

update 16/06/2020


Leo is the older twin of Luna and the also one of the Legendary Signers bearing the Heart Mark of the Dragon. He uses a Morphtronic deck whose monster effects change depending on their battle position while also having a lot of equip cards to support them. His ace monster is Power Tool Dragon which would later transform into his Signer Dragon Life Stream Dragon.

How to Unlock

Once you reach Stage 11 in Yu-Gi-Oh! (5D's) World, Leo Unlock Missions appear.

Leo's Skills

Leaked Skills

[Skill] descriptionHow to get
Twins Together
Can be used when your LP is 1000 or below. Add 1 "Double Ripple" from your deck to your hand. This skill can be used once per Duel.
Spell Recycle: Equipment
Can be used when you control "Power Tool Dragon". Place 1 Equip Spell in your graveyard to the bottom of your deck. This skill can be used once per turn.
Mark of the Dragon - Heart
At the beginning of the Duel, add 2 "Morphtronic Lantron](/c/j0nu56jn)" to your deck, and 1 "Power Tool Dragon" and "Life Stream Dragon" to your Extra deck.
Level Modification: Life Stream
Can be used when you control "Life Stream Dragon". Change the Level of a Synchro monster you control by your choice. This skill can be used once per Duel.

Exclusive Skills

[Skill] descriptionHow to get
Courage and Strength
At the beginning of the Duel, add 2 "Morphtronic Remoten" to your deck and 1 "Power Tool Dragon" to your Extra deck.
Lvl 4
Level Augmentation
Reveal 1 monster in your hand, then target 1 face-up monster on your side of the field; that target's level increases by the Level of the revealed monster. This skill can be used once per Duel.
Lvl 13
Equipment Exchange
Can be used when your LP is 3000 or below, Place 1 Equip Spell from your hand to the bottom of your deck, and draw 1 card. This skill can be used once per Duel.
Lvl 20
Equipment Restock
Can be used when you have 3 or more Equip Spell cards in the Graveyard. 1 random Equip Spell in your Graveyard is added to your hand. Then, shuffle other Equip Spells in your Graveyard into your Deck. This skill can only be used once per Duel.

Common Skills

Level-up Rewards

2Gem x10
3Gadget DriverGadget Driver
4Skill: Courage and Strength
5Deck Slot (Leo)
6Gem x15
7Factory of 100 MachinesFactory of 100 Machines
8Deck Slot (Leo)
9Gem x25
10Gadget DriverGadget Driver
11Morphtronic MonitronMorphtronic Monitron
12Gem x35
13Skill: Level Augmentation
14Factory of 100 MachinesFactory of 100 Machines
15Gem x50
16Morphtronic MonitronMorphtronic Monitron
17Gem x60
18Gadget DriverGadget Driver
19Gem x75
20Skill: Equipment Exchange
21Factory of 100 MachinesFactory of 100 Machines
22Gem x100
23Morphtronic CameranMorphtronic Cameran
24Gem x120
25Morphtronic MonitronMorphtronic Monitron
26Gem x150
27Deck Slot (Leo)
28Gem x200
29Gem x250
30Morphtronic SmartfonMorphtronic Smartfon
31Gold x100,000
30Gems x200
33Morphtronic LantronMorphtronic Lantron
34Gems x250
35Morphtronic SmartfonMorphtronic Smartfon
36UR Jewel x1
37Gems x200
38Morphtronic LantronMorphtronic Lantron
39Gems x250
40Morphtronic SmartfonMorphtronic Smartfon

Duel Rewards

Starter deck

Leo's Starter Deck

GolgoilGolgoilGolgoilDisk MagicianDisk MagicianDisk Magician
Machine AttackerMighty GuardMighty GuardMighty GuardCyber FalconCyber Falcon
Cyber FalconHolograhHolograhHolograhDharma CannonDharma Cannon
Dharma CannonWater Spirit----


