
Ranked Duels Rewards & Updates [Mar 2023]

Duel Links ranked match, rewards list, best cards to trade, ticket.
update 16/03/2023

Updated Information

  • Ranked Reward of March 2023 Updated

Revamped Ranked Duels

They are now more accessible and have a better Rewards!

New Features

  • Cumulative victory Rewards!
  • Tickets you can trade for cards of your choice!
  • More Rank-up Rewards!
  • A new rank, "Legend Rank"!

Regarding Reward Tickets

  • Reward Tickets can be exchanged for cards.
  • Reward Tickets expire 1 month after the end of a Ranked Duel Season.
    NOTE: You cannot use tickets from more than 1 season ago.

Exclusive Ranked Rewards [March 2023]

Mirror Force Dragon [UR]

Mirror Force Dragon
Mirror Force Dragon
LIGHT Dragon ★8
ATK 2800 / DEF 1200
Ranked Rewards [UR]
Must be Special Summoned with "The Fang of Critias", using "Mirror Force". When a monster(s) you control is targeted for an attack or by an opponent's card effect (except during the Damage Step): You can destroy all cards your opponent controls.


Challenge stamps

1 stamp per duel
You can receive this reward regardless of whether you win or lose, so give it a shot!

Duel Orb5
Duel Orb10

Card List

This page shows only cards that are/might be worth to trade for.

For a list of other cards that are not popular, tap the button below.

UR Rewards

The following UR cards can't be obtained as rewards from Legendary Duelists at the Gate.

SR Rewards

The following SR cards can't be obtained as rewards from Legendary Duelists at the Gate.

R Rewards

The following R cards can't be obtained as rewards from Legendary Duelists at the Gate.

N Rewards

Cumulative Reward

This Reward can be obtained by attaining a certain number of cumulative victories. The Reward will be sent to the Gift Box.

1-4Gems x5 each
5[N] Ticket
6-9Gems x5 each
10[R] Ticket
11-14Gems x5 each
15Glossy [N] Ticket
16-19Gems x5 each
20[N] Ticket Glossy
21-24Gems x5 each
25[SR] Ticket
26-29Gems x5 each
30[R] Ticket
31-34Gems x5 each
35[N] Ticket Glossy
36-39Gems x5
40[R] Ticket Glossy
41-44Gems x5 each
45[R] Ticket
46-49Gems x5 each
50[SR] Ticket
52-54-56-58Gems x5 each
60EXP Booster
62-64-66-68Gems x5 each
60Extra Card
72-74Gems x5 each
75[SR] Ticket Glossy
76-78Gems x5 each
80Result Booster
82-84-86-88Gems x5 each
90Extra Life
92-94Gems x5 each
96-98Duel Orb x5 each
100[UR] Ticket
*Rewards beyond this will alternate between Gold and Gems

Rank Up Reward

These Rewards can be obtained when you rank up, They will be sent to your Gift Box.

Rookie Rank 2-3Gem x10
Bronze Rank 1Gem x50
Bronze Rank 2-7Gem x10
Silver Rank 1Gem x50
Silver Rank 2-7Gem x10
Gold Rank 1Gem x50
Gold Rank 2-7Gem x10
Platinum Rank 1Gem x100
Platinum Rank 2-7Gem x30
Legend Rank 1Gem x100
Legend Rank 2-5Gem x10
King of GamesGem x200


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Super Minecraft Kid
Super Minecraft Kid
Super Minecraft Kid
I . A M . G A Y .
. A M . G A Y . I
A M . G A Y . I .
M . G A Y . I . A
. G A Y . I . A M
G A Y . I . A M .
A Y . I . A M . G
Y . I . A M . G A
. I . A M . G A Y
anger no ! Ranked Duels Rewards & Updates [Nov 2022]
Shadow of the Six Samurai - Shien as an [UR]

This pathetic card could had been a great common.
Konami likes to piss off all Six Sams funs.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah, there are only two good things about that card:

1) It changes the original ATK instead of the current ATK which allows Kageki & Co to get some decent ATK. But that's just a meme strategy.

2) It's the only 6Sam Xyz which means you can gain some Bushido counters for certain cards.

Not a great card and maybe not even worth the extra deck slot in a 6Sam deck.
3 econs?!? YOU NOOB!
after gold rank its just a bunch of boring unskilled meta players
<< Anonymous(3 econs?!? YOU NOOB!)
Anonymous Reply
Not hard to get 3 econs, they basically hand them to you when you sign up. But they're just a stall in a non-stall deck. A mild inconvenience
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
There's a reason they're meta decks. They're easy to use and effective.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
There is no reason for players to lower their standard just to please you in ranked duel lol.

You are in that rank literally because you are deserved to be there.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I agree to have a deck that can put all the cards on your side of the field back into your hand or the graveyard is not a duel is just disappointing and op
Yihaaa, 2 more useless cards in ranked tickets and the one can only be used in a very specific deck that has a very stricked extra deck. At least you will only need 1 catapult warrior.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Catapult Warrior can be used in any deck. It has generic materials.
<< Anonymous
Kazuya Aoi♥Rana Aoi Reply
Generic materials but not generic fodder for its effect, only "Junk" monsters.
Not KoG
Merciful Machine Angel.

This the F2P Cards of Consonance.
Build your deck whatever afterwards: Star Seraph, Chaos, Stromberg.
<< Anonymous(Not KoG)
Rana Linchen Aoi Reply
Except it requires specific tribute: 1 "Cyber Angel" Ritual Monster, instead of 1 LIGHT fairy monster.
nice, the UR ticket is still completely useless.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Dynatherioum and Venu are going to be pretty good in Xyz era.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Well, I already have 2 Dynatherium, but what do you mean by Venu?

The ritual bird?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Well, it's mostly the event UR tickets that are useless now, since we now have a couple good stuff to pick again in Ranked UR ticket.
<< Anonymous
Not KoG Reply
The UR cards released are for countering meta at that time. This makes the UR unplayable as they do not fit archetypes.

Once the meta changes, it is a waste to get those UR cards.

Use your UR tickets on the most recently released cards, sort by Date Released.
When they will give rewards that can be used in ranked duel. Up until now, none of the ranked duel reward cards are using by me in ranked duel
don't forget to win jack atlas while you have carly as a character for 130 gems
Seeing that Electromagnet is not doing that great last season (just so-so), I thought Konami would add Beta to ranked tickets rewards this season. I guess not.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
How much Electromagnet Beta we have right now, still 2?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I think still 2.

Well, better than just 1, but hopefully we get a third copy soon.

Also, 2nd and 3rd copy of Windstorm of Etaqua when, Konami?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Windstorm and Curse of Anubis were the staple trap when dl started. Good cards that were far from being broken. People were asking for some extra copies since then. Now see what we have...
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
There are 3 beta. One from DM and two fom DSOD yugi

Commens and feedback


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Comments (updated every hour)

My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
Well I eventually joined the dark side, and put this in my deck. :P
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