
How to beat/farm Tea Gardner Lvl 40

This page notes level 40 Tea's deck, characteristics, and tips for defeating her.
update 10/04/2017

Sylvan (7,000 - 8,000)

Example Deck

Union Atk Version

Sylvan KomushroomoSylvan KomushroomoSylvan KomushroomoRose LoverRose LoverSylvan Hermitree
Sylvan HermitreeSylvan HermitreeWorld Carrotweight ChampionWorld Carrotweight ChampionGravekeeper's VassalAmarylease
AmaryleaseAmaryleaseSylvan GuardioakSylvan GuardioakSylvan GuardioakUnion Attack
Union AttackSecret Pass to the Treasures----

Winged Dragon of Ra Version

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Power of the Tributed
When you sucessfully Tributed Summon "The Winged of Ra", its ATK will becomes the sum of the ATK of the Tirbuted Monsters, and its DEF will becomes the sum of the Tributed Monsters.
Yami Marik
Yami Marik

Tethys deck (7,000 - 8,000+)

Skill -
Essential cards
(Box reset)
No box reset needed

Example deck

Tethys, Goddess of LightTethys, Goddess of LightHarvest Angel of WisdomHarvest Angel of WisdomHarvest Angel of WisdomElement Valkyrie
Element ValkyrieElement ValkyrieGravekeeper's VassalHysteric FairyHysteric FairyHysteric Fairy
Union AttackUnion AttackReloadReloadTransmodifyTransmodify
TransmodifySecret Pass to the Treasures----

Fast farming deck that doesn't require any character specific skills. Against level 40 can be a little risky and difficult since Tea has attack increasing equip cards, so you'll need to get Transmodify early. For a more safer farm runs if you want to get some character skills or cards, duel Tea at level 30 instead.

The Unhappy Girl

Obtainable score6,000 - 8,000
Essential skillLP Boost α
Essential cards

Example deck (Union Attack)

Mystical Beast of SerketGravekeeper's VassalThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlRai-Mei
Rai-MeiRai-MeiShard of GreedShard of GreedTwisterTwister
Union AttackTemple of the KingsSecret Pass to the TreasuresWindstorm of EtaquaSpell ReclamationEnchanted Javelin
Enchanted JavelinEnchanted Javelin---Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon


Summon Unhappy Girl, or Rai-Mei if you don't have unhappy girl, and stall until you can perform gravekeeper's vassal and union attack combo. Set a Rai-Mei when you set an Enchanted Javelin to raise your LP to ensure Tea won't attack the unhappy girl while also thinning your deck. Summon BEUD when you can before the last turn and leave 1 monster slot open for vassal.

Example deck (No Union Attack)

Cú Chulainn the AwakenedThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlRai-MeiRai-Mei
Rai-MeiBlue-Eyes White DragonRiryokuShard of GreedShard of GreedTwister
TwisterRitual WeaponEmblem of the AwakeningSecret Pass to the TreasuresWindstorm of EtaquaEnchanted Javelin
Enchanted JavelinEnchanted Javelin----


Works similarly to the method above, except the finisher is Cu Chulainn. Use the Rai-Mei to thin out your deck and summon BEWD early in the duel. Since Cu Chulainn's damage is only going to be around 5000, make sure to destroy her solemn wishes as early as you can, otherwise just deal the 5000 damage and get her to deck out.

Cerberus deck

Example deck


Titan Showdown deck

Obtainable score5,000 - 7,000
Essential skillTitan Showdown
Essential cards

Example deck


  • To achieve the 'more than 9999 damage dealt' assessment, you can rack up the ATK of Millennium Scorpion to at least 5000 ATK and land a direct attack with it.
  • 'Titan Showdown' is a skill specifically used by Rex Raptor. It doubles damage dealt to your opponent as long as your LP is half or more than half of your opponent's current LP.

