar to how GX World was added in a "massive update" late last year.

WCS 2018

The soundtrack for YuGiOh 5D's was played during the WCS 2018. This could be a way Konami is trying to hint at the release of the third generation of YuGiOh in Duel Links. If this is true, it could be similar to how YuGiOh GX was confirmed for Duel Links during the WCS 2017 tournament.

What is yu-Gi-Oh 5D's

The third generation of the Yu-Gi-Oh series. This generation saw the introduction of Synchro monsters which was the first ever mechanic that expanded the extra deck beyond Fusion monsters. This Generation also prominently featured the Turbo Duel format, meaning we might get Turbo Duels in a future event.

Synchro summoning

Synchro monsters are identified by the white color of their cards. They are placed in the extra deck sharing space with Fusion monsters and other future extra deck mechanics. This means you would have to manage your extra deck better to fit everything you need. But also means that you do not lose consistency when running them as they would not be drawn from the main deck.
The general rule when Synchro summoning a monster is sending 1 Tuner monster and 1 or more non-Tuner monsters to the graveyard whose total levels are equal to the level of the Synchro monster you would like to summon. Sometimes there are additional specifications to this rule, like only using a certain type of monster as material, but these will be specified in the card text. Synchro summons are also a type of special summon.

Duel Links wall at SDCC features Yusei

Preview night at #SDCC is underway! Come join us in the #YuGiOh booth 3713. Let’s Rev It Up!


5D's Duelists

Yusei Fudo
Yusei Fudo
The Protagonist of the 5D's series Yusei's deck contains lots of protection effects and support for his ace monster. Helping him keep monsters on the field long enough for him to Synchro summon into his more powerful monsters. His ace monster is Stardust Dragon which offers great protection from destruction effects.
Jack Atlas
Jack Atlas
Jack Atlas is Yusei's rival and is reflected by the kinds of cards he uses. Converse from Yusei's defensive Strategy, Jack uses a lot of high-attack monsters and power cards to destroy and inflict damage to his opponent. His ace monster Red Dragon Archfiend is able to destroy all your oppenent's defense position monsters with just a single attack.
Akiza Izinski
Akiza Izinski
Akiza is a Signer with power psychic abilities. She uses a Plant-type deck focused on control and summoning her ace monster Black Rose Dragon. Black Rose Dragon is a powerful monster capable of clearing the board and also a secondary effect to change a defense position monster to attack position and reducing it's stat to 0.
Crow Hogan
Crow Hogan
A good friend of Yusei, Crow uses a Blackwing deck. Blackwings are one of the most beloved Archetype in the series with their ability to spam the field by Special summoning and Synchro summoning Blackwing monsters. Even with relatively low attack stats Blackwings offer a variety of powerful effects that compliment each other. Crow's ace monster could either be his original Blackwing - Armor Master or his Signer card Black-Winged Dragon.
Leo uses a Morphtronic deck whose play style revolves changing their battle positions to gain effects that fit the situation. His signature monster is Power Tool Dragon that can search your deck for Equip cards which can then be used to power himself up and gives him a layer of protection.
Luna uses a deck with the main strategy of healing. Her ace monster Ancient Fairy Dragon helping her swarm the field with low-leveled monsters and healing while destroying all face-up field cards.
Kalin Kessler
Kalin Kessler
One of Yusei's old friends that came under the influence of the Dark Signers. He uses his Infernity deck with his handless strategy to make use of his monster's effects that mostly focus on the graveyard. His possible ace monsters are Hundred Eyes Dragon, Infernity Doom Dragon, or his Dark Signer ace Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu.
Carly Carmine
Carly Carmine
Carly uses a Fortune Lady deck that is able to manipulate it's own level through effects. Their level also increases every turn and their stats increase with their level. Her Signature monster could be Fortune Lady Earth or her Dark Signer ace Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu


Hot New Top
Not KoG
Synchro summon is still the best and most balanced summon.
The best Yugioh series 5ds. Screw yugi boy coward relying on Pharoah boy coward. Original sucks
<< Anonymous(Anonymous)
Anonymous Reply
W yu-gi-oh comment
<< Anonymous(Anonymous)
Anonymous Reply
It’s okay to be exceptionally wrong sometimes ya know..
<< Anonymous(Anonymous)
LeodredAQW Reply
Synchro what?!
Expecting ZEXAL, ARCV and VRAINS.
<< Anonymous(mottledfly)
Anonymous Reply
Same here bro.
<< Anonymous(mottledfly)
Anonymous Reply
Non credo che ARCV e VRAINS ci saranno perché per le evocazioni pendulum e link dovrebbero modificare tutto il terreno di gioco ma non capisco perché si chiama duel links se le evocazioni link non ci sono
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
cool XYZ
<< Anonymous(Link VRAINS)
Anonymous Reply
I have reason to suspect that pendulum cards will not be a part of duel links therefore no arc v
Garbage Event
The Survey is up for this Garbo. You know what to do everyone. I don't say you must
will konami get the original va to do sherry leblanc when they add her. i know this show is like 10 years old and most of the VAs are retired now. i just want sherry to be show accurate and not have konami pull the bs they did with weevil, bronk stone and lumis
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Sherry's VA is the same as Leo's
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
In the english dub?
They just added a new character and he is....
<< Anonymous
Valencia Reply
Xd Yeah. I imagine they would limit that or semi limit the red eyes spirits again.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
He's hot *-*
<< Anonymous
Valencia Reply
Big time.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
that dialogue is coming in a few weeks
Kaliiiiinnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!! T_T
Bobs Lover
Akiza has best bobs, 30s to Chazz!
<< Anonymous(Bobs Lover)
Anonymous Reply
I guess all imbred (with n) people from SPAIN are like you.
love the way Akiza's 🔥 jiggle when she summon Black Rose dragon n
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
GX is extremely lacking in the girls department, there's literally only one other relevant girl in the series: Blair Flannigan, whose "Mystic" cards are not only incomplete, but also not printed in real life.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Honestly I'm still hoping NAS and Konami will reveal and print all her "Mystic" cards so that Blair can be added into DL.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Clutching at straws. But they could add The Dark Magician Girl duel spirit from episode 42. Given how incredibly popular she is.

Imagine the 'awkward' interactions with Syrus. >.>
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Do the NPC exclusive characters count?

I'm assuming 5D's will get their own counterparts.
I am stuck on stage 7 how do I win a comeback victory against yuesi and what deck can I use to beat him?
<< Anonymous(Diana )
Anonymous Reply
What I did was let level 10 Yuesi attack me once, then stall out the game until I had enough damage on board to OTK him
How many stages here? 30 like GX?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
hope they bring out zexal this year that would be awsome

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I’m a certified medical shaman from the Swedish Rain Forest. My specialty is symptomatic co...
And I just ate a pine and an apple
This is Pingu’s hot little sister, right?
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