
Stage 51-60: FAQ and Tips

update 06/03/2017


Which cards are good to deal effect damage?

If you have Union Attack, you can use it together with Gravekeeper's Vassal and increase his attacks by using cards like Riryoku and Magicians Unite.

Other good alternatives are: Restructer Revolution, Kickfire, Skull Invitation or Type Zero Magic Crusher + Sword of Deep-Seated.

You can also use Standby Burn deck and auto against the CPUs. Over time it will eventually add up and reach 400,000.

What can I do if I sold the required cards for stage 59?

Some Legendary Duelists use the cards in their decks in certain levels. You can use Exchange to take it from them so you can complete the task. Use cards like Mind Haxorz or The Eye of Truth to see the cards in their hand and activate the exchange to make it easier.

If they don't use the cards required, then you will have to try and obtain them by defeating lv 30/40 of the LD that drops that card, or pvp against your friend that has it so you can use exchange.

Use "x" 3 time(s) in a duel

If you don't have 3 copies of the required cards, you can use some cards that will let you "re-use" them by putting it back to your hand. Once you summon them to the field, you can use Hane-Hane or Monster Recovery to return it back to your hand/deck. If the monster gets destroyed, Monster Reincarnation or The Shallow Grave can work as well, you will need to flip summon if you use shallow grave though.

Duel against LDs at level 10 to ensure you can use it 3 times easily.

Quick victories

To get a quick victory, you have to win the duel in turn 1-4. Build a deck that can win in the early turn pretty fast in order to be able to do it consistently to clear the task. Decks like Two Fusion Dragons or Karate Man OTK can be good for these.


