
14th Main Box: Gaia Genesis

update 25/10/2018

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Rating (Versatility)
Strengthened decks
  • Aquactress
  • Dark World
  • E.HERO
  • Gemini
  • Koa'ki Meiru
  • Mermail
  • U.A
Aug 27 2018



Mermail, Atlantean & Abyss


The archetype everyone was either excited for or afraid of is here, Mermails have been officially announced, but do they have what it takes to be a viable deck in the current meta?

While a lot of cards are certainly still missing, Mermails can utilize Atlantean Marksman and Atlantean Heavy Infantry to get rid of both face-down and face-up cards and, by opening the entire Box, you will get two copies of each, which is great.

Marksman and Heavy Infantry and comparable to Recon, Scout Fur Hire and Donpa, Marksman Fur Hire as their effects are similar, but they are not identical:

AtlanteansFur Hires
  • “Target 1 set card your opponent controls; destroy that target.”
  • “Target 1 face-up card your opponent controls; destroy that target.”
  • “You can target 1 set card on the field; destroy it.”
  • “You can target 1 face-up card on the field; destroy it.”

What is the difference? If the opponent, for example, chains a face-down card to the effect of Recon, Scout Fur Hire, the card is destroyed, but, if Atlantean Marksman is the one targeting that set card and the card is chained, the card is not destroyed.

The “Abyss-” Spell/Trap Cards are very underwhelming and a Mermail Deck would probably rather run something like Hey, Trunade! or Treacherous Trap Hole instead, despite the fact that Mermail Abyssmegalo can add them from the Deck to the hand when he is Special Summoned by its own effect.

From what I can see, the deck will likely struggle with consistency due to the fact that the main Boss Monster of the deck, Mermail Abyssmegalo requires you to discard two other WATER monsters from your hand to be Special Summoned, which is honestly how you’re going to get him on the field.

Look Forward to ...

In this section I’ll name a few cards that could fix the main issues this deck has.
Mermail Abysslinde and Abyss-sphere can Special Summon monsters from the deck, they can both generally be set on Turn 1, where the deck seems to lack options, and the latter can also be searched.

Mermail Abyssteus is a secondary Boss Monster that is much easier to get on the field compared to Abyssmegalo and that is also able to search a Level 4 or lower “Mermail” monster from the Deck when he is Special Summoned by its own effect.


The deck is already playable, but it will be difficult for it to face more well-rounded and complete meta decks with its current issues; as always, it’s up to the player to decide whether or not they want to invest in a Box, but, unless you can afford it, I would avoid Gaia Genesis.

U.A (Ultra Athlete)


The second main archetype featured in the box is also lacking a lot of cards, namely all of the defensive monsters; one of the most important cards, U.A. Midfielder is an UR, which means that, in order to play a “U.A.” Deck, you will have to reset this Main Box twice.

This deck can be quite bricky even with the help of Cyber Style; just like Mermails, Ultra Athletes are playable, but they will certainly have trouble with consistency.

U.A. Stadium is an incredibly powerful card that, especially when combined with Midfielder, but the chance of starting with both in your hand is not exactly high.

U.A. Penalty Box will probably not be enough to make the deck relevant, but, paired with U.A. Mighty Slugger, it can be pretty powerful.

Look Forward to ...

U.A. Perfect Ace would make a Feast of the Wild LV5 U.A. Deck very good; he is similar to Wiz, Sage Fur Hire, but his effect does not state that you need to discard a card of his own archetype.

U.A. Goalkeeper and U.A. Blockbacker have very good protection effects that can prevent destruction by card effect and negate the effects and change the battle position of a monster that was Special Summoned respectively.

U.A. Signing Deal allows you to Special Summon from the Deck and U.A. Powered Jersey is an incredibly powerful card when paired with U.A. Mighty Slugger or U.A. Dreadnought Dunker.


