
How to beat/farm Yuto Lvl 40

Duel Links Yuto Lvl 40, decks to farm Yuto Lvl 40, and Yuto Lvl 40's Duel Rewards.
update 28/06/2022

Magician Girl Turbo Farm

  • No Skill Necessary
Essential cards

Example Deck [Credits to Yami No Game]

Chocolate Magician GirlChocolate Magician GirlFortune Fairy HikariMystic PiperGolden Dragon SummonerBerry Magician Girl
Berry Magician GirlBerry Magician GirlFortune Fairy CheeApple Magician GirlLemon Magician GirlConcentrating Current
Concentrating CurrentShooting Star Bow - CealWonder WandWonder WandWonder WandMagicalized Fusion
Arcane BarrierArcane Barrier-Quintet MagicianKachi Kochi DragonSylvan Princessprite

Notes from Yami No Game

I would like to share with you the deck that I used to farm Yuto lv 40. It's the classical Magician Girl Turbo but I replaced one copy of Arcane Barrier with a Shooting Star Bow - Ceal.

On the last turn you have to use two copies of Concentrating Current on Quintet Magician, then equip Shooting Star Bow - Ceal to it and direct attack Yuto.

Lunalight Farm

Example Deck

Lunalight Yellow MartenLunalight Yellow MartenLunalight Purple ButterflyLunalight Purple ButterflyLunalight Purple ButterflyGravekeepers Vassal
Lunalight Crimson FoxLunalight Emerald BirdLunalight White RabbitLunalight White RabbitLunalight White RabbitUnion Attack
Union AttackLunalight FusionLunalight FusionLunalight FusionSecret Pass to the TreasuresLunalight Reincarnation Dance
Lunalight Reincarnation DanceLunalight Reincarnation Dance----
Lunalight Sabre DancerLunalight Sabre DancerLunalight Cat DancerLunalight Cat DancerLunalight Cat Dancer-


The main priority of the deck is to bring out either Cat Dancer or Sabre Dancer to the field as soon as possible. But since there is no searcher for the fusion card, you'll have to rely on drawing it. Stall with White Rabbit and/or Reincarnation Dance until you get the fusion card.

  • If you can make a fusion, always use Marten as one of the materials so you can search for another Lunalight Fusion from the deck.
  • If you can make Cat Dancer, put her in defense position to avoid getting attacked.
  • You can use the deck more reliably if you use Destiny Draw, but it's not necessary.

Once you have a fusion monster on the field, you can already keep passing the turn until you have 0 cards left or do the finishing move if you already have all the Vassal pieces.

  • If Yuto summons Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon, you'll be able to use Lunalight Fusion using 1 monster from your deck. Do this to make either another Sabre Dancer or Cat Dancer by using Marten from the deck. This will thin your deck by 2 cards since Marten will go to the grave and activate its search effect as well.
  • If you just want to keep passing, once your hand is full, discard lunalight monsters to increase Sabre Dancer's ATK. Though, Butterfly can also provide an ATK boost if used in the hand.

To deal the killing blow, simply normal summon Vassal and activate Secret Pass to the Treasures and the 2 Union Attacks on the Vassal, then attack directly.

  • You'll need your other monsters to have ATK equal to 4650 or more for double Union Attack to deal more than 10,000 for the final hit so you get more bonus points.
  • You can increase Vassal's ATK either by using Purple Butterfly in the hand, fusion summon another monster, or activate Sabre Dancer from the grave on a fusion monster. Just make sure you do these before activating the Union Attacks or it's too late. Your other monsters also need to be in ATK position too.

Cloudian Farm

Example Deck

The Winged Dragon of RaZeradias, Herald of HeavenZeradias, Herald of HeavenZeradias, Herald of HeavenCloudian - AltusCloudian - Altus
Cloudian - AltusCloudian - Acid CloudCloudian - Acid CloudCloudian - CirrostratusCloudian - CirrostratusGolden Ladybug
Shooting Star Bow - CealThe Sanctuary in the SkyThe Sanctuary in the SkyThe Sanctuary in the SkyShadow-Imprisoning MirrorDivine Punishment
Divine PunishmentDivine Punishment----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Fairy's Smile
If you normal draw a Fairy-Type monster card during the Draw Phase, the card is shown to the opponent and you recover 1000 Life Points.