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Now we just wait for Aporia's event for Life Stream Dragon.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
wont happen
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I expect Life Stream will probably be his level 45 reward
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Let's face it, it will probably be an UR in a Main Box.
I'm gonna admit to the salt on this one. Leo gets NOTHING. Everyone else has their Mark skill from jump, hell Yusei even has Stardust in the new Box. Leo? Doesn't get ANYTHING.
<< Anonymous
Paradigma Reply
pero tiene gemas :D
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Morphtronics could maybe be supported sooner than most other 5D's decks, fingers-crossed.
Give him a way to play Celfon, Boombox, Radion, Boarden, and Slingen. He'll be great.
<< Anonymous
Sora Reply
Well he didn't recieve his mark until much later so I guess that's one reason he doesn't have it. Besides the Courage and Strength skill gives him Power Tool dragon and it's an easy level up reward to get.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It fits in with the anime though, since Leo doesn't get his mark until way later, after he dies, which activates Lifestream shedding the Power Tool Dragon shell
Honestly, I'm just glad Leo atleast gets a useful level 30 card compared to Crow, Akiza, and Luna.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I'm glad it's unique for now and quite cool.
Smartfon is a smart level-up reward.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I notice they cut from 45 down to just 30 now for Character level-ups.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
DM and GX worlds didn't start with level 45 right off the bat, anyway
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
we have now a 2nd Smartfon on the game, it should be easier to make morphtronics quite competitive
Hey so has anyone figured out a decent deck recipe for the morphtronic monsters? At least good enough to make him stand a chance against auto duelists?
<< Anonymous
Xionas Reply
I just use Genex monsters
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This is my deck for leo :

1x scopen
3x radion
3x X head cannon
1x genex neutron
1x sphere kuriboh
1x bio falcon
1x remoten
1x e-con
3x power tool C & D
1x widespread ruin
1x floodgate
3x W.O.D

1x power tool dragon

Skill : courage and strength

Its fairly decent for level 57 standard duelists
<< Anonymous
Ripcordkill345 Reply
im doing pretty well with just morphtronics
<< Anonymous(Ripcordkill345)
Anonymous Reply
Fast drawing
Just noticed
Morphtronics are pretty decent if you have 2 copies of that card that allows you to shuffle 1 morphtronic monster from hand to deck and then destroy any card on the field.
Is there a deck to use to special summon 5 times in one duel against level 30 Leo?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Try hammershark
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I done it using an ojama deck, with 2 Embodiment of Apophis.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Silent Magician. It's quick and easy, especially if you add in 2-3 copies of The Tricky too
Okay, I just discovered a really weird bug! I battled with Leo against Luna Lv 10 at the gate, fullfilling the mission on Lv 27 (play against Luna). Then the exp counter said +0 and Leo went straight up to Lv 30 but that would have needed at least 5000 or more experience actually, I am not sure. Has someone discovered something similar?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
X3 rewards at gate gives x3 exp now
Why? why remoten, why not scopen? WHYY!??
<< Anonymous(Daku)
LUL Reply
Probably gonna be in a minibox
<< Anonymous(Daku)
Anonymous Reply
If they gave Scopen for Leo through skill, they would've given Twilight Rose Knight for Akiza instead.
Are you KIDDING me?! There's barely any cards to support Leo's own archetype!Even the number of morphtronics is too low..this can't be all of them
how do u beat leo at lv20?e.e
<< Anonymous(Otaku78)
Anonymous Reply
Grind for at least a budget deck you'd be comfortable taking into PvP. I bet you'd be fine with Furs,Vamps, or anything else to summon to the field quickly.
So I had to collect 5 machine cards and I decided to just unlock Bandit Keith and get his deck but apparently none of his machine cards in that deck count towards this even though this same method worked for needing to collect 1 ritual monster for GX and unlocking Pegasus for his Relinquished. Is this a glitch?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Probably has to be done in the 5Ds World
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
So I just completed it by levelling up Keith and farming Syrus lvl 10 for the machines and I still have no clue what was up
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
My suggestion is farm Syrus at lvl40 instead of lvl 10 it’ll help ya since you can gain machines more quickly via that I did like that and unlocked leo
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Buying a few cheap cards from the trader works.
These unlock conditions can be so damn tedious at times. Especially when they rely heavily on luck rather then skil.
Still, finally managed to get the QV with my Inzektor deck, by using Hopper's ability to bypass his defenses.

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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