
Dark Magical Circle | Decks and Tips

This page notes details of Dark Magical Circle (Spell Card/Continuous/Effect Monster) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 16/03/2020

Dark Magical Circle

Dark Magical Circle
Card typeEffect
TypeSpell Card
Card Effect TypeCard effect / Trigger-like Effect / Condition
SupportsDark Magician
Related to ArchetypesDark Magician


When this card is activated: Look at the top 3 cards of your Deck, then you can reveal 1 "Dark Magician" or 1 Spell/Trap Card that specifically lists the card "Dark Magician", among them, and add it to your hand, also place the remaining cards on top of your Deck in any order. If "Dark Magician" is Normal or Special Summoned to your field (except during the Damage Step): You can target 1 card your opponent controls; banish it. You can only use each effect of "Dark Magical Circle" once per turn.

How to Get

PackFuture Horizon [UR]
Secret of Magicians [UR]
Selection Box Vol.05 [UR]
Level-up reward--
Victory against--
Card trader--




  • Searches Dark Magician or related support.
  • Reusable Banishing effect.


  • Only one effect can be used per turn.
  • Banishing effect requires you to summon Dark Magician to trigger.


Dark Magician

Dark Magician is one of those monsters with tons of support, making it quite easy to summon him. Additionally, monsters who are treated as Dark Magician can also trigger Dark Magical Circle’s banishing.

Dark Magician Support

Here are some of the Spell/Trap cards you can get with Dark Magical Circle’s effect.



ActionsAdds from Deck to hand / Changes Deck order
Banished categoriesBanishes from your opponent's field


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Should errata this card for duel links so cosmic cyclone and magical space typhoon doesn’t cuck it during its activation. A one for one loss is only fair otherwise dark magician dragon knight is fair to release.
Not KoG
Dark Magic Curtain is F2P equivalent.
Not KoG
3x means 1 brickless deck.
Too expensive to get this card !!!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Not worth it anymore
You can only each effect once per turn..
Does that mean you can search dark magician monster/spell next turn after its activation?
<< Anonymous
anonymous Reply
you can banish 1 card once per turn. the first effect applies only for activation. maximize banish effect, navigation our end turn then summon dark cavalry, activate dark magician (that 2100 attack) effect, special summon dark magician from Grave
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
No you cannot activate two different Сircles in one turn if you have two copies in your hand. And you can banish as many times as many Dark magicians you summon to the field
<< Anonymous
anonymous Reply
he didnt mean in single turn. he clearly said next turn, can circle use first effect searching
Do you guys think this card will still be used in a future optimal dark magician deck if we get apprentice illusion magic or secrets of dark magic?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yes, this will keep seeing play.

The only card I think could be used at less copies is navigation, if konami releases eternal soul
this card is broken af. combine with magicians wand and navigation, boom, you win. but ofc konami want to suck some money first before they nerf it in honor to the new (2021) blue eyes deck
This card and magician navigation need to be banned straight away. If the one that goes second doesn't draw a card with backrow removal effect, it is then basically an automatic win to the one that goes first. The whole combo is just broken.
<< Anonymous(DM Player)
Anonymous Reply
We had navigation for years in duel links and none used dm decks. If they limit it they will just 🔥 the deck. Circle is what makes dm competitive. And atm are not even tiered.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I had this deck and I don't know how people win with this. My winrate was low even in legend 1. 10+ KOG veteran player
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
3 Circles, 3 Navi, Kycoo everything standard. Even with a perfect start, this was not enough in most duels.
When I managed to summon the purple horse it was a little better, but my Magicians rarely survived before I draw the spell
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Maye you should have had 3 cards to summon purple horse in this case.
Needs magical dimension for tech card for first turn summon than we are talking
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Dark Magic Veil is better than Magical Dimension here anyway.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Dimension destroys card ontop ss. Way better
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Plus, Magical Dimension is a Quick-Play.
This card needs to be limited. In the KC cup I faced 4 DM decks back to back & a lot of them had a least 2. The DM decks stopped me from getting to stage 2
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Well dm suffer from the same major drawback as the old desperado decks. Target immunity. Once your oppenent realise is facing a dm deck he will assap summon a sabredancer, cocytus, es lapauila etc. leaving you hoping to draw eye of timeus or dm expanded, if you run them. Also, lightsworn variants force you to use navigation in the main phase to stop lumina-brd, leaving dm helpless in battle phase.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I think you got a misconception about being bricky.
From your explanation, DM had a hard time to face certain archtype. And thats normal for deck to have a natural weakness. However, being bricky means you cant do anything other than watching your opponent as you cant even play your card ( ex: blue eyes brick dragon). A deck with huge change for being bricky wont get tiered in the first place.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Desperado doesn't target tho
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Blue-Eyes isn't always bricky, it depends on your build.
Why doesn't this card miss timing?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It's okay :)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The guy who misplayed against DMC would have known that it couldn't miss timing if he played with a DM deck before.

Not using a deck yourself means losing games you could have otherwise won against it by avoiding miss play.

That is why we are more skilled than you F2P.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This is actually easy. See if your opponent has 3 copies of the latest UR/SR, or those that come from different old boxes.
Alternatively if they have full meta deck of 3 very different archetypes.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
and there's how many players in KOG and KC Cup? You're not going to be able to check them all in this game's lifetime.
This single card change Dark Magician from FUN deck into top tier meta.
More reason to relase twin twister, konami
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I just want my Dragon Rulers for MY special deck. They're not broken at all.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Wow, you cant even add this and some people already annoyed by it to the point they compared it with a banned archtype. Just, wow
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You can expect him to lose his mind after yuki usagi came out. He wont kindly respond to the handtrap lol XD
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
people already raged at Kiteroid, imagine if we get a full set of the handtrap ghosts XD

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