
Dark Magician: deck recipe [Mar 23]

Duel Links Dark Magician deck, Dark Magician deck in the meta, Arkana deck, how to build Dark Magician deck.
update 23/03/2023


Dark Magician is a fan favorite deck and one that can branch into many versions. It can be quite an oppressive deck since both Magician's Circle and Magician Navigation are good ways to stop your opponent's combos, and the combination of the 2 cards gives you some good card advantage as well.

Required Card Boxes

Main Deck

Visions of Ice Guardians of Rock Future Horizon Link Revolution

Extra Deck

Blazing Rose Sign of Harpies Pendulum Genesis Maximum Gustav Heart of Xyz Sword of Paladin

Example Deck

Standard Version

Apprentice Illusion MagicianApprentice Illusion MagicianApprentice Illusion MagicianDark Magician GirlDark Magician GirlMagicians Rod
Magicians RodMagicians RodDark MagicianDark MagicianDark MagicianSecrets of Dark Magic
Secrets of Dark MagicStrength in UnityDark Magical CircleDark Magical CircleDark Magical CircleMagical Dimension
Magical DimensionDestined Rivals----
The Dark MagiciansThe Dark MagiciansNumber 11: Big EyeEbon High MagicianEbon Illusion MagicianRed-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon
Wee Witchs ApprenticeLink Disciple----

Spellbook Version

Apprentice Illusion MagicianApprentice Illusion MagicianApprentice Illusion MagicianDark Magician GirlDark Magician GirlSpellbook Magician of Prophecy
Dark MagicianDark MagicianDark MagicianSecrets of Dark MagicSecrets of Dark MagicSpellbook of Knowledge
Dark Magical CircleDark Magical CircleDark Magical CircleMagical DimensionMagical DimensionPiercing the Darkness
Spellbook of SecretsThe Eye of TimaeusCrackdownCompulsory Evacuation DeviceCompulsory Evacuation DeviceDestined Rivals
The Dark MagiciansThe Dark MagiciansDark CavalryNumber 11: Big EyeEbon High MagicianEbon Illusion Magician
Hierophant of ProphecyWee Witchs Apprentice----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Magicians Magic
During this Duel, you can only Special Summon DARK Spellcaster-Type monsters and you can Normal Summon/Set Dark Magician without tributing. During your opponent's turn, you cannot Special Summon monsters from your hand or Graveyard except Level 6 monsters.
The following effect can be used once per turn, and each effect can be used only one time.

● Return 1 Dark Magician Girl, Magic Cylinder and Magical Dimension to your Deck, add 1 Dimension Conjurer from outside of your Deck to your hand, then add 1 Dark Magician Girl to your hand.
● If you control Dark Magician, you can add 1 Secrets of Dark Magic from your Deck or Graveyard.
Yugi Muto
Yugi Muto

How to Use

Apprentice Illusion Magician

Apprentice Illusion Magician
Apprentice Illusion Magician
DARK Spellcaster ★6
ATK 2000 / DEF 1700
Selection Box Vol.05 [UR]
You can Special Summon this card (from your hand) by discarding 1 card. If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can add 1 "Dark Magician" from your Deck to your hand. During damage calculation, if your other DARK Spellcaster monster battles an opponent's monster (Quick Effect): You can send this card from your hand or face-up from your field to the GY; that monster you control gains 2000 ATK/DEF during that damage calculation only.

Apprentice Illusion Magician's effect to special summon itself by discarding a card and searching for a Dark Magician from the deck provides great consistency to the deck. The ability to boost another DARK Spellcaster monster's ATK/DEF during damage calculation by sending this card from the hand or field to the GY is a powerful effect, which can help the player to swing the game in their favor.

Dark Magician & Dark Magician Girl

Dark Magician
Dark Magician
DARK Spellcaster ★7
ATK 2500 / DEF 2100
Yami Yugi [UR]
Yami Yugi's starter deck [UR]
Pre-registration bonus (alternate artwork) [UR]
Arkana Event [UR]
Ranked Rewards [UR]
The ultimate wizard in terms of attack and defense.

Dark Magician is a key monster in this Deck that revolves around using the Dark Magician as its main boss monster, with support cards such as Dark Magical Circle, Magicians Rod, and Magical Dimension to help summon and protect it.

Dark Magician Girl
Dark Magician Girl
DARK Spellcaster ★6
ATK 2000 / DEF 1700
Yugioh! Card Game 25th Anniversary Campaign [UR Prismatic]
WCS 2018 Support Campaign [UR]
This card gains 300 ATK for every "Dark Magician" or "Magician of Black Chaos" in either player's Graveyard.

