
Bastion Misawa

Bastion Misawa Skill, How to Unlock, Level Rewards, Duel Rewards, Starter Deck.
update 20/04/2018
Bastion Misawa pages


Bastion Lvl 40


Bastion Misawa is one of the protagonist's in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX. He is the top Notcher of the new comers entrance examination of the Duel Academy. He came to the school at the same time as Jaden Yuki. He's very analytical and he based his decks on scientific formulas. Bastion and Jaden treats each other mainly as friends and sometimes rivals. He resides in Ra Yellow dormitory.

How to unlock Bastion

Once you "Achieve 50 win(s) with 3 or less Cards left in your Deck," Bastion Misawa Unlock Missions appear. Complete the missions to get Bastion Misawa as a playable character!

Unlock Missions

Complete all Character Unlock MissionsEarth Jewel x30
Achieve 1 win(s) using only WATER Monster Cards.Gold x5000
Achieve 1 win(s) using only FIRE Monster Cards.Gold x5000
Achieve 1 win(s) using only EARTH Monster Cards.Gold x5000
Achieve 1 win(s) using only WIND Monster Cards.Gold x5000

Bastion Misawa's skills

[Skill] descriptionHow to get
Silent as WATER
Can be used after your Life Points are at 3000 or below. Play the Field Spell "Umiiruka." If there already is Field Spell on your side of the Field, rerturn it to your hand. This skill can only be used once per Duel.
Quick as the WIND
Can be used after your Life Points are at 3000 or below. Play the Field Spell "Rising Air Current." If there already is Field Spell on your side of the Field, rerturn it to your hand. This skill can only be used once per Duel.
Mighty as FIRE
Can be used after your Life Points are at 3000 or below. Play the Field Spell "Molten Destruction." If there already is Field Spell on your side of the Field, rerturn it to your hand. This skill can only be used once per Duel.
Firm as the EARTH
Can be used after your Life Points are at 3000 or below. Play the Field Spell "Gaia Power." If there already is Field Spell on your side of the Field, rerturn it to your hand. This skill can only be used once per Duel.
Radiating LIGHT
Can be used after your Life Points are at 2000 or below. Play the Field Spell "Luminous Spark." If there already is Field Spell on your side of the Field, return it to your hand. This skill can only be used once per Duel.
DARK as Night
Can be used after your Life Points are at 2000 or below. Play the Field Spell "Mystic Plasma Zone." If there already is Field Spell on your side of the Field, return it to your hand. This skill can only be used once per Duel.

Common drop skills

Level-Up Rewards

What are Level Rewards?

Level reward is what you can obtain by leveling up characters, including gems, cards, skills, extra deck slots.

Bastion Misawa's Level-Up Rewards

2Gem x10
3D.D. Scout PlaneD.D. Scout Plane
4Skill: Silent as WATER
5Deck Slot (Bastion Misawa)
6Gem x15
8Deck Slot (Bastion Misawa)
9Gem x25
11Chemicritter Carbo CrabChemicritter Carbo Crab
12Gem x35
13Skill: Quick as the WIND
15Gem x50
16Chemicritter Hydron HawkChemicritter Hydron Hawk
17Gem x60
18Homunculus the Alchemic BeingHomunculus the Alchemic Being
19Gem x75
20Skill: Mighty as FIRE
22Gem x100
23Chemicritter Hydron HawkChemicritter Hydron Hawk
24Gem x120
25D.D. SurvivorD.D. Survivor
26Gem x150
27Deck Slot (Bastion Misawa)
28Gem x200
29Gem x250
30Gem x300
31Gold x100,000
32Gem x200
33Chemicritter Carbo CrabChemicritter Carbo Crab
34Gem x250
35Poly-Chemicritter HydragonPoly-Chemicritter Hydragon
36UR Jewel x1
37Gem x200
38DNA TransplantDNA Transplant
39Gem x250
40Poly-Chemicritter DioxogrePoly-Chemicritter Dioxogre
41Deck Slot (Bastion Misawa)
42gems x100
43gems x200
44gems x250

Duel Rewards

What are Duel Rewards?

Reward cards are card that You can get as reward for gaining a victory over Legendary Duelists.

Bastion Misawa's Exclusive Duel Rewards

Starter Deck

What is a Starter Deck?

A starter deck is the default set of cards of a certain character which you will automatically get once you obtain that character.

Bastion Misawa's Starter Deck

Water DragonOxygeddonHydrogeddonHydrogeddonViolent RainViolent Rain
Violent RainBio-MageBio-MageBio-MageDissolverockDissolverock
DissolverockHinotama SoulHinotama SoulHinotama SoulLaLa Li-OonLaLa Li-Oon
LaLa Li-OonBonding - H2O----


In Manga / Anime

In Manga / Anime Bastion Misawa's deck mainly revolves on summoning Water Dragon. He uses Hydrogeddon and Oxygeddon at the start then he will eventually tribute it by using Bonding - H2O to special summon Water Dragon. In his duel against Jaden, he used Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell to counter Jaden's fusion summons.

Other Duelists

Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal

Yu-Gi-Oh! DSOD

Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX

Note:Atticus is not added to the game yet, but their names were found in the code of the game at least.

Yu-Gi-Oh! (DM)

Note: Marik Ishtar, Solomon Muto, and Yami Joey are currently unplayable.
→ How to get/unlock characters


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jump u star s
they change him to unlock
does beating legendary dualists with 3 cards or less count towards the 50 wins with 3 cards or less
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Bastion's field skill's should be zero cost.
<< Anonymous(Lester)
Anonymous Reply
oh definitely. There's no real reason to make them require certain LP at this point.
What is bastion's ace monster? The description says it's not Water Dragon
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You're probably thinking about Mezuki, because he used that a lot in the manga
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It is water dragon. Fire dragon was also never released.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Water Dragon Cluster
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Its a reference about his hidden crush on White Magician Pikeru. That's probably why it was comically left out.
Do you guys think that it would be OP if they buffed his skills so that the field spell cards activate at the beginning of the duel instead of after losing some LP?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
any deck that doesnt need a field spell or special skill can run it. remember that a weapon for you is a weapon to your enemy also, and if it would make you stronger, it could make the meta stronger as well. -3000lp is steep though, should be more like where the heroes dwell maybe?
If you have money red eyes neos fusion can whittle your deck down to 3 cards pretty fast, and almost never bricks. also the stromberg field spell is useful, doesnt have a requirement to mill your deck, and its a rare in a mini box.
Does anyone has any deck to achieve that condition of victory with 3 or less cards faster?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Ivan Reply
Does it need to be in GX or do all worlds count?

Also, a classic Yubel deck w/o the Nephytys support works brilliantly for deck out wins.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Is there a way to see how far your progress is for unlocking Bastion?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
No, sadly not.
When will he be available to unlock again? (Date of post 10/25/19)
funny guy
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Care to elaborate?
Is there any statistical way to keep track of this in the app: "Achieve 50 win(s) with 3 or less Cards left in your Deck,"
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Unfortunately no. Same with Luna's "win 100 duels using Leo" requirement.
Miten onnistua missionissa 28 jossa pitää pelata bastionilla vs 30 lve chazz princeton.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Eteenkään jos ei ole vielä koko bastionia
the victories to unlock his missions need to be on GX world?

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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