
Priestess with Eyes of Blue | Decks and Tips

Why are so much people using this card with Alternative Blue-eyes so suddenly? My deck can't deal with effect destruction and priestess is making Alternative dragon destroy 2-3 monsters per turn for free. I don't want to buy new Lunalight cards just to survive against this endless Alternative-Priestess target destruction combo. Ban Priestess already, it's not a UR card and it's making Alternative dragon a broken card.
You keep talking about this and I still have yet to see one person using priestess in pvp or in a KOG deck on any site...
<< Anonymous
Interesting, I thought people stopped using this combo long ago.
Spamming Alternative's effect only works on target-able monsters. Decks built around Alternative-Priestess are very strong but stopped being played because of card like Cocytus.
Perhaps the new Eyes of Blue supports somehow revived it.
But Lunalight were released in the same box, there are too much untargetable in the current meta.
As a side note. The combo this person is talking about is:
Alternative effect's destroys 1 card. Priestess shuffles him. Use sage to SS Alternative, destroy 2nd card. Shuffle alternative once more. Target priestess to search Alternative + BEWD. Self SS from hand, destroy 3rd monster. Now you can Synchro Vermillion for a 4th card. With master you can destroy a 5th.

But lunalight doesn't care.
<< Anonymous
That's why I think Lunalight's gonna get hit. It's a lot cheaper than Lightsworn and Blue-Eyes and Konami wants us to use the expensive decks from the new box instead.
<< Anonymous
You are all spending so much time reviving a once upon a time successful combo, but there is a good reason why it's not played anymore. Too much cards protect from targeting nowadays.

Old-school will never beat new cards. For example Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter is much better as it doesn't target.

Why target-destroy 5 monsters in 1 turn if a single Cocytus completely stops the combo ?
<< Anonymous
I know this, but my deck only has protection against battle destruction. I'm F2P, so I don't have any easy to implement generic cards to protect from any form of effect destruction. Effects that banishes or returns to the hand/deck are even worse.

I'm whining about Priestess because I don't use either Cocytus or Lunalight, they have a bad synergy with my cards.
<< Anonymous
Thanks for explaining everyone. It sounds like a good combo. But at the same time I figured there had to be a reason why it doesn't seem to be common now.
<< Anonymous
No problem.

Although if Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon gets released in a main/mini box or structure deck you won't need the skill Alternative evolution anymore.

In such a case this combo might become viable again.
<< Anonymous
I am still hoping for that and blue-eyes twin burst dragon.
<< Anonymous
I hope that it'll not be too expensive.

It's weird that Blue-eyes decks are not winning tournaments recently. Even though they received new supports.

I suppose Konami messed up big time by releasing cards a little too powerful in the boxes that predates Judgement Force.
<< Anonymous
Even if you cannot loop the destruction effect, you can still loop the shuffling just to anti-deck out a Warm Worm Deck.

I had a few Warm Worm decks who Rage quitted because they were gonna deck out before me.

Once you see the first Warm Worm you only have to keep shuffling Alternative from the field, then Master with EoB from the graveyard. This fills your deck with 2 cards every turn.


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