
How to beat/farm Yami Marik Lvl 40 (Gate)

Duel Links Yami Marik Lvl 40, Yami Marik Lvl 40 deck list, decks to farm Yami Marik Lvl 40.
update 15/08/2018
Yami Marik pages

Yami Marik
Yami Marik lvl 40 (Gate)
Lvl 40 (Gate)

Note: These decks are to farm Yami Marik [Gate], for decks to farm Yami Marik on his unlock event, click here.

Ra Cloudian

Example Deck

The Winged Dragon of RaCloudian - Storm DragonCloudian - Storm DragonCloudian - Storm DragonCloudian - Sheep CloudCloudian - Sheep Cloud
Cloudian - Sheep CloudGolden LadybugGolden LadybugGolden LadybugCloudian - TurbulenceCloudian - Turbulence
Cloudian - TurbulenceCloudian - Smoke BallCloudian - Smoke BallAnti-Magic ArrowsSolemn WishesSpirit Barrier
Spirit BarrierSpirit Barrier----

Hazy Flame

Example deck

Hazy Flame CerbereusHazy Flame CerbereusHazy Flame CerbereusHazy Flame SphynxHazy Flame SphynxHazy Flame Sphynx
Gravekeeper's VassalTroop DragonTroop DragonTroop DragonBubonic VerminBubonic Vermin
Bubonic VerminSoul ExchangeAnti-Magic ArrowsUnion AttackSecret Pass to the TreasuresBeast Rising
Beast RisingBeast Rising----



Example deck

King of the SwampOjama BlueOjama BlueGravekeeper's VassalOjama BlackOjama Black
Ojama YellowOjama YellowOjama GreenOjama GreenFusion SageAnti-Magic Arrows
Union AttackUnion AttackEnchanting Fitting RoomPolymerizationPolymerizationPolymerization
Ojama CountrySecret Pass to the Treasures-Ojama KnightOjama KnightOjama Knight


Lvl 40 Yami Marik's deck

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Buster blader and dark magician fusion and MST
three copie and his done
New player here and I need a guide to farm this, anyone can help?
I farm him blindfolded and even with my right arm tied to my back.

Farm yami marik easy way by tbis deck only and let me show you how :
Just don't summon more than one unhappy girl and never summon two wonster until the last turn only
Use balance skill help you to get unhappy girl and spirt barier
The Ra/Cloudian deck SUCKS ASS

In theory it works, but in practice, Nightmare Wheel locks your Ra on the last turn and utterly screws you!

Isn't Ra supposed to stop card effects from activating when Normal Summoned? Well... it doesn't...

Am I missing something? This has failed every time!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
That's why it can affect Ra.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Probably should include anti-magic arrow to your deck.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I have added AMA to that deck in response to my attempts. I assume Hey, Trunade! would also work as a suitable substitute (though AMA is easily farmable now)

The deck should be updated to reflect that fact. As it stands it does not work
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
No, you need AMA or Night Beam. If you use Hey Trunade he'll just chain Nightmare Wheel to it.

Unless you use Hey Trunade before summoning Ra.
So are we not able to get ra at all?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Howzabout ya read the info page on Yami Marik bein added to the Gate? Says right there Ra will be a lifetime mission, along with the skill
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Also there's a free Ra from the 3rd anniversary event
Did you know...

wkwkwk is a laughing style from a country name Indognesia which mean talago putang ina mo
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Hey if you all guys duelist put your ign here then just open room in somewhere server and duel
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
where is Indognesia? I can't find it... Hurmmmm
<< Anonymous(Cypruis)
Chineke Reply
Indog is a word malaysian called indonesian fellas... since they acted like dogs, we were forced to called them that statement... plus they are dogs anyway
<< Anonymous(Chineke)
Anonymous Reply
Which is funny because you malaysians keep trying to steal indonesian culture like the dog 🔥s you are
Either I have really bad luck, or something is off. I'm convinced that Lava Golem just won't drop from him (I know, it's random, but still). I used 3482 keys, which works out to about 60 duels. I used an Ojama deck, which actually works quite well (if you know how to play it). Not a single Golem, but I did get 16 Granadora and 12 Humanoid Slime. Ugh...
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Lol feelsbadman, I want ra disciple but never seem to get it too. Got 3 golem tho from trying to get ra disc.
<< Anonymous
Virtus Reply
3rd Duel XD
<< Anonymous(Virtus)
Anonymous Reply
^^ lol congrats
<< Anonymous(Virtus)
SengirPaladin Reply
Awesome, Congratulations
Ojama sucks
Ojama sucks. Remove it
<< Anonymous(Ojama sucks)
Why Ojama Reply
Mask of the the accursed kills you so why would ojama work?
<< Anonymous(Why Ojama)
Anonymous Reply
Latest update was one year ago
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Ojama works just fine. Yall gotta learn to use your brains or something. I win 95% of the time 7K+
<< Anonymous(Why Ojama)
Anonymous Reply
Fusion summon a new knight and use ojama country to bring back the first knight on the last turn
Which idiots is making up those guides? They are completly garbage. Read the Hazy Guideline. It lists complete different cards. Also most of this stuff doesnt even work correctly.
Anyone knows how to use the cloudian deck ? Im using ojama since it's the most consistent for me rn but I always get 7800 duel assessment
<< Anonymous(skyraptor114)
Lajish Reply
If you play with draw skill: spell/trap, the consistency goes up alot.
there's two ways to play the deck, you either get Turbulence to two counters (by having a cloudian monster and then killing it off, so he cannot play golem) or special summon storm dragon. once you have "The Sanctuary Of The Sky" / "Spirit Barrier", you just wait, and summon ra at the last turn
<< Anonymous(Lajish)
Anonymous Reply
Sheep Cloud is a really bad idea for the deck though, since it's easily destroyed which triggers the mandatory token summoning and the token cannot be used to Tribute Summon Ra.

In my opinion they should be replaced with Altus, Acid Cloud, and Cirrostratus, one each, and 1 Storm Dragon is replaced with 1 Cloudian Squall.
i found out that this deck is very consistent! all you need is zombie world and lab wall then marik cannot tribute any monsters! then you know what to do!
ask anything you want:)
<< Anonymous(lawreencee)
me Reply
never mind he tributed the masked beast because it counts as a special summon i guess!
<< Anonymous(lawreencee)
Anonymous Reply
How to get the zombie world card
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Level up reward from Bonz
<< Anonymous(lawreencee)

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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