Stage 51-60 missions/rewards

Stage #
Unlocked Facility/Feature
  • Standard Duelist uses lvl 51 decks.
Summon Warrior-Type Monster(s) 60 time(s) in total.Red Gate Key x40
Summon Fairy-Type Monster(s) 60 time(s) in total.Blue Gate Key x40
Use 3 Equip Spell Cards in one Duel World Duel.10,000 Gold
Successfully perform 30 Ritual Summons in Duel World.SR Jewel x1
Inflict 4000 effect damage in one duel.Gate Key x80
Complete all Stage Missions[51].Gem x50
  • Blue Card Sleeves.
Summon Machine-Type Monster(s) 60 time(s) in total.10,000 Gold
Achieve 10 Quick Victory(ies) in Duel World Duels.Gate Key x80
Summon Winged Beast-Type Monster(s) 60 time(s) in total.Green Gate Key x40
Use a Field Spell card 3 time(s) in one Duel World Duel.10,000 Gold
Successfully perform 50 Tribute Summons in Duel World.SR Jewel x1
Complete all Stage Missions[52].Gem x50
  • None.
Summon Dinosaur-Type Monster(s) 60 time(s) in total.Yellow Gate Key x50
Achieve 12 Comeback Victory(ies) in Duel World Duels.Gate Key x90
Summon Insect-Type Monster(s) 60 time(s) in total.Green Gate Key x50
Use 10 different traps in 1 duel.10,000 Gold
Win 80 Duel World Duel(s).SR Jewel x1
Complete all Stage Missions[53].Gem x50
  • None.
Inflict 3000 points of battle damage with a single attack in a Duel against Yami Yugi at level 40 using Seto Kaiba.SR Jewel x1
Achieve 15 No Damage win(s) in Duel World Duels.Gate Key x90
Summon Beast-Warrior-Type Monster(s) 60 time(s) in total.Red Gate Key x50
Use Dark Magician 3 time(s) in one Duel.Black Gate Key x50
Inflict 300,000 points of effect damage in Duel World.10,000 Gold
Complete all Stage Missions[54].Gem x50
  • None.
Inflict 1500 points of effect damage with a single effect activation in a Duel against Seto Kaiba at level 40 using Yami Yugi.UR Jewel x1
Achieve 18 win(s) with 1000 or less Life Points left in Duel World Duels.Gate Key x100
Summon Zombie-Type Monster(s) 70 time(s) in total.Blue Gate Key x50
Use Blue-Eyes White Dragon 3 time(s) in one Duel.White Gate Key x50
Inflict 400,0000 points of battle damage in Duel World.10,000 Gold
Complete all Stage Missions[55].Gem x50
  • None.
Successfully perform 3 Fusion Summon(s) in one Duel in Duel World mode.Yellow Gate Key x50
Achieve 20 win(s) with 3 or less Cards left in your Deck in Duel World Duels.Gate Key x100
Use Red-Eyes B. Dragon 3 time(s) in one Duel.Red Gate Key x50
Destroy 150 monsters in Duel World Duels.10,000 Gold
Win 3 Consecutive Duels against Joey Wheeler at Level 40 in Duel World.SR Jewel x1
Complete all Stage Missions[56].Gem x50
  • White card sleeves.
Use Dark Magician Girl 3 time(s) in one Duel.Yellow Gate Key x50
Achieve 40 Comeback Victory(ies) in Duel World Duels.10,000 Gold
Use a Continuous Spell Card 4 time(s) in one Duel World Duel.Green Gate Key x50
Win against The Vagabond with a Duel Assessment of at least 3500.Gate Key x120
Win 3 Consecutive Duels against Mai Valentine at Level 40 in Duel World.SR Jewel x1
Complete all Stage Missions[57].Gem x50
  • Standard Duelist uses lvl 57 decks.
Use The Legendary Fisherman 3 time(s) in one Duel.Blue Gate Key x50
Achieve 40 Quick Victory(ies) in Duel World Duels.10,000 Gold
Successfully perform 3 Ritual Summon(s) in one Duel World Duel.White Gate Key x50
Win against The Vagabond with a Duel Assessment of at least 4000.Gate Key x150
Win 3 Consecutive Duels against Seto Kaiba at Level 40 in Duel World.UR Jewel x1
Complete all Stage Missions[58].Gem x50
  • None.
Achieve 3 Comeback Victory(ies) in Duels against Joey Wheeler at level 40 using Mai Valentine.Green Gate Key x50
Achieve 3 Quick Victory(ies) in Duels against Mai Valentine at level 40 using Joey Wheeler.Red Gate Key x50
Achieve 3 No Damage win(s) in Duels against Rex Raptor at level 40 using Weevil Underwood.Green Gate Key x50
Achieve 3 win(s) with 1000 or less Life Points left in Duels against Weevil Underwood at level 40 using Rex Raptor.Yellow Gate Key x50
Achieve 3 win(s) with 3 or less Cards left in your Deck in Duels against Mako Tsunami at level 40 using Tea Gardner.Blue Gate Key x50
Inflict 2000 points of effect damage with a single effect activation in a Duel against Seto Kaiba at level 40 using Yami Yugi.Black Gate Key x50
Inflict 5000 points of battle damage with a single attack in a Duel against Yami Yugi at level 40 using Seto Kaiba.White Gate Key x50
Inflict 500,000 points of damage in Duel World.Gate Key x300
Use Embodiment of Apophis 3 time(s) in one Duel.Black Gate Key x50
Use Blast Held by a Tribute 2 time(s) in one Duel.Blue Gate Key x50
Normal Summon Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth 1 time(s).UR Jewel x1
Complete all Stage Missions[59].Gem x200
  • Stage 60 Icon.


