
Auto Duel Decks and Tips [Oct 2022]

Duel Links auto duel decks, how to farm EXP fast, how to build decks for auto duel.
update 13/10/2022

Watt Direct OTK

Essential cards

Example Deck

United We StandUnited We StandMage PowerMage PowerPower of the GuardiansPower of the Guardians
Power of the GuardiansWall of DisruptionWall of DisruptionWall of DisruptionRising EnergyLumenize

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Your starting hand will reflect the card balance of your deck. This Skill will not activate unless you have at least 6 of each type of card (Monster, Spell, and Trap) in your Deck. You cannot Special Summon or activate monster effects until the end of the Main Phase of your first turn.


Example Deck

Ancient Gear GolemAncient Gear GolemAncient Gear GolemKing of the SwampKing of the SwampAncient Gear Box
Ancient Gear BoxAncient Gear KnightAncient Gear FrameAncient Gear FrameAncient Gear FrameAncient Gear Wyvern
Ancient Gear WyvernAncient Gear WyvernFusion SageFusion Recycling PlantFusion Recycling PlantPolymerization
Ultimate Ancient Gear GolemUltimate Ancient Gear GolemUltimate Ancient Gear GolemNumber C39: Utopia RayNumber 39: UtopiaNumber 70: Malevolent Sin
Steelswarm RoachDiamond Dire Wolf----

Lunalight Fusion

Example Deck

Lunalight Yellow MartenLunalight Yellow MartenLunalight Purple ButterflyLunalight Purple ButterflyLunalight Crimson FoxLunalight Crimson Fox
Lunalight Emerald BirdLunalight White RabbitLunalight White RabbitLunalight White RabbitFusion Recycling PlantFusion Recycling Plant
PolymerizationPolymerizationPolymerizationLunalight FusionLunalight FusionLunalight Fusion
Lunalight Reincarnation DanceLunalight Reincarnation Dance----
Lunalight Sabre DancerLunalight Sabre DancerLunalight Sabre DancerLunalight Cat DancerLunalight Cat DancerLunalight Cat Dancer

Maha Vailo Equip

Essential cards

Balance Version

Morphtronic VideonMorphtronic VideonMorphtronic VideonMaha VailoMaha VailoMaha Vailo
United We StandMage PowerMage PowerFairy Meteor CrushFairy Meteor CrushPower of the Guardians
Power of the GuardiansPower of the GuardiansWall of DisruptionWall of DisruptionWall of DisruptionHalf Counter
Half CounterHalf Counter----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Your starting hand will reflect the card balance of your deck. This Skill will not activate unless you have at least 6 of each type of card (Monster, Spell, and Trap) in your Deck. You cannot Special Summon or activate monster effects until the end of the Main Phase of your first turn.


None of these cards are actually required to make this deck work. You can build you own version by keeping these ideas in mind:

  • Maha Vailo is can easily gain lots of attack when equipped with multiple Equip cards, therefore it is best to add as many copies as you have of him.
  • Piercing Damage is good for quickening the duel since your opponent will be setting his monsters face-down when your monsters get too strong.
  • The best skill to use would be Balance which is accessible to almost every duelist.
  • When using Balance, make sure you have at least 6 monster cards, 6 spell cards, and 6 trap cards to make the skill work.
  • Equip spells are usually preferable over equip traps because they can be activated immediately.
  • When using Balance you can decrease the number of monsters in this deck to 6, because you will still be guaranteed a monster in your starting hand.
  • Remember to keep your equip cards generic enough so that every monster in your deck is compatible with any equip card.

What are auto decks?

Auto decks are decks that are mainly made to be used with the "Auto-Duel" function. The reason why people often want to go with Auto-Duel is simply because it is done much faster than manual play, since it is fast forwarded and easy to use with just one button. Keep in mind that win rates for auto decks vary depending on what level of Standard Duelists you are going against.

