
Priestess with Eyes of Blue | Decks and Tips

This page notes details of Priestess with Eyes of Blue (LIGHT/Spellcaster/Tuner monster/Effect Monster) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 06/01/2021

Priestess with Eyes of Blue

Priestess with Eyes of Blue
Monster TypeSpellcaster
Card typeTuner / Effect
Card Effect TypeQuick Effect / Ignition Effect / Condition
Archetypeswith Eyes of Blue
Supports ArchetypesBlue-Eyes


During either player's turn, when a card or effect is activated that targets this face-up card: You can send 1 Effect Monster you control to the Graveyard, and if you do, add up to 2 "Blue-Eyes" monsters with different names from your Deck to your hand. If this card is in your Graveyard: You can target 1 "Blue-Eyes" monster you control; shuffle it into the Deck, and if you do, Special Summon this card. You can only use 1 "Priestess with Eyes of Blue" effect per turn, and only once that turn.

How to Get

PackStardust Acceleration [R]
Blue-Eyes Evolution [R]
Level-up reward--
Victory against--
Card trader--









ActionsSends from your field to your Graveyard for cost / Adds from Deck to hand / Activates from your Graveyard / Returns from your field to your Deck
Summoning categoriesSpecial Summons itself from your Graveyard


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So, I ask a question about using priestess as a f2p, and instead of helping me the admin deletes the whole thread.

Why does DL dislike f2p that much?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I think he was asking for a f2p combo that actually let you win.
I remember someone suggesting wand. This looks flashy with a +4 but I guess he didn't have the p2w backrows to survive after loosing 2 monsters/normal summons for the +4.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You can't win in this game without any P2W cards in your deck anyways.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I see that we have 1 less f2p player; why do our beginners keep leaving the game?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Maybe because we don't like unfair p2w games?
So, I ask a question about using priestess as a f2p, and instead of helping me the admin deletes the whole thread.

Why does DL dislike f2p that much?
5 cards removal per turn combo is back!!!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Nowadays people don't use Cosmic. There's less need to reduce your own LP these days, since the skills that needs it already gets nerfed.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Most rogue deck without disruption is like giving a free win to 2nd turn OTK deck.
What would you do, unleash everything on the first turn to be removed on the very next turn?
Ofc if you play resonator things might be different even without disruption
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Call them by their real name

Trash decks
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Isn't this 5 removals BE a deck that relied heavily on Trunade? But yes, I remember that once Trunade resolves it goes otk mode with 5 removals and 2-3 beatsticks through sphere kuriboh
I have been looking for a way to make use of this card and I found a replay link:
#DuelReplay #DuelLinks

Why can't I watch it?
Can someone tell me the decklist in this replay so that I can copy it?
And tell me how to play it?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I think it improves BE better for the 1st turn card.
Priesstess becomes less useful if you already drew Alternative + BEWD.

If you are still interested I can tell you about games where I lost to BE priestess in Legends.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Didn't get what you meant. It's not the same as the draw 4 cards combo?
Or draw 6-10 in 1 turn with Consonance in the deck.

I tried that guy's recommendation and was always decking out due to drawing up to 10 cards turn 1. With higher chances to not summon any BE because most copies are consistently drawn lol.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Interesting. Draw 10 cards BE without Backrow is weaker than draw 2 with Backrow?
Doesn't it mean the real muscles of BE decks are Backrows?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Congrats you have unveiled duel links secret
Are both effects of this card Quick Effects ?

Or only the first one is a Quick Effect ?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Only the first one.

The second one is Ignition, which is Spell Speed 1.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
*Spell Speed 1 and can only be activated during the user's Main Phase.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Sadly the second effect from the graveyard is not a Quick Effect.

It would have been awesome to chain the second effect to protect from cards like Dark Magician Circle.

And as usual Konami doesn't like cool cards effect and thus made it weaker.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
What do you expect, can't always have BE trump DM when DM is the main protagonist's deck
wasn't that card supposed to bring back some insane combo from TCG when combined with alternative white blue eyes?

where are the replays?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
not exactly

here we r limited to 1 alternative d.

tcg doesn't need to depend on searcger that much becuz they have 3
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I saw that decklist. It almost turned me from disliking blue eyes to a blue eyes fan boy.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I just tested it for fun because of your post and found out my opponents kept misplaying against me whenever I used this non-meta card.

