
How to beat/farm Aster Phoenix Lvl 40

How to beat Aster Phoenix Lvl 40, Aster Phoenix's Deck, Decks to farm Aster Phoenix, Rewards.
update 30/09/2017
Aster Phoenix pages

Aster Lvl 40
Aster Lvl 40

Sylvan Ra

Example Deck

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Power of the Tributed
When you sucessfully Tributed Summon "The Winged of Ra", its ATK will becomes the sum of the ATK of the Tirbuted Monsters, and its DEF will becomes the sum of the Tributed Monsters.
Yami Marik
Yami Marik

Labyrinth Builder

Example deck

Summoner of IllusionsGravekeeper's VassalShard of GreedShard of GreedShard of GreedUnion Attack
Union AttackStormDimensionholePot of BenevolencePot of BenevolencePot of Benevolence
Acidic DownpourAcidic DownpourAcidic DownpourSecret Pass to the TreasuresDimension GateDimension Gate
Dimension GateWild Tornado------Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon


Ojama Lock

Example deck

Ojama BlueOjama BlueOjama BlueGravekeeper's VassalOjama BlackOjama Black
Ojama YellowOjama YellowOjama GreenOjama Green
Union AttackUnion AttackEnchanting Fitting RoomPolymerizationPolymerizationPolymerization
Ojama CountrySecret Pass to the Treasures--Ojama KnightOjama Knight


Level 40 Aster's Deck

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F2P and consistent decks to farm Aster level 40 in 2023
@Yami Aster
Hey, Yami Aster! How you doin? I just wanna tell you that I've bought a new duel links account, it's very awesome! Please, give me your ID again to add you because I lost your ID.
<< Anonymous(ABN)
Anonymous Reply
This sounds like a scam. Don't give him your ID
<< Anonymous(ABN)
Yami Aster Reply
You mean you bought a used account with a lot of goodies on it already? I was wondering where you were, dude. The other account changed it's name awhile ago. Did you give that to someone else or something? And what was it's name again right now? Anyway, sure. 245-766-337
draw sense:earth
draw planet pathfinder to find fusion gate

draw sense:water
replace planet pathfinder+fusion gate with 2 poly
draw king of the swamp to find poly
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The sword and shield card serves this purpose as it affects all monsters on the field.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Super inconsistent, 9/10 times are bum draws because there’s not enough search power for the fusions
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
That's why you need to use the draw sense skill mate
<< Anonymous
someting Reply
i think you should run ojama country because ojamas country effect is permanent while an ojama card is on the field while sword and shield can only be used once and its effect is just for one turn
Whoever created this deck should be mauled to death by drunken monkeys.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Nah just use yubel to farm instead.Destiny end dragoon won't destroy terror incarnate
Lovely Aster
Thanks, dude.
This guys is good but he has been tricked.
very difficult haha but totally worthy
This is what I use for farming Aster.
I'm too lazy to explain it so, I will make it short.

Skill must be Destiny Draw to get The Regulation trap ASAP.

If you had Defense Draw, then use it and remove D. Shield.

The combo is Jam breeding + The Regulation to prevent attacking.

The goblin traps are for drawing and controlling your deck.

Pot of B. is to prevent your opponent from decking out. Only return monster cards.

E-con is to steal Plasma and tribute him incase he was summoned. You can tribute him with The Regulation trap or you can tribute him for Ra.

Make sure that you use Emerngecy Provisions BEFORE Jam Breeding summons a monster. Otherwise, you won't be able to use Worm Bait.

DON'T SUMMON ANYTHING ON THE FIELD. ALWAYS KEEP YOUR FIELD CLEAN. Otherwise, he will summon Plasma and that would be trouble for you.

I already recorded a video of me farming him but I'm too lazy to upload it.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me.
<< Anonymous(N!bba)
Aster lover Reply
It takes a youtube video and instructions that amount to an essay just to farm Aster properly... Yeesh. Thank you for posting this, though. I still don't have 3 of every card and I pretty much gave up on farming him since I don't use his gate rewards. But maybe I could try again.
<< Anonymous(Aster lover)
N!bba Reply
lol. Yeah, because he has annoying monsters, an annoying trap, and he's a drawing addict which makes him almost impossible to farm.
Just a third Diamond Dude you πŸ”₯ing jerk!
<< Anonymous
Diamond Dude Reply
haha I know that felling when you need the last third card. well just use your sr card from login reward.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Update, apparentely I needed to lose.
<< Anonymous
George Reply
ive farned aster hella times, but he wont drop daser. why? Im used ojama lock with 1150 damage and still nothing???
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
no dimand dudes and then... this
In case you guys still want to farm Aster, here’s what i use:

-Skill: Master of Fusion
Deck List:
Swamp of the King 3x
Ojama Blue 3x
Ojama Black 2x
Ojama Green 2x
Ojama Yelllow 3x
Ojama Country x1
Poly x2
Gravekeeper Vassal x1
Union Attack x2
Secret Pass of the Treasures x1

I won 4/5 games so far. I would upload pic for easier convenience but the file is too big. I hope it helps you guys!

If anyone need farm him, u can use the same deck from Bakura, but with the change we should use here Floodgate instead of Spells Removal. I only lost my first match against him when I was testing this because I did the wrong πŸ”₯.

The floodgate goes to the fusion monster: dont πŸ”₯ him until u have Lvl 6 in the field.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
What card is that between etaqua and floodgate?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It's "Legacy of Yata-Garasu", if I'm not wrong.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Does not work at all. Aster always summons his fusion monster before you can activate your floodgate or your LV6. 5 loss in a row!

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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