
44th Mini Box: Lord of Borrel

Duel Links Lord of Borrel card box. Card list, decks, should we pull or not, meta, and combos.
update 01/02/2023
Rating (Versatility)
Strengthened decks
  • Rokket/Borrel
  • Cyberse
  • Madolche
  • Nephthys
31st January 2023


Madolche Deck

Rokket/Borrel Deck

Featured Cards

Madolche Queen Tiaramisu [UR]

Madolche Queen Tiaramisu
Madolche Queen Tiaramisu
EARTH Fairy ★4
ATK 2200 / DEF 2100
Lord of Borrel [UR]
2 Level 4 "Madolche" monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target up to 2 "Madolche" cards in your Graveyard; shuffle those cards into the Deck, also, after that, shuffle cards your opponent controls into the Deck, up to the number of "Madolche" cards returned.

Borreload Dragon [UR]

Borreload Dragon
Borreload Dragon
DARK Dragon
ATK 3000 / LINK 4
Lord of Borrel [UR]
3+ Effect Monsters
Neither player can target this card with monster effects. Once per turn (Quick Effect): You can target 1 face-up monster on the field; it loses 500 ATK/DEF. Your opponent cannot activate cards or effects in response to this effect's activation. At the start of the Damage Step, if this card attacks an opponent's monster: You can place that opponent's monster in a zone this card points to and take control of it, but send it to the GY during the End Phase of the next turn.

Fuse Line [UR]

Fuse Line
Fuse Line
Normal Trap
Lord of Borrel [UR]
While this card is Set: Target 1 card on the field in this card's column; destroy it.

Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-Mode [SR]

Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-Mode
Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-Mode
EARTH Fairy ★5
ATK 2500 / DEF 2200
Lord of Borrel [SR]
2 Level 5 EARTH monsters
You can also Xyz Summon this card by using a Rank 4 or lower "Madolche" Xyz Monster you control as the Xyz Material. (Xyz Materials attached to that monster also become Xyz Materials on this card.) Once per turn: You can target 1 "Madolche" card in your Graveyard; shuffle it into the Deck. While this card has "Madolche Puddingcess" as Xyz Material, when a "Madolche" card(s) in your Graveyard is shuffled into the Main Deck (except during the Damage Step): You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; Special Summon 1 "Madolche" monster from your Deck in Attack Position or face-down Defense Position.

Madolche Teacher Glassouffle [SR]

Madolche Teacher Glassouffle
Madolche Teacher Glassouffle
EARTH Fairy ★4
ATK 1800 / DEF 2500
Lord of Borrel [SR]
2 Level 4 "Madolche" monsters
(Quick Effect): You can detach 1 material from this card, then target 1 "Madolche" monster on the field; this turn, that face-up monster is unaffected by monster effects, except its own. If a "Madolche" card is sent to your GY while this card is on the field (except during the Damage Step): You can shuffle up to 2 cards from the GYs into the Deck(s). You can only use each effect of "Madolche Teacher Glassouffle" once per turn.

Avendread Savior [SR]

Avendread Savior
Avendread Savior
DARK Zombie
ATK 1600 / LINK 2
Lord of Borrel [SR]
2 Zombie monsters
This card's name becomes "Revendread Slayer" while on the field. You can only use each of the following effects of "Avendread Savior" once per turn.
● You can target 1 "Vendread" card in your GY; add it to your hand.
● During damage calculation, if this card battles an opponent's monster (Quick Effect): You can send 1 Zombie monster from your Deck to the GY; that opponent's monster loses ATK equal to the Level of the monster sent to the GY x 200, until the end of this turn.

Nephthys, the Sacred Preserver [SR]

Nephthys, the Sacred Preserver
Nephthys, the Sacred Preserver
FIRE Winged Beast
ATK 1200 / LINK 2
Lord of Borrel [SR]
2 "Nephthys" monsters
You can only use the following effect of "Nephthys, the Sacred Preserver" once per turn. During your Main Phase, if this card was Link Summoned: You can activate 1 of these effects;
● Add 1 Level 8 Winged Beast monster from your Deck to your hand, then you can add 1 Ritual Spell from your GY to your hand.
● Destroy 1 "Nephthys" monster this card points to, and Special Summon 1 "Nephthys" monster with a different original name from your GY, but negate its effects.

Cyberse Witch [SR]

Cyberse Witch
Cyberse Witch
DARK Cyberse
ATK 800 / LINK 2
Lord of Borrel [SR]
2 Cyberse monsters
If a monster is Special Summoned to a zone this card points to (except during the Damage Step): You can banish 1 Spell from your GY; add 1 Cyberse Ritual Monster and 1 "Cynet Ritual" from your Deck to your hand. During your Main Phase, if this effect was activated this turn: You can target 1 Level 4 or lower Cyberse monster in your GY; Special Summon it. You can only use each effect of "Cyberse Witch" once per turn

Cyberse Magician [SR]

Cyberse Magician
Cyberse Magician
DARK Cyberse ★7
ATK 2500 / DEF 2000
Lord of Borrel [SR]
You can Ritual Summon this card with "Cynet Ritual". Any damage you take is halved. (You cannot halve the same damage twice this way.) While you control a Link Monster, monsters your opponent controls cannot target monsters you control for attacks, except this one, also your opponent cannot target monsters you control with card effects, except this one. If this card battles a Link Monster, it gains 1000 ATK during that damage calculation only. If this card in your possession is destroyed by an opponent's card effect: You can add 1 Cyberse monster from your Deck to your hand.