Dark Magician Girl gains 300 ATK for each "Dark Magician" or "Magician of Black Chaos" in either player's Graveyard. This means that if you have multiple copies of Dark Magician in your Graveyard, Dark Magician Girl sometimes can become a formidable attacker. However, this lady is usually used as The Dark Magicians Fusion Material.

The Dark Magicians
The Dark Magicians
DARK Spellcaster ★8
ATK 2800 / DEF 2300
Secret of Magicians [UR]
"Dark Magician" or "Dark Magician Girl" + 1 Spellcaster monster
Once per turn, if a Spell/Trap Card or effect is activated (except during the Damage Step): You can draw 1 card, then if it was a Spell/Trap, you can Set it, and if it was a Trap or Quick-Play Spell, you can activate it this turn. If this card is destroyed: You can Special Summon both 1 "Dark Magician" and 1 "Dark Magician Girl" from your hand, Deck, and/or GY.

The Dark Magicians is a very good card in Dark Magician decks on Duel Links. Its effect to draw a card and potentially activate or set a Spell/Trap card upon activation of an opponent's Spell/Trap card or effect is very strong and can help generate card advantage. Additionally, its ability to Special Summon both a Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl from the hand, deck, or graveyard if it is destroyed provides a powerful board presence and can help facilitate Xyz and Synchro plays.

Secrets of Dark Magic
Secrets of Dark Magic
Quick Spell
Secret of Magicians [UR]
Activate 1 of the following effects.

● Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand or field, including "Dark Magician" or "Dark Magician Girl", as Fusion Material.
● Ritual Summon 1 Ritual Monster from your hand, by Tributing monsters from your hand or field, including "Dark Magician" or "Dark Magician Girl", whose total Levels equal or exceed the Level of the Ritual Monster.

Secrets of Dark Magic can be a powerful card as it gives you flexibility in how you choose to bring out your monsters. This can help you maintain field presence and put pressure on your opponent.

Although the downside is that it requires you to have the necessary monsters in your hand or on the field to perform the Summon, which can be challenging if you don't draw the right cards, you can add the specific Key Materials with some support.

Magician's Rod

Magicians Rod
Magicians Rod
DARK Spellcaster ★4
ATK 1600 / DEF 100
Card Trader [SR]
When this card is Normal Summoned: You can add 1 Spell/Trap Card from your Deck to your hand, that specifically lists the card "Dark Magician" in its text. During your opponent's turn, if you activate a Spell/Trap Card or effect while this card is in your Graveyard (except during the Damage Step): You can Tribute 1 Spellcaster-Type monster; add this card to your hand. You can only use each effect of "Magician's Rod" once per turn.

Magician's Rod is a crucial card as it allows for consistent searches of important Spell/Trap cards such as "Dark Magical Circle" and "Secrets of Dark Magic" from the deck. The ability to add itself back to the hand during the opponent's turn can also provide additional protection and resources.

Spellbook Engine

Spellbook Magician of Prophecy
Spellbook Magician of Prophecy
WATER Spellcaster ★2
ATK 500 / DEF 400
Visions of Ice [SR]
Selection Box Vol. 02 [SR]
When this card is Normal Summoned or flipped face-up: Add 1 "Spellbook" Spell Card from your Deck to your hand.

Magician is one of your key searchers alongside Spellbook of Secrets. The difference is, being a monster, Magician is much more versatile than Spellbook of Secrets.

Spellbook of Knowledge
Spellbook of Knowledge
Normal Spell
Special Set Bundle Sale [UR]
Send to the GY either 1 Spellcaster monster you control, or 1 other "Spellbook" card from your hand or face-up from your field, except "Spellbook of Knowledge", and if you do, draw 2 cards. You can only activate 1 "Spellbook of Knowledge" per turn.

Draw Engine of Spellbook Deck. This card can let you convert the excess Spellbook Spell Card (Cards with the same name) from your hand into two more hand sources without losing any cards on your field. If you chain Spellbook of Knowledge with a Spellbook Quick-Spell Card, then you can send that Quick-Spell that is still on the field which becomes 1 Card Earning in this situation.

Keep in mind that according to the Rulings, even if you apply the effect of "Spellbook of Knowledge" using the effect of "Spellbook of the Master", you cannot choose the activated "Spellbook of the Master" as the card you send to the Graveyard.

