
Best Cards

This page shows the list of staple cards which many players will put into their decks with evaluation and how to get.
update 19/12/2016

Versatile cards

What is versatile cards?

Versatile or staple cards are cards can be added to any type of deck and work even alon without combo.

What is anti-meta cards?

Anit-meta cards are cards used to counter against very popular cards or decks in PvP matches. Adding 1 copy of an anti-meta card against a dominant deck sometimes works greatly.

Best 4 cards

Those cards can be actually seen in any type of decks. Having at least 1 copy of each is strongly recommended.

[SR] Enemy Controller

[UR] Mirror Wall

[UR] Sphere Kuriboh

[R] Windstrom of Etaqua

Other veratile cards

Sergeant Electro
Sergeant Electro
Locks down your opponent's spell/trap.
Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight
Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight
Crystal Seer
Crystal Seer
A good draw card.
Half Shut
Half Shut
Can be used defensively to ensure your monster survives the attack, or offensively to damage attacking mosnter.

One of the few monster removal cards.
Magic Drain
Magic Drain
Negates important spell card(s), or forces your opponent to discard a spell in their hand.
Security Orb
Security Orb
Protects your monsters with an added effect that can destroy your opponent's monster if destroyed.
Interdimensional Matter Transporter
Interdimensional Matter Transporter
Protects your monster by banishing them.
Adhesion Trap Hole
Adhesion Trap Hole
Protects your monster by banishing them.

Anti-meta cards

4-Starred Ladybug of Doom
4-Starred Ladybug of Doom
Possessed Dark Soul
Possessed Dark Soul
It is able to take control of your opponent's level 3 or lower monster. It can potentially steal Relinquished and Jerry Beans Man.
2000 attack against effect monsters.
A quick-play spell to destroy face up spell/traps. This can be activated during enemy's turn.
Skull Lair
Skull Lair
Easily counters Relinquished by removing from play 1 monster card in your graveyard.Can be used to synergize with Doomsday Horror.
Trap Jammer
Trap Jammer
Helps to negate a trap card that is activated only during a battle phase. Great for countering Mirror Wall and Michizure.
Divine Wrath
Divine Wrath
This card is meant to counter effect monsters that can turn the tides of the game around. Monsters such as Relinquished, Gravekeeper's Oracle and Levia-Dragon - Daedalus.
Curse of Anubis
Curse of Anubis
It can fend off attacks from effect monsters and change their battle position to defense position, having 0 DEF. It can be activated outside of the battle phase. However, normal monsters are unaffected.
Seven Tools of the Bandit
Seven Tools of the Bandit
Can negate most traps for a cost of 1000 LP.

Rating explanation

Differences from OCG/TCG

There are differences between speed duel format and rules applied to playing OCG/TCG. The rating above is made considering the formal of the game.

Speed DuelOCG/TCG
Deck size20-3040
Field size3 cards5 cards
Starting hand4 cards5 cards

Evaluation criteria

Let you
draw cards
Since deck size in Duel Links is smaller that of TCG/OCG, probability of drawing a card that you want is higher than that of playing TCG/OCG.
Since not many effect monsters are available in Duel Links currently , stats, especially high ATK, is the most important to win a duel.
VersatileCards can work alone and without combinations with other cards.


Hot New Top
change slime the best card
<< Anonymous
Maximillion Pegasus Reply
Are you sure it's not Thousand-Eyes Idol?
It's been awhile. Now we even have Dark Hole, Compulsory Evacuation Device, Bottomless Trap Hole, Knightmare Phoenix and Unicorn. Time sure flies.
new speed duel 40 - 50 ! 10 cards lp 10000 20 cards
I know this is old, but please at least remove this 🔥
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Check cards ranking in the duel studio, you can filter them by type (spell/trap/monster/extra deck).
Check the top 3 of each type and exclude cards that are not generic (i.e. white stone of ancient only works for blue eyes)
Update please
Info 6/16 -2018
This is from the very first DL Meta and Updates wont come here. Everything new will get its own site to talk and analyze. This site just got forgotten by the GameA Team
<< Anonymous(Info 6/16 -2018)
Anonymous Reply
it's "page/article", not "site".

Site is the entire thing.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
They should just delete this site
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
nope, DLM's comment section sucks, this site has better comment section
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Someone just dig up a relic wow also GameA>DML this site is pure entertainment
An update to this page would have to be a massive one.
Update please
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
^ I never said that
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This page does need to be updated, though.
Ever since Mirror Wall have been buggy, it has been removed from all my decks. Sometimes it just doesn't work, it activates and then just does not half the attack points of the attacking monsters (and no, there weren't cards involved that would negate mirror wall like rose lover for example). It happened to often to lose a duel due to a non-working mirror wall. Wall of Disruption has never failed me like that, so I have those in my deck (which works just as well, is permanent and doesn't cost me lifepoints to keep the effect). Drowning mirror force could argue to be powerfull just like Treacherous trap hole, but direct attacks don't happen so often (usually big clash of monsters and effects) and Treacherous trap hole is good but not worth losing all my trap cards. So it remains Wall of Disruption and Widespread Ruin for me :)
Yeah, this page is in need of an update.
How old is this whers palezoic cosmic cyclone TTH

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Comments (updated every hour)

My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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