
Marik Ishtar

update 18/04/2017

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Marik Ishtar is a character that's suspected to be coming soon. There are several files found in the game showing a character selection icon, and a player profile icon. Similar to Yugi Muto, he has an alter ego called Yami Marik. His Yami version is more likely to be an unlockable character to avoid having 2 of the same character. Marik Ishtar might make an appearance through a mini event just like the Yugi Muto event.


Based on the anime, Marik Ishtar takes control of other people and use their decks to duel and does not duel himself, unless he is in his Yami Marik form. If he were to appear, he could be bringing other gravekeeper monsters like Gravekeeper's Descendant, similar to Ishizu and Odion's duel rewards.

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he is practically conformed now, not only because those skills, etc but because this informations finded in the most recently datamine:

there have a image showing a possible event to unlock him and the winged dragon of ra: phoenix form
<< Anonymous
Mystic Quest Reply
Marik's gonna come to Duel Links! SOON
<< Anonymous(Mystic Quest)
Anonymous Reply
How do you know?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
no one actually knows, it's just a meme like "BRD/dark law next box"
<< Anonymous
Tired Reply
Still no Marik
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I think we will get him next year.
Last year Duke Devlin (DM) and Supreme King (GX)
This year Bakura (DSOD) and Jim Crocodile (GX)
Next year Marik (DM) and Atticus (GX)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It's probably hopium, but I do wonder if all the Egyptian God support released in recent years being absent from Duel Links is maybe because they're holding them for Marik.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The best support god cards (and earthbound immortals too) could get is to have 3 copies of each, I know they are kept as one for lore reasons but I think a better homage to those cards would be make them playable and not just cards collecting dust in your inventory
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Konami will probably give us the Egyptian God support in a new box or structure deck when they release Marik as a character.
Trapped forever in the hell known as data files.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Marik Ishtar is an impotent weak male, false info
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
on the contrary, Yami Marik is chad Marik
Where's Shadi?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I'm pretty sure the only ones included in the game are those we've definitively seen duel.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Say that to Scud and most other DSOD characters
Almost 4 years later and yet.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Who gives a damn about him when we have already yami marik?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I do. Psycho boy Yami Marik got boring after a while.
It’s 2020 now and we even have ZEXAL but he still haven’t been released
<< Anonymous
Yami Aster Reply
so, I guess this guy never became good. What a sad story, the good ending only existed in the anime/manga after all.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
yeah, maybe konami thinks Y.M never became good in this reality.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
They did show him change back after the end of the second part of the Yami Marik event. So he just never joined the game and is hanging out in duel world having coffee or something.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
maybe konami thinks Y.M never became good in this reality.

By the way, this guy enslaved his own self. What a fool.
<< Anonymous
mayb he's too inbred Reply
just an IDea
Only chance it seems of him being added now is next anniversary.
I guess he's never going to be released.
2 Years and 3 Worlds later and still no regular Marik, I honestly don't think they have any plans to add him at this point.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I'm pretty confident that they will, it's just that they know he's a fan favorite so they want to space it out to keep people hyped up for new characters. Duke, grandpa Yugi, Marik and others are very popular characters so they probably don't want to release them all at once
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
So basically, they are treating these characters like hero cards.
I have lost all hope of seeing him in duel links.

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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