What happened to the community? Are they just robots who don't who how to think?

They just do normal auto play against this non meta card.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I heard a guy posted a replay of this card on Card of Consonance Web page, but I can't watch it on my phone.
If someone saw it, can he/she tell me how this monster card was used?
Why is this card a hard "1 effect per turn" instead of "each effect once per turn"?

I don't even see why you would use this card.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Ok, it works better than expected. But I keep being the first to start with this deck.

When I go back to pink backrow Blue Eyes the game makes me go second.

The heck is that?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This game is rigged for F2P. Simple.

When you play BW or Priestess BE you go first.
When you play backrow decks you go second.

Use money once and your luck will be reset to normal.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I play BW and I go second without ever spending any money, so that's 🔥.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This game dislikes BE priestess otk more than BW lol.

Guess you have a very bad luck with BE.
You all know what Rata said about this card. ;)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
the rock i live under is labelled "mind your own business" so idk who rata is i don't follow "big" gamers
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Well, aren't you a piece of sunshine. Rata is no a gamer, he is a Yu-Gi-Oh youtuber. His channel got a lot of attention thanks to a series called Legacy of the Worthless, where he took a look at the worst archetypes in the TCG and what made them bad.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Oh, now I know what you're talking about. Too bad that all yugi-tubers suck!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
that's opinion, though
What the hell is this cards problem ?
It completely counters my Warm worm, Lava golem, Amazoness Swords women, 🔥 deck.
Priestess makes Alternative look broken. It kept shuffling Alternative back and use its effect nearly 3 times per turn. And because of the shuffle into the deck my Warm worm deck was decked out before his Blue-eyes deck.

Why did Konami release new Eyes of Blue cards to support Priestess instead of supporting the BE dragons ?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Eyes of Blue cards themselves ARE the BE Dragon support.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Blue eyes winning against warm worm due to deck out lol.
Is there any good combo anyone knows that works with this card?
I mean combos isn't already hard countered by the annoying un-targettable >3000 stats omnipresent meta like in the discussion below.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Lol, it worked. The opponent tried to stall with Magician girls. I had an easy time summoning Crystron Quariongandrax in my Blue-Eyes deck and win.
Close to very consistent, not there yet though.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Why did anyone think of something so broken?

This makes the second time today that I lost to stupid unpredictable Quarion being summoned in a BE deck because are fcking Priestess.

Stop doing that already!
BE shouldn't be allowed to banish monsters from field or GY in addition to spell/traps.

Put Quarion and Priestess on limit 1 already Komoney. Don't encourage BE players to buy Quarion!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I don't see how they do that consistently. Can someone explain the Blue-Eyes+Crystron Quarion combo?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It's easy though. Target 1 maiden = 2 BE. BE decks can also summon 2-3 tuners per turn with Field spell and protector.
With Priestess in the GY you can turn 1 of the 2 BE into a tuner and boom : turn 1 Quarion. Faster than many Legend rank Crystron decks.
Why are so much people using this card with Alternative Blue-eyes so suddenly?
My deck can't deal with effect destruction and priestess is making Alternative dragon destroy 2-3 monsters per turn for free.

I don't want to buy new Lunalight cards just to survive against this endless Alternative-Priestess target destruction combo.

Ban Priestess already, it's not a UR card and it's making Alternative dragon a broken card.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
No problem.

Although if Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon gets released in a main/mini box or structure deck you won't need the skill Alternative evolution anymore.

In such a case this combo might become viable again.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I am still hoping for that and blue-eyes twin burst dragon.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I hope that it'll not be too expensive.

It's weird that Blue-eyes decks are not winning tournaments recently. Even though they received new supports.

I suppose Konami messed up big time by releasing cards a little too powerful in the boxes that predates Judgement Force.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Even if you cannot loop the destruction effect, you can still loop the shuffling just to anti-deck out a Warm Worm Deck.

I had a few Warm Worm decks who Rage quitted because they were gonna deck out before me.

Once you see the first Warm Worm you only have to keep shuffling Alternative from the field, then Master with EoB from the graveyard. This fills your deck with 2 cards every turn.

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It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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