
Bandit Keith

This page notes Bandit Keith's skills, level-up rewards, starter deck, and cards and skills you can get by winning a duel against Bandit Keith.
update 04/04/2022

Skill updates!

Bandit Keith's Switcheroo skill will be changed on May 23. The new skill description is below.

[Skill]Notable Changes
SwitcherooCan be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1000. Return 1 card in your hand to your Deck and draw another. This skill can only be used once per turn and twice per Duel.


The most versatile skill

Swithcheroo and Restart did not provides direct advantages in the duel, but can be used in any deck to get a card for a combo to win the match. Hence, these skill is best match for such deck that requires full set of cards to activate the combo, for example Karate-man OTK deck. For notes about other skills, check the skill section below.

Get a copy of Metalmorph!

You can obtain a copy of Metalmorph that is one of the most useful cards in current card pool, so you should get his level up to 25 definitely although other duel reward cards are not much useful.

Defeating him is not the priority

Dueling reward cards in “R” rarity obtained from him seems to be useless, as there are more useful card in current card pool now (except “Goblin Thief” spell card which is useful for Burn damage deck). Overall, if the player plans to construct a deck with Coin-toss effect theme-deck or purely Machine theme-deck, Bandit Keith is the only legendary duelists you will want spend gate key to get “UR” and “SR” rarity card from him.
→ Machine: deck recipe

Keith’s skills

Note: More skills are expected! Report Skill name and details by submitting comments or screenshot at the bottom of the page.

Exclusive skills

[Skill] descriptionHow to get
Return 1 card in your hand to your Deck and draw another. The skill can only be used once per turn and twice per Duel.
Sleight of Hand
Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1500. You add a 7 Completed, that is hidden behind your wristband, to your hand.
Can be used only once after starting hands are dealt. Reveal and redraw your starting hand.
Baggy Sleeves
If one of yoour monsters of Level 5 or higher is destroyed in battle, in your next Draw Phase a normal draw gives you 2 cards.
Cheater's Coin
If your Life Points are at least 1000 more than opponent's, and if you have at least 5 cards in your hand, your coin tosses always land on heads.
Can be used if your Life Points are at 1500 or below. Select and take control of 1 card Set in your opponent's Spell & Trap Zone. This skill can only be used once per Duel

Common skills

Keith's level-up reward

2Gem x10
3The Secret of the BanditThe Secret of the Bandit
4Skill: Switcheroo
5Deck Slot (Bandit Keith)
6Gem x15
7Jinzo #7Jinzo #7
8Deck Slot (Bandit Keith)
9Gem x25
10Pendulum MachinePendulum Machine
11Machine Conversion FactoryMachine Conversion Factory
12Gem x35
13Skill: Sleight of Hand
14Smoke Grenade of the ThiefSmoke Grenade of the Thief
15Gem x50
16Sonic JammerSonic Jammer
17Gem x60
18A-Team: Trap Disposal UnitA-Team: Trap Disposal Unit
19Gem x75
20Skill: Restart
22Gem x100
23Machine Conversion FactoryMachine Conversion Factory
24Gem x120
26Gem x150
27Deck Slot (Bandit Keith)
28Gem x200
29Gem x250
30Gem x300
31Gold x100,000
32Gem x200
33Paralyzing PotionParalyzing Potion
34Gem x250
35Machine DuplicationMachine Duplication
36UR Jewel x1
37Gem x200
387 Completed7 Completed
39Gem x250
40Time MachineTime Machine
41Deck Slot (Bandit Keith)
42gems x100
43gems x200
44gems x250
45Proton BlastProton Blast

Reward cards

What are reward cards?

Reward cards are card that You can get as reward for gaining a victory over legend duelists.

Exclusive duel rewards

Card / [Rarity]Keith's level
Barrel DragonBarrel Dragon [UR]30 or above
Stim-PackStim-Pack [SR]30 or above
Second Coin TossSecond Coin Toss [SR]30 or above
ReloadReload [SR]30 or above
Heavy Mech Support PlatformHeavy Mech Support Platform [SR]30 or above
Rare MetalmorphRare Metalmorph [SR]30 or above
Ground Attacker BugrothGround Attacker Bugroth [R]All levels
Launcher SpiderLauncher Spider [N]All levels
ZoaZoa [N]All levels
MetalzoaMetalzoa [N]All levels
OverdriveOverdrive [R]All levels
Warrior of ZeraWarrior of Zera [R]All levels
Goblin ThiefGoblin Thief [R]All levels
OilmanOilman [R]All levels

Keith’s starter deck

Barrel DragonSlot MachineMegasonic EyeMegasonic EyeMegasonic EyeCyber Falcon
Cyber FalconCyber FalconYaiba RoboYaiba RoboYaiba RoboHolograh
HolograhHolograhClaw ReacherClaw ReacherClaw ReacherBat


Description in the game

Intercontinental champion Bandit Keith has not qualms about using underhanded tactics to steal the win. His signature monster "Barrel Dragon" has an effect that enables it to destroy his opponent's card.


Hot New Top
What does he say when he loses in the japanese ver?
It sounds like : "T-Tsugaaaaa!" or something alike
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I wonder what that word is/means as well
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
*I mean same, I want to know too
Sasvcssbnxszcvvbb?!glad!gxcvbhbh?gccc vvffsdgg?.?bed!?

so, i think keith only use spellbooks in this cup ,, didnt think he would play vampires too
Give him a skill named "machine's army". Effect: when at 1000 LP or less, all open spell slots become "machine line assembly"
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
That would be horrible
<< Anonymous
Anonymous. Reply
"all open spell slots become "machine line assembly""
essentially clogging up your entire backrow and messing you up even more since your life is at - 1000 or less and your backrow is now jammed with 3 useless continuous spells.
good job 🔥.
WOW. people are that sad they try to use restart and not do ANYTHING to try and get the opponent to quit!
Why would they not put a countdown for thus!!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
not letting this guy win XD been waiting for 30 mins now LOL i can wait
Oh if you play anyone like this just report them after.
<< Anonymous
Red-Eyes Reply
<< Anonymous
SawtoothMocha93 Reply
There is a countdown now
This 'Restart' ability is bs. Every time I use it I get more than half the same cards back.

This also goes for Card Trader spell card and Switcheroo. The odds are buggered.
Add Draw Sense: Low Level
Ok, skill drop rate was seems really horrible on this douchebag even before GX release, now.. it's like his chance for getting skill is like 0.01%. Bullcrap.

A 100% win rate farming deck :D
I duel with player use skill Baggy Sleeves he can draw 2 card in draw phase. e.e
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
If he use BLS deck.. Well, that's me xD
<< Anonymous
Yami Reply
in America
That Cheaters Coin skill could go nicely with a set of monsters that utilize coin flips and some healing cards..
<< Anonymous
Lathryn Reply
Card draws like Share might also be useful here.
<< Anonymous(Lathryn)
Lathryn Reply
Excuse me on the mistake. I meant shard of greed.
I got nothing, wtf

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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