Spellbook of Secrets
Spellbook of Secrets
Normal Spell
Visions of Ice [SR]
Selection Box Vol. 02 [SR]
Add 1 "Spellbook" card from your Deck to your hand, except "Spellbook of Secrets". You can only activate 1 "Spellbook of Secrets" per turn.

Spellbook of Secrets allows you to add from your Deck to your hand any “Spellbook” card, including Spellbook Magician of Prophecy.

Card Removal

The Eye of Timaeus

Dark Magical Circle
Dark Magical Circle
Continuous Spell
Future Horizon [UR]
When this card is activated: Look at the top 3 cards of your Deck, then you can reveal 1 "Dark Magician" or 1 Spell/Trap Card that specifically lists the card "Dark Magician", among them, and add it to your hand, also place the remaining cards on top of your Deck in any order. If "Dark Magician" is Normal or Special Summoned to your field (except during the Damage Step): You can target 1 card your opponent controls; banish it. You can only use each effect of "Dark Magical Circle" once per turn.
The Eye of Timaeus
The Eye of Timaeus
Normal Spell
Guardians of Rock [R]
(This card is also always treated as "Legendary Dragon Timaeus".)
Target 1 "Dark Magician" monster you control; Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck that lists that monster on the field as a Fusion Material, using it as the Fusion Material. You can only activate 1 "The Eye of Timaeus" per turn.

The Eye of Timaeus targets a Dark Magician you control to make any of your Extra Deck monsters. This increases the power ceiling of the deck, but too many copies of Eye of Timaeus can hinder the consistency of your main strategy.

You can target Magician of Dark Illusion with Eye of Timaeus. This will let you revive a Dark Magician, while also replacing Magician of Dark Illusion with a much better beater with a disruptive effect.

Add Dark Magician to your hand and Special Summon it with Magical Dimension. You can also fetch Secrets of Dark Magic if you already have Dark Magician on hand. This combo well with Dark Magical Circle's second effect, letting you banish an opponent's card. Because Magical Dimension is a Quick-Play Spell card, this combo can be used during your opponent's turn for disruption.

Dark Cavalry
Dark Cavalry
DARK Spellcaster ★8
ATK 2800 / DEF 2300
Master of Chaos [UR]
"Dark Magician" + 1 Warrior monster
Gains 100 ATK for each Spell/Trap on the field and in the GYs. If this card attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage. When a card or effect is activated that targets a card on the field (Quick Effect): You can discard 1 card; negate the activation, and if you do, destroy it.

Strength in Unity

Most of the time you will be summoning Dark Cavalry with the Eye of Timaeus. His protection from targeting is arguably the most versatile among your Extra Deck monsters, capable of stopping most disruption. For added utility, you can also use this negation to stop your opponent from targeting their own monsters. On top of negation, the ATK boost and piercing effect makes him good as a beater. Overall making him a huge threat onboard.

Strength in Unity
Strength in Unity
Continuous Spell
Super Magical Knight
If you Ritual or Fusion Summon using "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" or "Dark Magician": You can target 1 card your opponent controls or in their GY; banish it. You can send this face-up card from the field to the GY, then target 1 Level 7 or higher Normal Monster in your GY; add it to your hand or shuffle it into the Deck. You can only use each effect of "Strength in Unity" once per turn.

Strength in Unity is a decent card that uses Fusion Summoning, as it provides additional removal for the opponent's cards and can help recover a Normal Monster from the Graveyard.

Magical Dimension

Magical Dimension
Magical Dimension
Quick Spell
Secret of Magicians [SR]
If you control a Spellcaster-Type monster: Target 1 monster you control; Tribute that target, then Special Summon 1 Spellcaster-Type monster from your hand, then you can destroy 1 monster on the field.

Magical Dimension is a useful card in a Dark Magician deck as it allows you to Tribute a Spellcaster-Type monster you control and Special Summon another Spellcaster-Type monster from your hand while also destroying a monster on the field. This can help you get rid of your opponent's threats while also bringing out more powerful monsters.

Destined Rivals

Destined Rivals
Destined Rivals
Normal Trap
Super Magical Knight
If you control "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" or "Dark Magician": Negate the effects of all face-up monsters your opponent currently controls, until the end of this turn. You can only activate 1 "Destined Rivals" per turn.

Destined Rivals can be a useful card in a Dark Magician Deck in Duel Links, as it can help to disrupt the opponent's strategy by negating the effects of their face-up monsters.


Continuous Trap
Selection Box Vol.02 Super Mini [UR]
Activate by targeting 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; take control of that monster. While you control that monster, it cannot attack or activate effects. When that monster leaves the field, destroy this card.

