
Structure Deck EX: Blue-Eyes Evolution

Duel Links Blue-Eyes Evolution, Decks, Card List
update 13/01/2021
Please note that Structure Deck EX can only be purchased once with gems.

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Blue-Eyes Synchro Deck

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Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon [UR]

Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon
Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon
LIGHT Dragon ★10
ATK 3000 / DEF 2500
Ultimate Dragons (Skill) [UR]
Blue-Eyes Evolution [UR]
"Blue-Eyes White Dragon" + "Blue-Eyes White Dragon"Must be either Fusion Summoned, or Special Summoned by sending the above monsters you control to the Graveyard (in which case you do not use "Polymerization"), and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. Cannot be destroyed by battle. This card can make up to 2 attacks on monsters during each Battle Phase. At the end of the Damage Step, when this card attacks an opponent's monster, but the opponent's monster was not destroyed by the battle: You can banish that opponent's monster.

The King of D. [UR]

The King of D.
The King of D.
DARK Spellcaster ★4
ATK 1200 / DEF 1100
Blue-Eyes Evolution [UR]
This card's name becomes "Lord of D." while on the field. When this card is Normal Summoned: You can discard 1 Spell/Trap; add 1 "The Flute of Summoning Dragon", "The Melody of Awakening Dragon", or "Dragon Revival Rhapsody" from your Deck to your hand.

Dragon Revival Rhapsody [SR]

Dragon Revival Rhapsody
Dragon Revival Rhapsody
Quick Spell
Blue-Eyes Evolution [SR]
If you control a Spellcaster monster: You can target up to 2 Dragon monsters in your GY, including at least 1 Normal Monster; Special Summon them. Your opponent takes no damage this turn. You can only activate 1 "Dragon Revival Rhapsody" per turn.

Shadow Spell [SR]

Shadow Spell
Shadow Spell
Continuous Trap
Blue-Eyes Evolution [SR]
Activate this card by targeting 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; it loses 700 ATK, also it cannot attack or change its battle position. When it leaves the field, destroy this card.

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If Konami really wants Blue Eyes being top tier, then put Trade In, Return of the Dragon Lord's and 2 more copies of The Melody of Awakening Dragon. Otherwise, don't waste your gems/money.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
NO! I want 3x Dragon Shrine. Forget anything else.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Arkbrave dragon on graveyard...

Aaa haha!
Oh that's hot, That's hot
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yes, TCG player here. Dragon Shrine please. I just want to throw my stone directly from the deck into the grave.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You are right. Dragon Shrine have much more value. The second one would be Return, right?
Shadow Trap is basically budget chain. Shame its stuck in a structure deck I don't want.
Literally BE Twin Burst Dragon is the only reason to buy this deck...
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Eh, buying King of D. and working around that will allow me to make different strategies for DK Kaiba and DSOD Kaiba, rather than just having one be a weaker version of the other.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Having 1 is all you need. He demands your normal summon and discard one spell/trap in order to do something.
The quick spell requires a spellcaster (him or the other tuners).
But of course, this is not TCG and somebody probably find a consistent way to play BE around King and skills.
I prefer to see BE at tier 1 than other broken decks.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
And anyway, its a bloody cartoon man... Not a political message haha. Aound alike a few people have a chip on their shoulder
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
why refer to overlook about real bad criminals?you treat it like we "overlook" so we are the bad cos of it.serious criminals deserve what get.not overlooking.just these deserve what these get
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Everyone seems to forget, we're not much different from animals... I'm not saying that killing is right but, I'm afraid its life. People fight, get jealous and are greedy. Just make sure you're not like that and leave it alone
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
He just wanted to go out in a way that made him look good. He knew both he and Yugi would die anyway at that point unless the Pharaoh intervened. He was acting selfish, again. He “developed” from a sadistic torturer to a selfish asshole. That’s not enough to stop being hated. Again, the existence of actual vile killers like Yummy Bakura just speaks badly of them, not good of Kaibascum.
Mostly useless card we need spend money get better card

If u want deck look good add dragon capture jar lol lol
<< Anonymous(Daddy)
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Can we add a dictionary, so you can learn how to type a complete sentence?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
if you learn manner first then sure we can add it for him.
Yami Aster
I can't wait to play blue-eyes with Aster and the Master of Fusion skill now that we can get twin burst dragon! It feels like it is taking forever for the anniversary stuff to get here!
I'm so tired of Blue Eyes already. It's all u face. Don't give them an Alternative Dragon too or it's all we'll see for another 12 months
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Not only they're giving them one copy of Alternative, but they're also giving it for completely free. I can even see them giving a second and even third copies of it in the future. It's looking very grim.
Finn Bakura
i guys please answer me, i bought 3 Code of the Deulist booster packs, but the 3 of them had different cover monsters, Firewall Dragon and D/D Vice Typhon and Gouki Riscorpio, anyone knows what does it means?
<< Anonymous(Finn Bakura)
Nobody Reply
Were they off colour?
If so they may have been fakes. It sounds like it. COTD boosters should only have firewall on the pack and box
<< Anonymous(Anonymous.)
Anonymous Reply
Givem the person politely asked question, maybe he does search it out but to get more confirmation, he asked. Not being a 🔥 like you. Bet your mama doesnt asked why u live now.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This is the original cover:

The boosters in the picture look like fakes.
<< Anonymous(Finn Bakura)
Anonymous Reply
@Finn Bakura

now that the picture you uploaded here shows up I can say with 100% certainty that yes, those are fake packs.
Oh god! Is this EX deck leak is real. If so i am disappointed
Plug Walk
You already know what’s gunna be short printed in game ;)
<< Anonymous(Plug Walk)
Anonymous Reply
I didn’t even know that was a thing
<< Anonymous(Plug Walk)
Anonymous Reply
lol this isn't TCG, there's no short print in DL.
what other cards woudld i need to complete the structure deck
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Really all you will need is blue eyes spirit dragon azure eyes and sage of blue eyes and something like karma cut
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Just realized azure eyes is in the structure deck lol so just spirit dragon and sage will do it for you
<< Anonymous
LeodredAQW Reply
Karma Cut, Raigeki Break, Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon, 3 BEWD (obviously), 1 Dragon Spirit of White, 3 Sage with Eyes of Blue, 3 White Stone of Ancients, 3 Cards of Consonance, at least 1 copy of Vermilion Dragon Mech, and of course, 1 copy of Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon.
<< Anonymous(LeodredAQW)
Anonymous Reply
Hieratic Sun Dragon is a must, if you don't have it you will auto lose against Lunalight.
Atleast we got the fusion,spell D BECAUSE REST ARE REPRINTS hopefully blue eyes can use some new strategy because currently it's slow just pass with traps in your first turn
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yes, because setting 3x 3k+ beaters with 2 backrow isn't good enough for 1st turn
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah isn't good eoigh because you have to be the luckiest man on earth to draw 2 stones and 2 consonance first hand
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
2 years ago? sure. Actually? No.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
U will set up 2 backrow + 3x 3k+ beater once on 100 games u will open 3x beater and a stone for turn 1 deal with it

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