

This page notes what the Gem is in Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links, how to earn gems faster, and the effective way to spend gems.
update 19/12/2016


What is gem?

Gem is one of the in-app item. It is used to get cards in the Shop and unlock standard duelists.

Purchasable Item

At the beginning of the game, players can get gems easily (see below for more details of how to get gems). However as they make progress, the main way to get gems will be in-app purchase.

How to Get

Leveling up characters

Gems can be obtained as reward for leveling up characters. When characters reach level 30(max), players can get 500 gems which can purchase 10 packs.

Weekly missions

Players can receive gems and gold by completing weekly missions. To get those reward, players have to finish missions within a week a mission is held.

Stage missions

As well as weekly mission, players can get gem reward for completing stage mission. It can be obtained just for one time.

Duel Quiz

Duel quiz also provide gem reward.

In-App Purchase

Since in-app purchase is not available in the Beta version, it is not sure that how much gems cost at this point.

Tapping Display

By tapping a a point on the display like the screenshot above, players can find gems sometimes. See screenshots below for free gem locations.

Roof of the Card Shop

Street Lamp


Garbage can

Efficient Way to Earn Gems

Completing easier missions

Finishing easy missions, such as "winning a duel", at first. Then you can get gems and new cards. That is important to make your deck well established.

Solving puzzle match

Duel quiz have three different level based on degree of difficulty. Level 1 also works as a tutorial and is very easy.

Getting powerful cards

To complete missions, you need to build a good deck to win a duel. Therefore getting cards is also important.


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Anonymous 12hour ago
This is
For more gem farming tips try this YouTube video Link:
*Remember to like and subscribe if it helps you
<< Anonymous(Rysync)
Anonymous Reply
Why do the weekly mission give less gems now?

In the past it gave about 50-75 gems each week.
Wtf Konami, why only 10 gems per week now!?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You really have to distinguish between real F2P players and casual players that spend a few bucks here and there.

And then there is a 3rd category that buy literally everything. Those are often called "whales".
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
^Like he said

DL is cheaper for 100% F2P forever players. But it's more expensive for anyone else like for:
"casual players that spend a few bucks here and there"
"3rd category that buy literally everything"
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
In short: this game is harsh with f2p players, most decks need cards from several different boxes and gems are very scarce, it will take months before they can build the deck they want.................thing that can be solved only with real money
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This game teaches you a valuable lesson: You can solve all your problems by throwing money at it.

Ask Seto Kaiba. He knows what I'm talking about.
Now i can only get 5 gems(instead 10 before GX update) from random rainbow chest drop from LD...the only thing i hate about this whole update...
<< Anonymous
Chrisbanlis Reply
converted drop skill? what is that?
<< Anonymous(Chrisbanlis)
Anonymous No. 2 Reply
Converting skill drops into gems means that from the chest you would normally get the skill that your character already has you get a random ammount of gems instead (1-15 if I'm not mistaken).
And yes - gems still drop in place of already possessed skills.
<< Anonymous(X;D)
Anonymous Reply
i receive 15 gem from the chest b4
<< Anonymous(X;D)
Anonymous Reply
I still regularly get 10, occassionally 15.
the creators of the game should be increasing the gem counts from 1000 to 10000 or more. we've been purchasing gems for cards but it's still not enough. we should be getting more gems so we have more time to get more new stuff.
<< Anonymous
Jany Reply
Tips- Don't buy bundle 10 packs, just buy packs 1 at a time, Save your Gems until 1000,then go to the shop and try your luck... Hope you can get the cards you want... Good luck
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
No. I've pulled several UR cards a few packs into the box
<< Anonymous(TSP_LUFFY )
Anonymous Reply
I just buy a couple packs at a time whenever I get enough gems and bam there's the UR card I needed. Almost never have to open the last 20 packs
<< Anonymous(TSP_LUFFY )
Anonymous Reply
I bought them because I won't waste my gems on that trash like Ultimate Rising
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Ultimate Blue Eyes is worth it in the hands of a good player. Try to have x3 copies of it and you will see how worth it it is.
thanks 4 this
<< Anonymous(F2P)
Anonymous Reply
Yes, is really generous
Hello Their why did never gave me gems I waited an hour and nothing
<< Anonymous(JoeyDinoCard)
Anonymous Reply
Because it's a scam
All characters are above level 40 (except 5D's they are at level 35). I have completed all missions in DM, GX, and 5D's. I have completed all puzzles. I have 5000 gems and I do request Konami to add new way to gain gems in game other than in-app purchase or convert 10 coins into 1 gem or even 100!
Next time know that your level of aggression IS WAY TOO LOW.

They increased the gem rewards long ago.

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How to beat/farm Legendary Duelists Lvl 40

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