
Restart (Skill)

Restart skill in Duel Links. Skill details, how to get, characters, and decks.
update 04/10/2022

Skill Details

Can be used only once after starting hands are drawn. Reduce your starting hand by 1, and then redraw your hand. You cannot Special Summon or activate monster effects until the end of the Main Phase of your first turn.

How to Get

CharacterHow to Get
Seto KaibaLegendary Duelist/PvP Duel Reward
Mai ValentineLegendary Duelist/PvP Duel Reward
Yugi MutoLvl 20
Bandit KeithLvl 20
Maximillion PegasusLegendary Duelist/PvP Duel Reward
Paradox BrothersLvl 13
ArkanaLegendary Duelist/PvP Duel Reward
BonzLvl 20
CharacterHow to Get
Jaden YukiLegendary Duelist/PvP Duel Reward
Jesse AndersonLegendary Duelist/PvP Duel Reward
Vellian CrowlerLegendary Duelist/PvP Duel Reward
Tyranno HassleberryLegendary Duelist/PvP Duel Reward
Sartorius KumarLegendary Duelist/PvP Duel Reward
YubelLegendary Duelist/PvP Duel Reward
Blair Flannigan
Blair Flannigan
Legendary Duelist/PvP Duel Reward
CharacterHow to Get
Jack AtlasLegendary Duelist/PvP Duel Reward
Akiza IzinskiLegendary Duelist/PvP Duel Reward
LeoLegendary Duelist/PvP Duel Reward
Officer Tetsu TrudgeLegendary Duelist/PvP Duel Reward
DS Kalin KesslerLegendary Duelist/PvP Duel Reward
DS Carly CarmineLegendary Duelist/PvP Duel Reward
Carly CarmineLegendary Duelist/PvP Duel Reward
Kalin Kessler
Kalin Kessler
Legendary Duelist/PvP Duel Reward
Legendary Duelist/PvP Duel Reward
Legendary Duelist/PvP Duel Reward
CharacterHow to Get
Tea Gardner (DSOD)Legendary Duelist/PvP Duel Reward
CharacterHow to Get
Reginald Kastle
Reginald Kastle
Legendary Duelist/PvP Duel Reward
Kite Tenjo
Kite Tenjo
Legendary Duelist/PvP Duel Reward
Rio KastleLegendary Duelist/PvP Duel Reward
CharacterHow to Get
Playmaker and Ai
Playmaker and Ai
Legendary Duelist/PvP Duel Reward
Legendary Duelist/PvP Duel Reward

Skill rebalancing history

Description (Until 2021 Mar 24)

Can be used only once after starting hands are dealt. Redraw your starting hand. Your first Draw will be skipped if you use this Skill.
This Skill will not activate if your Deck does not contain 7 or more copies each of Spell and Trap cards.

Description (Until 2020 Oct 21)

Can be used only once after starting hands are dealt. Reveal and redraw your starting hand. Your first Draw will be skipped if you use this Skill.

Description (Until 2018 Jun 25)

Can be used only once after starting hands are dealt. Reveal and redraw your starting hand.


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I think with the skill Restart, when it says that "This Skill will not activate if your Deck does not contain 7 or more copies each of Spell and Trap cards" . I think it is saying that you just need to have at least 7 spell and/or trap cards, but they all have to be different spell and trap cards.
<< Anonymous(Can'tTouchThis)
hyunija Reply
the skill doesn't work with me anymore ,am sure i fulfilled the conditions
<< Anonymous(hyunija)
Anonymous Reply
This Skill will not activate if your Deck does not contain 7 or more copies each of Spell and Trap cards.
Restart used to be better than Balance, fast forward a few years, now Balance is the better skill XD

Seriously, Restart's nerf means you can only play 6 monsters if you want to keep your deck to 20 cards. That's dumb.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Balance will be next
<< Anonymous
Faruk Aksoy Reply
2021 will be Duel Links but without skill. All characters will be treated like vanilla monsters.
<< Anonymous(Faruk Aksoy)
Anonymous Reply
so I can summon characters now?

Nice; I can't wait to battle hitotsume giant with tea.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
"I summon myself in Attack position."
"I activate Trap Hole. You're dead now!"
the skill does not work anymore. I doesnt ask me to restart anymore. it just starts the duel. And to make matters worse i brick like a mf
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
nvm nerf hurts
I have seen many opponents use this skill and not one single time were any cards of their discarded starting hand revealed. Not once. Why?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
They changed it so now they skip their first draw phase instead if they use the skill.
So far I got the skill also for Yugi Muto, Tyranno Hassleberry, Akiza Izinski, Leo, Dark Signer Kalin Kessler, Arkana, Dr Vellian Crowler, Yubel, Sartorius Kumar, Jack Atlas and Officer Tetsu Trudge.
there could be more or all ledgandary duelists can use this skill!?
<< Anonymous(bubbad)
Anonymous Reply
Honestly, they should have made Draw Sense Low Level, Restart, and Balance as skills that any character can get. Some kind of "generic skill anyone can use".
I feel that this being something you have to specifically pick for a character rather it being an innate part of the game is why more people like Hearthstone or MtG then Yugioh. Unlike in the other games, getting stuck with a dead hand means your screwed. Unless you have some way of drawing cards with whats in your hand, your done. Wish Konami would wise up and add it as an innate. Who cares if that's not in the actual card game, neither are half the other skills in the game.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I'd go as far as saying it should be in the real life game as well.
This was the only skill I didn't like it at all lol, I guess I'm one of the few who are really pleased about it being dead. (at least in competitive decks, because it's still viable in farming).
So salty that they nerfed this the way they did. Now there is pretty much no incentive to use this. Legit guarantees you a loss if you don't get an amazing hand. Konami don't understand how nerfing works, you aren't supposed to make these things 🔥, you are supposed to balance them you hacks.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I think skip your first draw phase is too much cost for this skill , maybe they should made it lowers the user life points instead?
Dr. Vellian Crowler has the Restart skill too. Got it doing ranked...
Can Mokuba learn restart? Which legendary duelist drops restart?
Can Mako learn Restart?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Don't think he can. But balance, yeah

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Comments (updated every hour)

045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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