Cracking Dragon [SR]

Cracking Dragon
Cracking Dragon
DARK Machine ★8
ATK 3000 / DEF 0
Lord of Borrel [SR]
Cannot be destroyed by battle with a monster with equal or lower Level. When your opponent Normal or Special Summons exactly 1 monster (and no other monsters are Summoned) while this monster is on the field: You can make that monster lose ATK equal to its Level x 200 (until the end of this turn), and if you do, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the ATK lost by this effect.

Rokket Tracer [SR]

Rokket Tracer
Rokket Tracer
DARK Dragon ★4
ATK 1600 / DEF 1000
Lord of Borrel [SR]
(Quick Effect): You can target 1 face-up card you control; destroy it, and if you do, Special Summon 1 "Rokket" monster from your Deck, except "Rokket Tracer", also you cannot Special Summon monsters from the Extra Deck for the rest of this turn, except DARK monsters. You can only use this effect of "Rokket Tracer" once per turn.

Summoner Monk [SR]

Summoner Monk
Summoner Monk
DARK Spellcaster ★4
ATK 800 / DEF 1600
Lord of Borrel [SR]
While this card is face-up on the field, it cannot be Tributed. If this card is Normal or Flip Summoned: Change this card to Defense Position. Once per turn: You can discard 1 Spell Card; Special Summon 1 Level 4 monster from your Deck, but that monster cannot attack this turn.

Quick Launch [SR]

Quick Launch
Quick Launch
Quick Spell
Lord of Borrel [SR]
Special Summon 1 "Rokket" monster from your Deck, but it cannot attack, also destroy it during the End Phase.

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Chaotic SoldiersForce of InfinityFantastic ArcPhantom of RebellionMaximum Gustav
Heart of XyzShining SunriseStars of SynchroLink RevolutionStage of Trickstar
Braver VictoryArms of GiantFuture CircuitLord of Borrel

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title of this page says 44th minibox but this would actually be the 45th as 44th ws Future Circuit
<< Anonymous
LeodredAQW Reply
No, it's in the same row, so it's 44th. Don't ask why, as I dunno either.
<< Anonymous(LeodredAQW)
Anonymous Reply
Delete this
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
this is a Mini Box. Future Circuit is a Main Box.
so, we got. Borreload Dragon. Are we going to get? Borreload Savage Dragon sometimes this year
Literally not a single deck from the new box is playable what a joke
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You know it can be used to other boss monsters and stuff. It will be good. Every single time the "experts" said it will suck, the deck will be op. Every single time.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Eh, it's the opposite this time. Everyone's creaming themselves over it, so it will suck.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Well, thats true so maybe. One for sure, there isnt a single time when people got it right.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Uh oh the cycle repeated again
So we have:

Lord of Borrel
Lord of D

This box is pure cope. Rokkets were never good as a pure archetype, they were only good as an engine in Dragon Link decks, and we're missing pretty much everything that makes Dragon Link good. Rokkets on their own do...pretty much nothing.

Next main likely has Crusadia in it judging by leaks, which will be the new best way to play Mekk Knights. Save your gems for then.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You will smoke more cope with crusadia without equimax, and they will be a worse gouki deck.
I agree with rokkets. Madolche are also severly nerfed, pure copium for youbaiterz.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
We know we're getting the Crusadia link 1 and Regulex is already in the game as a UR, that's enough to make it worth with Mekk Knight. yes, without Equimax it won't be good on its own.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I'm curious to see how rokkets will perform with red-eyes.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
20 card minimum vs 40 may help the deck a lot. They already have dragon ravine and boot sector. missing the link 1 does hurt though.
Pure rokket wants their link and a rokket on field. Which may be tough ask with the current pool.
What the heck is a borrel?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Borrel is the name of the archetype
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Borrel is archetype of extra deck Dragon monsters used by Varis. The name is word play on gun barrels. It may also be a reference to the mathematical concept of Borel sets. Varis' other archetype of extra deck monsters, Topologic, also refers to a mathematic study: topology.
Is there even a cyberse ritual monster worth this support? I remember there's a paladin one and this new card, none of them are the great thing
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
There are only like 8 cyberse ritual monsters and from them all except one are better summoned with cards within their own archetype and the other ritual monster is bad
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply

you discovered a hidden truth cyberse witch existence is pointless in the world of yugioh
Madolches have to open magilene or they can't resolve queen tiramisu, I have all the madolches and Im still not getting baited by this inconsistent dog🔥 archetype
Busted Blader King
Time to combine Rokket with Busted Blader, turn 1 Buster Dragon ftw
mr volcano is the best card in this box
Borreload straight out of the gate...

Oh boy...

But Raidraptor Main box next month...
<< Anonymous(LeodredAQW)
Anonymous Reply
no. they share in this same minibox
<< Anonymous(LeodredAQW)
Anonymous Reply
Raidraptors in next box since kurosaki is also at the end of the month of February, which fits the one box a month quota.
<< Anonymous
LeodredAQW Reply
That's kinda what I'm referring to.
The box is hard skip except for Rokket and madolche fans.
Madolche is a mega bait, no anjielly, no trap and petting to 1 is severly nerfed. It will be rogue at best.
Rokket has no turn 1, no striker dragon, you can forget TCG, no noctovision, it will be very different from TCG. On paper rogue at best.
Next mainbox will be much more impactful

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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