
Magician Navigation | Decks and Tips

This page notes details of Magician Navigation (Trap Card/Normal) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 16/03/2020

Magician Navigation

Magician Navigation
TypeTrap Card
Card Effect TypeCard effect / Quick-like Effect
SupportsDark Magician / DARK / Spellcaster
Related to ArchetypesDark Magician


Special Summon 1 "Dark Magician" from your hand, then Special Summon 1 Level 7 or lower DARK Spellcaster-Type monster from your Deck. If you control "Dark Magician", except the turn this card was sent to the Graveyard: You can banish this card from your Graveyard, then target 1 face-up Spell/Trap Card your opponent controls; it has its effects negated until the end of this turn.

How to Get

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  • Special Summons Dark Magician from your hand plus another DARK Spellcaster from your deck for no cost.
  • Negates opponent’s Spell/Trap card effect.


  • Trap cards can be slow.


Dark Magical Circle

Dark Magic Circle is able to add Magician Navigation to your hand. You can later activate Magician Navigation to Special Summon Dark Magician and trigger Dark Magic Circle’s removal effect.

Dark Magician

Dark Magician on his own is really not that impressive being a Normal monster with below average stats. What makes him good is the amount of powerful support that is used alongside him.

Magician’s Navigation, for example, is powerful because it can bring out 2 high-leveled monsters for no cost. Listed below are some other powerful support you can use with Dark Magician.


Here is some Dark Magician supports that can search out Magician’s Navigation.

Sorcerer of Dark Magic

Magician’s Navigation lets you Special Summon 2 high-leveled Spellcaster monsters which is the cost you need to summon Sorcerer of Dark Magic.

DARK Spellcaster

Aside from Dark Magician here are some notable monsters you can Special Summon from the deck with Magician’s Navigation.


Dark Magician Deck



ActionsActivates from your Graveyard
Banished categoriesBanishes itself from Graveyard for cost
Monster/Spell/Trap categoriesNegates the effects of your opponent's Spell Cards / Negates the effects of your opponent's Trap Cards
Summoning categoriesSpecial Summons from your hand / Special Summons from your Deck


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Why is this still limited lol. It’s one negate meanwhile decks have monsters that do the exact same thing every turn. Give magicians combination then. We have Omni negates already and magician combo doesn’t destroy on the negate so I see no reason why this can’t come to the game…
<< Anonymous
ney Reply
money, dude. money is the answer. why let you play with old cards and make no profit whatsoever when they can milk every cent out of your wallet?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yep, Konami wants you to use the new broken cards, not the old less broken cards. It's a very simple concept: They want you to spend resources in this game and the easiest way to do this, is to release new cards that are overall stronger than the old cards. And if old cards are still strong, they will just limit them for a long while.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The magicians combination or illusion of chaos should come to duel links to than by that logic since decks are negating everywhere meanwhile dm has to rely on one random draw with magicians to save itself from meta decks. 🔥ing stupid and can’t even have its one negate in navigation back nor use circle on opponents turn. Magical dimension isn’t cutting it.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
They'll, you can bet on that but for the time being they'll milk the most recent sd
Unlimit this or release magicians combination. Omni negates being released now so it’s fair.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Powercrept actually
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Powercrept since 🔥in gouki. Stupid company.
why Master Duel get this card R rarity?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Master duel is a whole different thing, there you won't ever get to resolve this card that's why no one uses it
Unlimit this already jeez I don’t see six samurai shien on the goddamn limit list and can be used more than once with two on the field. This is a 🔥ing trap and doesn’t make a lick of sense, it’s one 🔥ing negate that can be baited with book of moon. Also why isn’t void feast given the same treatment come on. Use your 🔥ing heads and balance the game.
<< Anonymous
Konami Reply
Dear customer,

we're sorry that you are too stupid to comprehend our actions. Git gud loser and please stop crying like a little baby.

Thank you for playing Duel Links
<< Anonymous(Konami)
Anonymous Reply
Eat 🔥 🔥 pretending to be Konami
<< Anonymous
Konami Reply
You're right. That ret arded motherfu cker is not us. He's a fu cking imposter and not even a good one. The real Konami would never say that they're sorry. It's not our fault that our game sucks.
Funny how this card still in the ban list. Meanwhile mekturds get to floodgate you permanently from certain card types. Way to go konami stellar move you want a 🔥ing medal?
<< Anonymous
Konami Reply
Yes, we gladly take your so-called 🔥ing medal.

Thank you for playing Duel Links
Free this card you idiots or void feast should go in the ban list too cause it does the exact same 🔥ing thing but for more pay off.
<< Anonymous
Konami Reply

Thank you for playing Duel Links
Needs to be unlimited or at least release more options to summon dm. Eternal soul is not enough nor is it a fair trade off against the meta. We need monsters that summon dm. Magicians souls should be released here too.
Reason 1: it is a link extender.
Reason 2: hero’s get a draw two and discard and can play it with limit ones and get a miracle within summoning sunlight and is a million times better than solitaire draw two spellbook. That or spellbooks of knowledge should be unlimited cause it surely isn’t putting Dm in any sort of competive scene.
<< Anonymous
Kaiba Reply
If you activate normal trap, let's say Raigeki Break, then the opponent chains it with this card in attempt to negate, will it still resolve if you follow it by chaining MST to destroy your Raigeki Break first?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Hello, question
The game didn't let me activate and chain floodgate trap hole in response to Magician navigation special summoning, bag or intented? (It wasn't negated, the offer window just didn't pop up)
<< Anonymous(Hello, question)
riookesekali Reply
Do you save the duel? when something strange happened I usually save it
<< Anonymous(Hello, question)
Anonymous Reply
Sounds like a typical "chain blocking" / "missing the timing" problem.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I rewatched the duel and the
Harpies hunting ground was activated first to remove his Dark magical cycle, chain start
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
So he used navigation, he summoned dark magician, dark magician circle activated, circle target a card, floodgate chain blocked.
Seriously why is this card still in the limit three, it takes a 🔥ing turn to use.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
No. End of the discussion
People are really complaining that this card MAY come to the game? Are you people stupid? There are almost TCG type of meta decks in the game and decks so broken you hate your life for playing against them.

And this ONE CARD for a low tier deck is a threat to you? Are you really that stupid?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Low tier deck? Not broken? Sorry but Mr. Kaiba dislike anything to do with Dark Magician. There you go, limit 3.
<< Anonymous
Gggggg Reply
Jesus suck dark magicians 🔥 already
<< Anonymous(Gggggg)
Jesus Garcia Reply
No u.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
OP's post totally didn't age well
No more 3 navigation for you unless you want to dump that broken Rod.

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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