Unless KONAMI decides to reprint some of these cards, the “U.A.” archetype will be extremely expensive, especially considering the remaining monsters will likely have higher rarity than the Level 5 or higher ones we’ve got so far: another reason not to invest in this Main Box, if you have a limited amount of Gems.

You easily just get two copies of Mermail Abyssmegalo and still have a decent deck, but, in this case, three copies of a UR are pretty much needed.

Koa’ki Meiru


It’s true that the archetype features a lot of cards, but that shouldn’t be a reason to just randomly release a bunch that can barely be played together.

Koa'ki Meiru Ice’s alternative maintenance condition can be fulfilled by revealing a Continuous Spell in your hand, so you could just ignore Iron Core and run some of the Fire Fist cards just to abuse his destruction effect;

Koa'ki Meiru Urnight can Special Summon any other Level 4 or lower Koa’ki Meiru monster from the deck by revealing an Iron Core in your hand;

Koa'ki Meiru Maximus is a decent Boss Monster, but he is difficult to get on the field and even more difficult to maintain;

Iron Core Armor is a decent Equip Spell and Koa'ki Meiru Shield is essentially a Mirror Force with a very specific requirement.

Aside from the first card I mentioned, none of these can be used effectively in other decks.

Look Forward to ...

KONAMI decided to release two Rock-Type monsters together with Sandman that are honestly not particularly great, making the SR difficult to run, but, if Koa'ki Meiru Wall, Koa'ki Meiru Guardian and Koa'ki Meiru Overload are ever released, it will be worth it to come back to this Box;

Koa'ki Meiru Drago is a great card that would completely shut down Masked HEROes and give trouble to Silent Spellbook;

Diamond Core of Koa'ki Meiru would make a Koa’ki Meiru deck worth running as it essentially gives you access to all of the Monster Cards and also to Iron Core.


There is nearly no point in investing in this Box for Koa’ki Meiru support so far, they could be fun to play around with, but I don’t see them being particularly competitive.


UR Card

Gemini SparkGemini Spark


Gemini Spark is an incredibly versatile Quick-Play Spell and it might be the only reason why Gemini monsters will see some play after this Box has been released. We still need to see how good an updated Gemini Deck with Heavy Knight of the Flame, Evocator Chevalier and possibly Dark Valkyria would be, but so far I can say that building it will be very expensive, so that alone may dether some players from trying it out.

We really need to look at the overall value of this Box: we have a pretty good Battle Trap, some form of backrow removal, a few incomplete archetypes that may become relevant, a bunch of random support HERO cards, some of which are only available at one copy (Clayman), and some more support for older archetypes. Is this really worth investing?

Look Forward to ...

KONAMI has been trying to push this archetype in Duel Links for a long time, but it really currently needs is Skill they can work well with rather than more support.

It’s really difficult to find something that would fit their “playstyle” or strategies in general, so maybe the developers have been going in the wrong way.


I would advise any new player to stay away from this Box until we know exactly how these cards perform in the current meta and what the “current meta” will be from August 29.

Card Lists

UR cards

SR cards

R cards

N cards

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Hot New Top
Does anyone know any good rock-type monsters that can be special summoned freely? Doki Doki's effect sounds incredible, but too bad I'm no rock-type specialist.
<< Anonymous
Aquablast Reply
I guess memes and references can be fun, but let's not get TOO derailed. I think Doki Doki could do more than to summon Lv4 monsters... I mean, it doesn't have a level limitation! Trading Valkyrion for a Gaia Plate is more what I had in mind. I think this is a card that could bear more repeated mentions-- otherwise people will only look at U.A, Mermails, and Aquaactress.
<< Anonymous(Aquablast)
Another Anon Reply
Well... It does has a level limitation.

Which is why I honestly don't think it's that good really. Don't know why all the hype about this being a good card for magnet deck.
<< Anonymous(Aquablast)
Saladfingers Reply
I forgot what Doki Doki does, but SS Rocks have The Rock Spirit, Gaia Plate, Magnets, and I think that's all in the current card pool. :D
<< Anonymous(Another Anon)
Anonymous Reply
Doki Doki in a block magnets deck is insane bro
REALLY TERRIBLE players said, 'don´t invest in U.A.s and that deck became top tier and same thing happened with Empire of Scarlet.

