
Structure Deck EX: Blue-Eyes Evolution

Duel Links Blue-Eyes Evolution, Decks, Card List
update 13/01/2021
Please note that Structure Deck EX can only be purchased once with gems.

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Blue-Eyes Synchro Deck

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Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon [UR]

Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon
Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon
LIGHT Dragon ★10
ATK 3000 / DEF 2500
Ultimate Dragons (Skill) [UR]
Blue-Eyes Evolution [UR]
"Blue-Eyes White Dragon" + "Blue-Eyes White Dragon"Must be either Fusion Summoned, or Special Summoned by sending the above monsters you control to the Graveyard (in which case you do not use "Polymerization"), and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. Cannot be destroyed by battle. This card can make up to 2 attacks on monsters during each Battle Phase. At the end of the Damage Step, when this card attacks an opponent's monster, but the opponent's monster was not destroyed by the battle: You can banish that opponent's monster.

The King of D. [UR]

The King of D.
The King of D.
DARK Spellcaster ★4
ATK 1200 / DEF 1100
Blue-Eyes Evolution [UR]
This card's name becomes "Lord of D." while on the field. When this card is Normal Summoned: You can discard 1 Spell/Trap; add 1 "The Flute of Summoning Dragon", "The Melody of Awakening Dragon", or "Dragon Revival Rhapsody" from your Deck to your hand.

Dragon Revival Rhapsody [SR]

Dragon Revival Rhapsody
Dragon Revival Rhapsody
Quick Spell
Blue-Eyes Evolution [SR]
If you control a Spellcaster monster: You can target up to 2 Dragon monsters in your GY, including at least 1 Normal Monster; Special Summon them. Your opponent takes no damage this turn. You can only activate 1 "Dragon Revival Rhapsody" per turn.

Shadow Spell [SR]

Shadow Spell
Shadow Spell
Continuous Trap
Blue-Eyes Evolution [SR]
Activate this card by targeting 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; it loses 700 ATK, also it cannot attack or change its battle position. When it leaves the field, destroy this card.

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They should add alexerdrate dragon lol they don’t wanna put light monster cus thst cuz light monster lol want you buy pack
<< Anonymous(Daddy)
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous(Daddy)
Anonymous Reply
That I agree with you, that Wyrm is really random.
<< Anonymous
Mystery Shell Dragon Reply
Not really random, because it's a MYSTERY.
<< Anonymous(Mystery Shell Dragon)
Anonymous Reply
being randomly in there IS the mystery
So I bought the deck for a 1,000 gem and got two alternative blues eyes art work with the plant earth as it background. So here's my question: If I buy ANOTHER Blue-Eyes Evolution deck, do I get another set of alternative Blue-Eyes and if so, can someone provide it on YouTube or somthing???
<< Anonymous(DuelNinja27)
Anonymous Reply
this box doesn't include vanilla Blue-Eyes. You got it from somewhere else.
<< Anonymous(DuelNinja27)
Anonymous Reply
The 2 vanillas only given on your first purchase
<< Anonymous
Konohaninja27 Reply
Ugh, I was hoping to get two more alternative artwork of the blue eyes. So that I can sell one and keep the other three for myself. Thank you
<< Anonymous(DuelNinja27)
Aduellinkslover Reply
I tried it using real money now I have 4 alternate arts of blue eyes white dragon as u said and there is planet Earth behind it
Blue eyes is already everywhere, who's left that needs any of these cards lol
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
do you think with this deck the blue dragon will be on the top of meta again? meanwhile this card exist, it's never will happen: Buster Blader, the Dragon Destroyer Swordsman
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
meme fetish
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
*infernity fetish
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Not the best deck but surely a tier deck.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
...infernity fetish
Definitely not worth. Good news for those f2p who are abled to buy 1 with gems for twin burst because is the only card that matters.
<< Anonymous
BE Reply
It was super expensive now u don't need Azure cards of consonance and stone are all from different boxes now u just need judgment force for sage and spirit and u got dream ur/sr as well..
<< Anonymous(BE)
Anonymous Reply
Crystron > Expensive & overperform.
Blue Eyes > Expensive & underperform.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Anyone knows if buying this and getting 2 copies of the alternative art Blue Eyes is a limited time thing?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The SD EX is permanent, but yeah, I'm not sure about the free 2 BEWD.

Then again, we already can get 3 BEWD for free anyway, the only difference is the artwork.
Hey. Is there blue-eyes alternative white dragon card in this pack? I think this pack was mentioned in the "How to get" for blue-eyes alternative white dragon.
<< Anonymous(Slifer)
Anonymous Reply
You probably already have it but didn't notice. If you click claim all in gift box it should be in your inventory
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
If you already bought the EX deck 5 times then you already have it.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
^Oh, hello guy that said that you had to login at a specific time to get the alternative dragon
<< Anonymous(Slifer)
Anonymous Reply
No, you get Alternative as completely free gift immediately when you log into the game at anytime starting from today up to January 2022.
Oh boi I can't wait to see tons of be decks in the ladder

easy wins for me I'll probably end up making it to KoG in a record time
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Buster Blader Box is half-price right now, perfect time to get those extra copies of key cards you need.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Aren't buster blader decks a brick house?
<< Anonymous
LeodredAQW Reply
Also this.

And BB core cards are in like 3 separate boxes...

So unless you're a whale, you're not making a F2P Buster Blader deck... (because it's not F2P at all)
<< Anonymous(LeodredAQW)
Anonymous Reply
Well someone would do better with a standard meta deck, is not like BE is good and you need something to hard counter them, any tiered deck will do
There any cards outside this deck I can add to improve it? Sages?

<< Anonymous(Aux)
Anonymous Reply
Traps that discard as cost to send white stone to gy faster (replace shadow spell)

i.e. raigeki break, karma cut, divine wrath, etc
Blue eyes is everywhere now. A whole new era arrive.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Keep dreaming

In about 2 days everyone will see how the structure deck is a dud
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
That's not hasn't been 1 day and I already saw how this structure deck nor the free alternative helped the deck at all. I regret buying it
Will this be released today?
<< Anonymous(Luiz)
Anonymous Reply
Kinda, depends where you are from
<< Anonymous(Luiz)
LeodredAQW Reply
It's out now.
Will this be released on the anniversary? And if yes who knows at what time?

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Comments (updated every hour)

My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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