Equip only to a "U.A." monster. It gains 1000 ATK and DEF, also if it battles an opponent's monster, any battle damage it inflicts to your opponent is doubled. If the equipped monster destroys a monster by its attack: It can make a second attack during this Battle Phase. During your Standby Phase: Banish the equipped monster. If this card is sent to the Graveyard because the equipped monster returned to the hand: You can return this card to the hand.
If at some point I needed to use forbidden lance on a monster equipped to this, besides the loss of 1000 atk, will it still do double damage and can it still make a second attack?
A 3500 atk (4000 if UA Stadium effect has activated) Dunker that can attack twice and inflict doubled battle damage in each attack (plus the card destruction effect).
Plus, you can switch the UA equipped with this card for another UA after the second attack if the opponent survives to avoid the drawback of this spell and recycle it for the next turn. No wonder why it hasn't been implemented ye
This card is kinda weak if they released it on duel links. cause the issue is same as the mermail equipped cards. when you activate this card on your U.A monster, your opponent can simple counter it with Canadian. plus if you draw this card on your first hand and have no level 4 monster, it is pretty GG.
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