SD's decks

2 types of auto decks

1. Made to win

Some decks are made to have a high chance of winning and ends fast. This is good if you ever want to level a character quickly or buy a "Boosted Duel Orb" from the shop. With only an hour of infinite standard duelist spawns, winning the duels quickly can earn you a lot of exp, levelling a character up quite fast.

2. High score for items

The other type of decks are made to get a high score with auto duels. These decks might not have a consistently high win rate compared to the ones made to win, but they can often give up to 3000 or 4000 easily by using auto duel from the start. Earning a lot of points from the Duel Assessment will give more rewards like golds, stones/orbs, and most importantly, the standard gate keys and the colored ones used to farm Legendary Duelists.

How to make an Auto Deck

3 things you should know to build a good auto deck:

1. AI Interaction
You will need to get a good understanding of how the game's AI work, which can change from time to time. Press the auto-duel and see how they interact with some of the cards. It's recommended to keep things simple by using cards like Reinforcements, Metalmorph or Riryoku.

2. Which monsters and spells work best
Making an auto deck that's made to just win the duels can be pretty easy. All you need is to put a lot of monsters with high attack like Warrior Dai Grepher or Jerry Beans Man, and use spells that can increase their attack like Banner of Courage, Reinforcements or any equip spell cards like Wicked-Breaking Flamberge - Baou.

3. Check the Duel Assessment page
To make an auto deck that gives a lot of points, you will need to understand first what are the things you need to do to get a lot of points. Take a look at the Duel Assessment section. Make an auto deck that can tribute, fusion or ritual to get more points, destroy 5 enemy monsters or be able to summon Meteor B. Dragon to deal over 3,000 damage. Being able to end the duel fast from either turn 1-4 can also earn the quick victory bonus.

Useful skills

AI cannot activate skills manually. That means you will set a skill activated automatically to your auto deck.

Example of skills work in auto duel

Power of DarkPeak Performance
Dinosaur KingdomeMythic Depth
BalanceLP Boost skills

Example of skills AI cannot use

As mentioned above, skills activated manually cannot be used in Auto Duel since AI do not activate them. You should not build auto duel decks with those skills. Here are examples of such skills.

SwitcherooDraw Sense skills
Draw PassRestart

How to speed up

Change the "Power Usage" from the in-game settings and set it to max to increase the game's speed. It will make it look more fluent and smoother, but it will of course drain more of your battery to run it.

More examples of auto decks

In the game, you can also find a lot of people sharing their auto decks that work well for them and might be good for anyone that have those cards. Visit the deck board from the right most building to see what they use, and use the copy feature to copy the recipe to your characters. Check for the highly rated decks and see their deck names, if they have "オート" written on them, it means that they are an auto deck.

Comments appreciated!

Got any Auto Deck? Feel free to share them in the comments below by attaching a picture of your deck, be sure to post which level of Standard Duelist it works well against too!


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I want build my first deck As beginner ,I am looking auto duel deck list. Anyone share?
I think this one performs really well and rarely bricks, 90%+ wins against lvl 57 bots. I'm using without any skill because it's not needed, but it fits with many of them (like LP boost, tie that binds, etc).

Also basically all cards have room for replacement, and if I had 2 TTH I would use instead of the Mirror Force, as well as some other good equip spells. I don't think more traps will help, because you need room in your field to use the equip cards, furthermore, the focus is to attack, to finish within 5 turns.

Almost every card to defend has its effects based on changing battle positions, which works really well with piercing damage.

Card names in order of appearance:

1 Sphere Kuriboh, 3 Twin-Sword Marauder, 3 Lancer Windwurm, 2 Enraged Battle Ox, 2 Book of Moon, 1 Bashing Shield, 1 Malevolent Nuzzler, 2 Axe of Despair, 3 Power of the Guardians, 1 Drowning Mirror Force, 1 Treacherous Trap Hole.
<< Anonymous(OceanV1ew)
Anonymous Reply
Sphere Kuriboh is terrible for auto duels. And the rest of the deck doesn’t look good either
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Sphere Kuriboh do works well with this cards but can be replaced for book of the moon, however I don't have 3.
You expert should tell me then why is not good instead of just spiting this. I'm using and winning even against vagabond legend ranked decks. You are just a piece of junk that should try to help rather than talk trash of something you don't even know.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Sphere Kuriboh is indeed terrible because the auto duel AI summons it sometimes instead of keeping it in the hand. But the rest of the deck looks okay.

