
Mako Tsunami

This page notes Mako Tsunami's skills, level-up rewards, starter deck, and cards and skills you can get by winning a duel against Mako Tsunami.
update 15/04/2022

Description in the game

Mako Tsunami participates in many tournaments so that he can use the prize money to buy a fishing boat and sail the mighty waves. He masterfully used his Sea Deck to give Yugi and Joey some of the toughest Duels ever. His signature monster "The Legendary Fisherman" unleashes its true strength when it swims out into his "Umi" field.

Signature Card

The Legendary Fisherman

The Legendary Fisherman
The Legendary Fisherman
WATER Warrior ★5
ATK 1850 / DEF 1600
Mako Tsunami at Lvl 7 [UR]
Mako Tsunami [UR]
Mako Tsunami Starter Deck [UR]
Ranked Rewards [UR]
While "Umi" is on the field, this card is unaffected by Spell effects and cannot be targeted for attacks, but does not prevent your opponent from attacking you directly.

Related Decks

The Legendary Fisherman Deck

Mako Tsunami's skills

Leaked skills

[Skill] description
Sea Stealth
Activates if "Umi" is on your field. Monsters you have Normal Summoned, Special Summoned, or Flip Summoned become invisible to the opponent until end of their turn. If "Umi" leaves your field, all monsters become visible.

Exclusive skills

[Skill] descriptionHow to get
Mythic Depths
Begins Duel with the Field Spell "Umi" activated.
Draw Sense: WATER
Can be used each time your Life Points decrase by 1500. In the Draw Phase, instead of doing a normal draw, draw a random Water-Attribute monster.
Your starting hand will reflect the card balance of your deck.
Menace from the Deep
Can be used if "Umi" is on the field, and you have a Water-attribute normal monster on your field. That monster can attack your opponent directly. this turn. At the end of the Battle Phase, that monster is sent to the Graveyard. This skill can only be used once per turn.

Common skills

Mako's level-up rewards

What is level rewards?

Level reward is what you can obtain by leveling up characters, including gems, cards, skills, extra deck slots.

Mako Tsunami rewards list

2Gem x10
4Skill: Mythic Depths
5Deck Slot (Mako)
6Gem x15
7The Legendary FishermanThe Legendary Fisherman
8Deck Slot (Mako)
9Gem x25
10Lost Blue BreakerLost Blue Breaker
11Power of KaishinPower of Kaishin
12Gem x35
13Skill: Draw Sense: WATER
14Hydro Pressure CannonHydro Pressure Cannon
15Gem x50
17Gem x60
18Skull MarinerSkull Mariner
19Gem x75
20Skill: Balance
21Power of KaishinPower of Kaishin
22Gem x100
24Gem x120
25Water HazardWater Hazard
26Gem x150
27Deck Slot (Mako)
28Gem x200
29Gem x250
30Gem x300
31Gold x100,000
32Gem x200
33Fish and KicksFish and Kicks
34Gem x250
35Amphibious Bugroth MK-3Amphibious Bugroth MK-3
36UR Jewel x1
37Gem x200
38Beautunaful PrincessBeautunaful Princess
39Gem x250
40Fish Depth ChargeFish Depth Charge
41Deck Slot (Mako Tsunami)
42gems x100
43gems x200
44gems x250
45Aegis of the Ocean Dragon LordAegis of the Ocean Dragon Lord

Duel Rewards

Exclusive duel rewards

Card / [Rarity]Mako's Level
The Legendary FishermanThe Legendary Fisherman [UR]30 or above
Orca Mega-Fortress of DarknessOrca Mega-Fortress of Darkness [SR]30 or above
Phantom Dragonray BrontoPhantom Dragonray Bronto [SR]30 or above
Water HazardWater Hazard [SR]30 or above
Return of the DoomedReturn of the Doomed [SR]30 or above
Forgotten Temple of the DeepForgotten Temple of the Deep [SR]30 or above
Great WhiteGreat White [R]All levels
Lost Blue BreakerLost Blue Breaker [R]All levels
Torpedo FishTorpedo Fish [R]All levels
Cannonball Spear ShellfishCannonball Spear Shellfish [R]All levels
Steel ShellSteel Shell [R]All levels
Deepsea WarriorDeepsea Warrior [N]All levels

Mako's Starter Deck

Starter Deck

The Legendary FishermanSpike SeadraFlying FishFlying FishFlying FishFiend Kraken
Fiend KrakenFiend KrakenThe Furious Sea KingThe Furious Sea KingThe Furious Sea KingRoot Water
Root WaterRoot WaterWhite DolphinWhite DolphinWhite DolphinHitodenchak


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Another dark skin character with bad skills, more proof of konami hating dark skin.
Atlantic Depths:

Begin Duel with the Field Spell "A Legendary Ocean" activated. This skill can only be activated if you are using a deck that contains only water monsters that have "Legandary Ocean" or "Legendary Fisherman" in their text or name.
If you don't control a field spell you can return a water monster from you hand to your deck. Place a "The Legendary Ocean" from outside your deck face up on the field.

Is it so difficult Konami? Still the skill will be mediocre compared to those we have already.
<< Anonymous
Weevil Reply
I want my Forest skill first
one of the few good duelists yuugi and pals encountered in dueling kingdom
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
i think u mean one of the few that didnt cheat
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
When you think about it, most of the known major tournament duelists that were such before the start of the series are kind of messed up, aside from Mako. Kaiba was pretty sadistic, Keith was... destroyed by Pegasus beating him, Weevil was dishonest even before Yugi beat him, Mai was super-depressed... I guess Rex and Rebecca weren't too bad.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
how can you cheat when there were no rules set at the time lol
<< Anonymous
GameA1 Reply
Hi Anonymous,
Thank you for your post. This skill seems common drop to all characters :)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
i have 150 tribute summons but i did not get Mako Tsunami can somebody help me?
I just realized the article still says that there's no need to level him up beyond lv25, when now you need to level him up to 38-40 if you want to play Flying Fish deck XD
okay, so apparently you needs to do 150 tribute summons, THEN level up a stage in order for mako too appear.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
thanks for commenting this, I just got the 150 tributes and was so confused lol
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
If only it was possible to sticky comments, this is the one that should be stickied on this article.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Has anyone who has trouble unlocking Mako's unlock mission did this?

I don't remember how I got mine, but I did unlock Mako during the time where I'm still eager to increase my stage level.
I performed 151 tribute summon.. but mako did not appear in my account.. do we have any stage level requirement? Im at mission stage 15 currently
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Well I performed 218
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
A mi me pidio 300 no 150
i made 150 tribute summons and still haven't got mako yet
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Me too
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Make sure you do an actual Tribute Summon.

Tributing to Special Summon, like it says, counts as Special Summon, not Tribute Summon.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Tributing for Ritual Summon also counts as a Special Summon, since Ritual Summon is a type of Special Summon.
I want konami to release another top tier water deck so that mako can be back on top.
vs mako tsubami lvl20 :O
<< Anonymous(Anonymous)
Xenon Reply
You can get every rarity from every lvl. Just that higher level mean way higher chance to obtain for example SR/UR.
<< Anonymous(Anonymous)
Anonymous Reply
I know that man but the chance is 10% with 3400 score and mako vs 20lvl
wtb tornado wall? is there any chance it will be added to the game?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I highly doubt it. And if they do, it'd probably be a single one as a level reward.

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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