This is a more budget friendly deck since it doesn't need any UR from a box, but it can be kind of tedious and slow.

This deck works because Cloudian monsters can't be destroyed and having the field spell up prevents you from taking damage, allowing you to stall until you have no cards left.

  • Summon a Cloudian even if you don't have the field spell yet so that you can reduce damage taken from attacks.
  • Always use Zeradias, the skill, and Golden Ladybug's effect when you can.

Once you have a Cloudian with the Sanctuary on your field, you can already keep passing until the final turn.

  • Keep summoning until you have 3 monsters on your field so you can tribute summon for Ra for the final turn. Which Cloudian monsters to summon or their effects don't really matter.

When you have no cards left, tribute summon Ra and activate its effect to sacrifice your LP to boost its ATK. Then equip Ceal so you can attack directly. Through the LP gain from the skill and Golden Ladybug, you should be able to at least finish off Yuto, but you will get more points if Ra's ATK is at least 10,000+.

  • You can bring ATK increasing cards like Concentrating Current to help lower the odds of failing.
  • Set a Divine Punishment at least a turn before you attack so that you can negate his Emergency Provisions in case your ATK is not enough.

Lvl 40 Decklist

The Invincible Phantom Knights

Drop Rewards


So, I changed your deck to this:

~ 10,000+ Duel Assessments Score:
~ 490,000 Event Points:
Last Turn, RA ~ 27,000 ATK:
Last Turn #2:

I played 5 times. The results were the same ~ 10,500 score. We can remove "Concentrating Current" and We can add Synchron. I think We will reach more than 500,000+ Event Points. I think it's the best deck in this Event. We can replace "Defense Draw" trap to "Treacherous Trap Hole" or "Floodgate Trap Hole" or other trap card. There are many alternatives.
<< Anonymous(taki)
Anonymous Reply
Cant see them lovely jpg.s
<< Anonymous(taki)
Anonymous Reply
skill= Fairy's Smile?
Any lvl 50 farm decks guys?
Or just use any farm decks here since its whats supposed to be because they nerve lvl 40?
Subterror for me. It's f2p and consistent but this won't work with lvl 50 Yuto because he has fog blade. Just keep banishing his monster with umastryx but be careful with his PK spear because it will burn you little by little if you target his face-up PK monster with this effect. I suggest don't destroy his set backrow because GY effects is more annoying than field effects.
Subterror Nemesis Warrior x3
Subterror Behemoth Umastryx x2
Subterror Behemoth Stygokraken x2
Flip Flop Frog x3
Mahjong Munia Maidens x3
Gravekeeper's Vassal
Secret pass to the treasures
Union Attack x2
Subterror Final Battle x2
World legacy pawn x2
Extra deck: (not really needed actually but here's recommendation)
No. 45 crumble logos
ZW - Leo Arms
No. 28 Titanic Moth
Does anyone have a farming deck that can reap a lot of duel assessment points before Yuto !@#$%^&*() decks out?
hanime, they nerfed Yuto Lv.40 deck
Anyone has a variation which doesnt need fairy's smile?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Lunalights farm deck. He uses an XYZ that can destroy your cards and one that com halves your attack monster, so you need something he cant target or that is unaffected by monsters effect (but he can boost his monster over 3000 atk).
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I'm also using this deck. It's a bit slow in my opinion, since he ditches cards to the grave quite often and keeps adding cards to his hand. I'm using Shard of Greed instead of Mirror. But I'm not really satisfied, since he can summon the Rank 3 so easy which puts the deck under pressure quite early.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Just put 3x Golden Ladybug into the deck then you can get enough LP for Ra without Fairy’s Smile.
Does this farm works on roaming lvl 30 too?

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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