Snatch 1 monster your opponent control is not only a great disruption to your opponent but also can use that monster for your Link Summoning which is also good in Mirror Match.

Compulsory Evacuation Device
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Normal Trap
Selection Box Vol.04 Mini [UR]
Target 1 monster on the field; return that target to the hand.

Very powerful monster removal card that can disrupt your opponent's combo easily.

Extra Deck

Number 11: Big Eye
Number 11: Big Eye
DARK Spellcaster ★7
ATK 2600 / DEF 2000
Heart of Xyz [SR]
2 Level 7 monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 monster your opponent controls; take control of that monster. This card cannot attack the turn you activate this effect.

A decent Rank 7 Xyz monster that can take control of 1 of your opponent's monster permanently (this effect is target-effect which will be useless to those monsters that cannot be targeted). However, Big Eyes cannot attack when this effect is activated which will causes that low possibility of OTK for sometimes.

Ebon Illusion Magician
Ebon Illusion Magician
DARK Spellcaster ★7
ATK 2500 / DEF 2100
Pendulum Genesis [SR]
2 Level 7 monsters
You can also Xyz Summon this card by using a Rank 6 Spellcaster-Type Xyz Monster you control as the Xyz Material. (Xyz Materials attached to that monster also become Xyz Materials on this card.) Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; Special Summon 1 Spellcaster-Type Normal Monster from your hand or Deck. When a Spellcaster-Type Normal Monster declares an attack: You can target 1 card your opponent controls; banish it. You can only use this effect of "Ebon Illusion Magician" once per turn.

With the 2 Dark Magicians special summoned with Magician Navigation, you can Xyz into this to special summon a Dark Magician from the deck. It can also banish cards your opponent controls, but will only activate when the spellcaster normal monster attacks.

Ebon High Magician
Ebon High Magician
DARK Spellcaster ★7
ATK 2300 / DEF 2800
Sword of Paladin [SR]
2 Level 7 Spellcaster-Type monsters
While this card has Xyz Material, you can activate a Quick-Play Spell Card or a Trap Card from your hand during your opponent's turn by detaching 1 Xyz Material from this card at activation. If this Xyz Summoned card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, or if this Xyz Summoned card you control is sent to your Graveyard by an opponent's card effect: You can Special Summon 1 DARK Spellcaster-Type monster from your hand or Deck, then you can destroy 1 card on the field.

Ebon High Magician makes you able to activate Quick Play Spell or Trap Card from your hand during your opponent's turn.

High Magician's second effect will allows you to special summon 1 Dark Spellcaster-Type monster from your hand or Deck after he is destroyed by your opponent's card effect. After that, you can also able to destroy 1 card on the field.

Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon
Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon
DARK Dragon ★7
ATK 2800 / DEF 2400
Selection Box Vol.03 Mini [SR]
2 Level 7 monsters
Cannot be destroyed by card effects while it has Xyz Material. While this card has Xyz Material, each time your opponent activates a card or effect, inflict 500 damage to your opponent immediately after it resolves. Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 "Red-Eyes" Normal Monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon it.

300 ATK higher than the Dark Magicians and can't be destroyed by card effects, but its main strength is the fact that the effect damage is not limited to once per turn. It's useful to chip your opponent down, but not worth using 2 Dark Magicians at the start of the fight since the effect damage is halved due to Duel Links rules.

Wee Witchs Apprentice
Wee Witchs Apprentice
DARK Spellcaster
ATK 1400 / DEF 2
Arms of Giant [R]
2 DARK monsters
All DARK monsters on the field gain 500 ATK/DEF, also all LIGHT monsters on the field lose 400 ATK/DEF. If this card is destroyed by battle or card effect: You can target 1 DARK monster in your GY; add it to your hand. You can only use this effect of “Wee Witch's Apprentice” once per turn.

Wee Witch's Apprentice can be a useful card in a Dark Magician deck, especially if you are running a deck that includes mostly DARK monsters. Its effect of giving all DARK monsters on the field a 500 ATK/DEF boost can make your monsters more difficult to destroy, while also making them stronger in battle.

Additionally, Wee Witch's Apprentice's effect of causing all LIGHT monsters on the field to lose 400 ATK/DEF can be helpful in reducing the effectiveness of your opponent's LIGHT monsters, making them easier to defeat in battle.

Finally, Wee Witch's Apprentice's ability to add a DARK monster from your GY to your hand if it is destroyed by battle or a card effect can be helpful in replenishing your resources and keeping your plays going.