I guess that´s why you can´t trust 🔥ty players who know nothing about the game.
<< Anonymous(____Willowfox)
Anonymous Reply
U.A. is brutal man !
Pure awesomeness, glad I invested in it !
<< Anonymous(____Willowfox)
Anonymous Reply
deck is on highest top of last weekly
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
U.A. totally CLAPS MAN !
<< Anonymous(____Willowfox)
Anonymous Reply
it was a good era(except for hey trunade), until the first nerf to Cyber Style: you cant tribute proto CyDra for tribute summon.
thx Konami
<< Anonymous(Falafel)
Konami Reply
i finally got it! :)
We go to convince Konami to bring the 14th Minibox in.
<< Anonymous
Konami Reply
We are working hard to add new cards for the Minibox that we missed during the release of 5Ds however we currently don’t know when we will release it due to several planned updates currently in progress. We will consider releasing the 14th minibox as soon as we can. Thank you for the message.
<< Anonymous
Aaron Sweet Reply
Hey Konami when are you going to put 14th mini box into duel links
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I remember I got my 3rd Midfielder with just 1500 gems. Congrats ^^
Makrov krauz
Why is Koa'ki Meiru Ice ranked as B-, is this website for real?, I understand why maximus is ranked as B- since it requires iron core but ice is differently solid B+ at least, that guy can really do some serious Field nuking.
<< Anonymous(Saladfingers)
makrov krauz Reply
I got ur point anyway, I'm juat saying there are some garbage cards ranked as B+, cards way worse than ice + ice is the only koa'ki card that can work optimally if used in any deck not just koa,ki deck just like snipe hunter, to each their pluses and minuses
<< Anonymous(Makrov krauz)
Anonymous Reply
I just got schooled by Koa'ki Meiru in rankeds
<< Anonymous
Makrov krauz Reply
LoL, what deck were you playing?
<< Anonymous(Makrov krauz)
Anonymous Reply
Koa'ki meiru claps by now.
I still can't believe until now what this box did to me. I forced myself to open this box for Cloudians for Epic Yami Event. So I opened packs, then what's coming while opening was DAMN TOO LUCKY! in 40 packs I got: (URs) Midfielder, Megalo, Galaxy Cyclone, Drowning, Gemini Spark and Gaia. (SRs) 2 Urknight, 2 Sandman, 2 Abbysspike, 2 Infatry, 1 Marksman, Stadium, Axe, Valkyria and Penalty Box. It's almost half of the URs and SRs, and the funny thing is NO CLUDIAN CIRROSTRATOS even one! but I was so hyped so I did reset the box for 2nd copies of each.. so now, I have this Koa'ki Deck unintentionally (Opened Diamond Core in my first 10 packs too, so I reset it again. Lol). UA deck, Gemini and Mermail deck. Too late, but I admittedly happy and contented. TY Konami!
🔥ing rigged!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I feel for you my man, that's so unlucky!
<< Anonymous
Fridge Reply
damn that sucks big time dude:(
<< Anonymous(Fridge)
Anonymous Reply
Sh*t That is bad luck!
I think konami is trolling me.
So why no mini box for this release
<< Anonymous(Jamie)
Anonymous Reply
Because introducing new Synchro summoning which needs more support cards.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
They did say we would get a Mini-Box counterpart to this after Stardust Acceleration, though. It just never happened.

Either they abandoned that idea (likely due to not wanting to release back-to-back Minis), or they're waiting for a time they can do a non-Synchro-based set.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I don't know why they would not want to release back-to-back Minis when they released back-to-back Mains.
Is there now no more free 500 gems when the new cardpack is launched?
<< Anonymous(zura)
Anonymous Reply
We did get 500 gems during Gaia Genesis' release last month.

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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