Hot New Top
Thien Hoang
How can I inflict 1500 effect damage with a single effect activation against Kaiba?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You also could use 3 gift of greed and two cup of ace with revolution
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
But battle DamAge is 700
<< Anonymous(Wivy)
ChaosReaper Reply
Have Gravekeeper’s Vassal in your deck (all its attack counts as effect damage). I used Mage Power, Untied We Stand and two high level defense monsters with destroy effects (Krawler Spine and Snowman Eater). It helps to have Sagan and Witch of the Black Forest in your deck. Before attacking make sure you have a card like Mystical Space Typhoon or Galaxy Cyclone to wipe out any set cards
<< Anonymous(Wivy)
Anonymous Reply
just use odd eyes advance dragon
What's the specific condition for comeback victory? Any deck or tips to make me achieve this faster?
<< Anonymous(Jatsui)
jack Reply
But it wont do it agents mocupa
<< Anonymous
Threexmagister Reply
Totally right!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I like booty's
<< Anonymous
Chicken wing Reply
thanks that work for me
ali osman
Inflict 2000 points of effect damage with a single effect activation in a Duel against Seto Kaiba at level 40 using Yami Yugi.
<< Anonymous(ali osman)
Dragonkx Reply
Just duel against them at lvl 30 or 40. Let them summon a high level monster and either either elemental hero shinning flare wingman or flame wingman with enemy controller to go to defense mode. More guaranteed win
<< Anonymous(ali osman)
rrrivera Reply
Use "infinite card" spell card and synchro monster "lightning warrior" infinite card can stack card in both players hand and for each card in you opponents hand lightning warrior inflict 300 points of damage effect if you destroy a monster card so if your opponents hand have 7 card it will inflict 2000 points of damage effect
<< Anonymous(rrrivera)
Anonymous Reply
Sorry its 2100 damage effect
<< Anonymous(rrrivera)
rrrivera Reply
I mean 2100 damage effect
300 x card in your opponents hand i you didn't use infinite card there is a limit of six card in both hands 300x6 is just 1800 only
What is the deal with this Lv 52 Field Spell Stage Mission? I've tried playing 3 different Field Spells, as well as using the effect(s) of one 3 times in a duel. Neither of these seem to work.
this is far from a faq.its spews some info but thats it.the summon 60 machine etc is not here also.
Normal Summon Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth.
This mission is impossible
I'v played 100 times against weevil underwood lvl 40 but he didn't give me perfectly ultimate great moth
Any ideas please
<< Anonymous(TKSainto)
Anonymous Reply
just keep trying
<< Anonymous(Alaa)
Anonymous Reply
I already have this achievement unlocked. All I did was fight any Lv10 LD and equip Potit Moth with Lucky Iron Axe using Weevil and his Moth to the Flame skill since it halves the wait time
<< Anonymous
Turbo Reply
This was easy..did it against wheeler lvl 10 used
1 x Perf. ult. great moth 3 x Petit moth 1 x Cocoon of evo 1 x Resonance insect (2 get grt moth) 2 x Sangan (to get cocoon and petit fast) 2 x gokipon 1 x Sphere kuriboh 3 x Des mosquito (for skill "Insect uprising" 1 x Wonder Balloons (MOST HAVE!!!Petit cant die) 2 x shard of greed 2 x Paleozoic Hallucigenia&Canadia 1 intrigue SHD 1 Wall disrupt
<< Anonymous
Onespeed Reply
I was in the same boat a few hours ago. as if the game knew i needed p.u.g.m and cocoon. I even used 50 gems after that on the insect box and hot the UR super cocoon or whatever that lets you special summon it from your deck ignoring it's conditions.
But, that does not count for this mission. this game is weird like that, like it knows what you are after. I set rewards to x3 and used result boost
Is there a deck or a way to "Win 3 Consecutive Duels against Seto Kaiba at Level 40 in Duel World" at stage 58?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
try haze deck with beast warrior fire type k hr will not be able to atack u with the dd warriot
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I used my Ancient Gear deck. If you want to be cautious, attack his face-down monsters with AG Beast to negate DD Warrior's effect.
<< Anonymous(Stage 58)
Anonymous Reply
I did it really easily with GBs
<< Anonymous(Stage 58)
Anonymous Reply
Dark Magician
Is there any auto duel deck for stage 56 mission, Achieve 20 wins with 3 or less cards left in your deck in Duel World?
<< Anonymous(r9devyatka)
Anonymous Reply
No. Just do a regular Duel with Lightsworns or Golden Castle of Stromberg. Or anything else that might help you to mill your deck.
sigh, so glad with marik event.. i can now rest easy to farm faster with stage 54 300k effect damage mission..
already finished GX
<< Anonymous(SnowVelvet)
SnowVelvet Reply
and here come 400k battle damage mission .. xD
<< Anonymous(SnowVelvet)
Anonymous Reply
when reaching level 57 the screen said something about characteristics but I couldnt read it. Do you know what it would said?
If you've bought the Dragonic Knights deck, you should have Darkblaze Dragon. Build a deck around it, go fight a lvl 20 LD, (?), profit.
<< Anonymous(Gonzo)
Gonzo Reply

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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