Link Disciple
Link Disciple
LIGHT Cyberse
ATK 500 / DEF 1
Link Revolution [R]
1 Level 4 or lower Cyberse monster
You can Tribute 1 monster this card points to; draw 1 card, then place 1 card from your hand on the bottom of the Deck. You can only use this effect of "Link Disciple" once per turn.

Link Disciple allows you to draw a card and cycle a card from your hand. It can also as a Filter Draw Strategy to tribute 1 monster this card points to; usually used to get rid of Knightmare Corruptor Iblee that was special summoned to your field by the opponent.

Other Cards Option

Palladium Oracle Mahad

Palladium Oracle Mahad
Palladium Oracle Mahad
DARK Spellcaster ★7
ATK 2500 / DEF 2100
Dark Dimension [UR]
When you draw this card: You can reveal this card; Special Summon it from your hand. If this card battles a DARK monster, its ATK is doubled during the Damage Step only. If this card is destroyed by battle or card effect: You can Special Summon 1 "Dark Magician" from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard.

This can be a good 1 card to bring if you are using Chocolate Magician Girl. Activating Dark Magical Circle lets you re-arrange the top few cards of your deck, allowing you to normal summon Chocolate Magician Girl and activate her effect to draw Mahad and special summon him right away.

Mahad's effect to double his effect is quite strong, but how often it gets used depends on how relevant DARK monsters are during the meta.

Combo Extender

Magician of Dark Illusion
Magician of Dark Illusion
DARK Spellcaster ★7
ATK 2100 / DEF 2500
Arkana [UR]
This card's name becomes "Dark Magician" while it is on the field. You can only use each of these effects of "Magician of Dark Illusion" once per turn.● During your opponent's turn, if you activate a Spell/Trap Card or effect (except during the Damage Step): You can Special Summon this card from your hand.● If you activate a Spell/Trap Card or effect while this card is face-up on your field (except during the Damage Step): You can target 1 "Dark Magician" in your Graveyard; Special Summon it. This effect can only be used once while this card is face-up on the field.

Magician of Dark Illusions is a good monster to Special Summon from your deck with Magician's Navigation. This can set you up for another Dark Magician summoning using Dark Illusion's effect with Magicians Navigation in your graveyard as the trigger.

Dark Magical Circle's removal effect can be activated when you Special Summon Magician of Dark Illusion. Conversely, Dark Magical Circle's removal effect activated during your opponent's turn can trigger Magician of Dark Illusion's summoning, or Magician of Dark Illusion's second effect if activated during either player's turn.

The Eye of Timaeus can be used on Magician of Dark Illusion. This will activate his second effect, letting you revive Dark Magician just before Magician of Dark Illusion leaves the field as fusion material.


Hot New Top
Not KoG
Having restrictions lifted still doesn't make DM great.
Super Minecraft Kid
Not KoG
Second bes5 F2P deck
Not KoG
Eternal Soul is a blunder.
Not KoG
I want to try that WEE WITCH APPRENTICE
when field spell "magician's salvation" and quickplay spell "soul servant" be released? current dark magician deck are weak
<< Anonymous(usopp)
LeodredAQW Reply
Never, because it would make DM halfway decent again, apparently...
Wsp guys.
I just returned to play this month, and i have some questions.
Is there some alternative for the "Apprentice Illusion Magician"? She is the only card i dont have for this deck.
Also i already had the pk deck complete, so, dont tell me to do this. Thanks in advance
<< Anonymous(Azze)
Anonymous Reply
No, there's not. I think I'd be better for you to just run the old build with 3x eternal souls or the even older build with 3 dwarf star dragon to turbo magician navigation
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
What about Magician Navigation? DM decks used this before Apprentice Illusion Magician was a thing.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
That's where you use dwarf star dragon to set up the whole combo to mess with your opponent during their turn. Almost nobody uses it anymore for how slow and bricky it can get, remember rod and navi share limit.
you can't summon dragon XYZ with skill, so it's useless extra deck
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
True jajaja
Take out the only dark spellcaster part that is totally uncalled for konami. Otherwise every skill should have this kneecap in their archetype skill. Looking at you phantom knights. Enjoy you glory when you rot in the 🔥ing ban list again.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
like how navigation and rod are r0tting in the banlist?
<< Anonymous
LeodredAQW Reply
And have been for like 3 years now...

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Sounds as legit as the shady @@@ dealer I see sometimes after nightfall in the park V
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