Level 40 Tea's Deck

Annoying cards

CardEffect Summary
Dunames Dark Witch
Dunames Dark Witch
  • 1800 ATK is very high among low level monsters..
  • The ATK of this monster increases to 2100 when Silver Bow and Arrow is equipped.
Cards from the Sky
Cards from the Sky
  • Allows Tea add two cards to the hand.
Solemn Wishes
Solemn Wishes
  • Regenerates Tea's life points significantly.


Cards Tea Gardner Lvl 40 drops


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Divine punishment is really op ! :o just got schooled by it
End up of obtaining Kito in an SR ticket. Sht, why she can't give that to me. I also have 1 Copy of Solemn Wishes after 3 thousand keys! Damn!
what is there to farm from her ?
black magi girl already 5 copies and 3 each tome and stone. nothing else is worth my blue keys
<< Anonymous(Anonymous)
akubane Reply
but not everyone has everything from her. while shes pretty easy to farm anyways, since she cant get over 2500. elements unite is 100% win, but slow(well, 98% if she gets 2 solemn wishes early).
<< Anonymous(Anonymous)
Anonymous Reply
I still need her to drop Solemn Wishes since I want to use a copy for my Aromage deck.
Anybody can tell me ! Why i can't Direct Attack ? I using Gravekeeper Vassal & Union Attack but still can't Direct Attack like another player ? Thanks
<< Anonymous(Beginner )
Deafe Reply
Read the cards that you are using. Union Attack just combines attack (but cant do battle dmg) and vassal just does effect damage. There is something missing.
<< Anonymous(Beginner )
Anonymous Reply
Same here. Everytime face this problem, attack directly = attack set monster. KOnami force us to do that =.=
<< Anonymous(Beginner )
Anonymous Reply
Even secret pass activated, always click monster instead of direct attack,sad .
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah, the arrow targeting system is flawed, it's too easy to slip and accidentally click on a monster or the wrong monster.

I once complained about it in a survey, but I'm just a single person, I doubt they even read what I wrote....
This deck has been 100% for me against Tea and it always gets a 8K score. It can be used with or without a skill. It's pretty self explanatory. The only reason half shut is in here is for the prismatic bonus. Also the ritual monster can be changed out for whatever you like. But considering she can get around 14000LP's, you should make sure it has a high ATK.

Im sure most of you already know but this deck works on quite a few other LD's with a little bit of tweaking.
<< Anonymous(moebasi)
Anonymous Reply
Its really works against Tea. Thanks!
<< Anonymous(noob)
Anonymous Reply
Not like you need much to beat Tea either way. Summon a monster with more than 2600 ATK (or DEF I guess) and she can't win. Then you just need a method that can win through more than 4k LP, which most can.
<< Anonymous(moebasi)
Criminalzone Reply
May i know the names of those cards? Im not really that good at recognizing those... thanks
<< Anonymous(Criminalzone)
Aquablast Reply
The Masked Beast, Silent Magician Lv8, Silent Magician Lv4, Gravekeeper's Vassal, Crystal Seer, Half Shut, Union Attack, Shard of Greed, the ritual spell for the Masked Beast, Level Up!, Magical Mallet, Secret Pass to Treasure, Jar of Greed.
How to beat in 4 turns or less?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
i used a cyber angel deck
Yami V
Tea Dropped all of these for me yesterday, only spent 1200 blue keys ^_^
<< Anonymous(Yami V)
666 illunimata confi Reply
<< Anonymous(Yami V)
Eddie Reply
What deck did u use
<< Anonymous(Eddie )
Anonymous Reply
Beaver warrior Beatdown
Reverse 3
I build a Slifer deck and it farm tea
<< Anonymous(Reverse 3)
Anonymous Reply
that also works very good
Dunames not very strong now i just put 1900 beater to stall her
Reverse 3
I got 8K
only 30 not 40 but I managed to get more than ten thousand points against Tea she so freakin weak
After 2000 blue keys and more than 6000 points by win, still no sage's stone );
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
lol thats the only one have complete
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
When you play 3 games testing cheap farm decks and get this. My collection from her is now complete
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
have the same problem with this bird (dunno english card name)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I got a shiney one

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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