Equip spells and a bunch of strong level 4 monsters are the way to go.
<< Anonymous(OceanV1ew)
Anonymous Reply
lol nice resolution
Any cheap auto farm beginner decklist?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
With tickets get dragons vanguards and kidmodos, some blue eyes and a bunch of equip spell
Thank me later
<< Anonymous
SpeedyGod7 Reply
Don’t forget about melody of the awakening dragon which you can now get at x3 copies
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
cardlist for this please? cant zoom in on pic
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
1 alternative dragon, 3 blue eyes, 3 white stone of ancients, 1 dragon spirit of white, 2 shinning knight, 2 cosmo brain, 2 dawn knight, 2 silver cry, 2 drowning mirror force, 1 compulsory , 1 book of moon, 1 monster reborn.

Too expensive for an auto duel deck when just a bunch of equips work and too outdated for pvp imo
Lunalight auto deck
The Lunalight auto deck needs to a update maybe change it or add tenki to help search a Lunalight monsters
I would love a update version of auto deck
anyone can send f2p beginner auto duel decklist?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
There are plenty of such decks on this page, including the comment section. Just pick one.
Please update the all the auto deck. The Lunalight auto deck you currently show has been nerf.
Red Eyes Auto is my go to for everything. Wins 9/10 times and the AI plays it exactly as intended (get Slash on the field as soon as possible and beat over everything).
<< Anonymous(Bzzzzerk)
Bzzzzerk Reply
Sorry this is the wrong decklist - Red Eyes Spirit x2 should be replaced with any vanilla traps you have!
<< Anonymous(Bzzzzerk)
Anonymous Reply
Red eyes is everyones begginers choise since 2019. 500 gems, 3-4 sr tickets and 2-3 cards from card trader and you are set to go. Farm and easy legend rank ftp.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
*easy bronze 1 rank
The Lunalight sample deck is out dated because some of the Lunalight card are limited 3. You need like tenki help search for them
Maybe I'm wrong but it feels like the Auto Duel AI is getting dumber and dumber the more cards they add.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Lunalight Auto duel deck is almost unusable in 2022. The best F2P auto duel deck is just pick 8 of the familiar possessed cards which can be done via the card trader, 3x trap hole of spikes, 2x performapal gongoto cat, 1x Wind Storm of Etaque, and 1x Curse of Anubis, 3x Metamorphortress, 1x Power of the guardian, 1x magicalized fusion, Extra Deck is just a single quintet magician. works on lvl 57
<< Anonymous
Lê Cao Cường Reply
^looks like a deck list of a level 57 standard duelist.
<< Anonymous(Lê Cao Cường)
Anonymous Reply
If you can't beat em, join em
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
only 1x power of the guardian? that card wins autoduels on its own
You want a tip NEVER AUTO DUEL, is garbage the AI is programed to lose every time no matter what deck you use
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Dear Trash

AI means Artificial is mean to think acording to the context that the programmer make

Setting cocoon in attack position isnt intelegent oh dear trash..
Its trash..just like you
<< Anonymous
Steo Kiaba Reply
How can we even SET a monster in ATTACK position?
That must be a very intelligent move.
<< Anonymous(CrazyLi)
Anonymous Reply
My auto duel put a zero attack monster that can't be destroyed by battle in attack mode. AI is dumb as hell at times.
<< Anonymous
AI Reply
It's your fault to put a monster with 0 ATK. An auto duel deck should only contain vanilla monsters with 2000 ATK and backrows.

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Comments (updated every hour)

My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
Well I eventually joined the dark side, and put this in my deck. :P
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