
Machine: deck recipe

update 21/01/2017



Good base attack monsters, combined with Rare Metalmorph, it beats most 4 star monsters in the game currently.


Somewhat difficult to obtain the cards since it requires multiples of lvl 30/40 SR card drops along with Twin-Barrel Dragon.


Example deck

Twin-Barrel DragonTwin-Barrel DragonTwin-Barrel DragonSergeant ElectroSergeant ElectroSergeant Electro
Machine KingMachine KingMachine King PrototypeMachine King PrototypeMachine King PrototypeSoul Exchange
Soul ExchangeEnemy ControllerEnemy ControllerEnemy ControllerRare MetalmorphRare Metalmorph
Rare MetalmorphWindstorm of Etaqua

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Sleight of Hand
Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1900. You add a 7 Completed, that is hidden behind your wristband, to your hand.

How to use the deck

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Other useful skills


[Skill] descriptionUser
Return 1 card in your hand to your Deck and draw another. The skill can only be used once per turn and twice per Duel.

Useful cards

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Machines have been in meta way to long they need to go away now please
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Do you mean about real duel links and not phone game?

'cause I haven't seen machine decks as meta in a while. I like them, they can be really good and friendly; but I heavily dislike some of their traits, I mean, some of them are insanely ILL beyond repair and they think about money 24/7
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
1. What the heck are you talking about

2. Desperado Barrel and AG decks are still in DL's meta, and both are Machine decks
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You are right, I guess I dont find them often
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
specially not ag
Holy crap this deck is ancient
What's that rare spell card called
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Enemy Controller? or Soul Exchange?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You can click on the card to take you to the card’s specific page (name, effects listed etc)
Any substitutes for Sargeant Electro?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This is fairly old deck. With the variety of new cards, archetype and strategy right now, there are many different cards you can use. What deck you trying to build?

Putting machine aside, cheap substitutes: chow len, xing zhen hu, gyokkou, or any generic "cyclone" back row removal.
My deck
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Cool! I have never thought of using tribute doll. Also, it would be fun to use time wizard since you are using second coin toss. Then, you have a good chance of wiping out the opponent's field
A useful thing to do with a Sleight of Hand based deck is to use Raising LP cards like Enchanted Javelin and Supremacy Berry, so you can keep ypur LP high. Also, if this is done correctly, even a Cyber Steiner may be added to this deck. I would recommend the Metalmorph intead of the Rare Metalmorph because it wouldn't have the con descripted below, and if you attack an ATK position monter, you will damage him more than using the Rare Metalmorph.
<< Anonymous(Saanph)
Anonymous Reply
But with rare metalmorph can negate enemy controller and riryoku
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
And tribute to the doomed
This deck got me to KoG with switcheroo.

Back on march.
Pulse whatever for better windstorm/Anubis
This deck needs to be placed at the 7.5 decks, at least Tier 3, I get KoG with a machine deck every season...
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Proof ??
<< Anonymous
Fix It Felix Reply
I do too!
With the new Mini Box, I think Machines might be stronger now. Golden Apples help Sleight of Hand. Sergeant Electro has good base ATK and a great effect. Element Saurus + Sergeant Electro helps against Dinosaur Kingdom decks. Oilman for card draw and Machine King boost. The rest are coverage.

3 Sergeant Electro
3 Machine King Prototype
3 Element Saurus
2 Machine King
2 Oilman

1 Twister
1 Riryoku

2 Golden Apples
1 Metalmorph
1 Rare Metalmorph
1 Windstorm of Etaqua
<< Anonymous(R)
Muskweet0 Reply
Just putting this out there... THREE RARE METALMORPHS??? How? I mean I know how but holy 🔥 you would have to put in like 1000 hours and even then u might not get 3, ur lucky to even get 1 EVER
<< Anonymous(Muskweet0)
ipo Reply
ingot the 3 rare metalmorphe with less then 800 key for bandith...
but this frikking kaiba!! i spent 3000 key already and all i got us 1 enemy controller!! and almost everytime
wit scores around 7000-8000!! what a dirtbag
<< Anonymous(ipo)
Slowking Reply
It's Kaiba, what did you expect?
<< Anonymous(Slowking)
Keflexx Reply
Screw the drop chances! I have money!
This isnt a good deck do not use it with sleight of hand because rare metalmorph will negate its effect go home wiki writer you're drunk
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
yes a noob might actually activate rare metalmorph on a machine equipped with the 7 completed, but you are not obligated to do that, you could use it on onther machines, or wait until your machine is targetted by an econ and then you have the benefit of both the 700 atk + 500 atk

you go home
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Im sorry I didnt realize kids were here, its a dead skill, go use mind scan and predict moves to gain advantage stop 🔥ting me son.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
tfw someone who literally sounds like they're an edgy 12 year old tries to call someone a kid
mine atm

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It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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