
Arkana (Pandora)

Duel Links Arkana, how to unlock, rewards, skills, and decks.jo2vv2dv
update 04/04/2022
Vellian Crowler pages
Arkana Lvl 40 (Gate)
Arkana Lvl 40 (Gate)


Arkana appeared as one of the antagonists in the original series of Yu-Gi-Oh! He's formerly a professional stage magician who joined the Rare Hunters Organization when he lost both of his career and love one. He uses cheats such as the Stripper technique to gain an upper hand on drawing cards.

Arkana Event

Battle City Event

Arkana will be a playable character during the Arkana unlock event.

Arkana Roaming Event

For a guide to Arakana roaming event, check this link!


Exclusive skills

[Skill] descriptionHow to get
Card Shuffle
Can be used by paying 300 Lifepoints, Shuffle your deck. This skill can only be used once per turn.
Lvl 4
Master of Magicians
Can be used after your LP decrease by 2000. Randomly add Thousand Knives, Dark Magic Attack, and Dark Magic Expanded to your hand. This skill can only be used once per duel.
Lvl 13
A Trick Up the Sleeve
Your starting hand will include 1 Lvl 7or higher DARK spellcaster-type monster, randomly selected from your deck. This skill will not activate if your DECK does not include 1 Lvl 7 DARK spellcaster-type monsters.
Lvl 20
Show of Nightmares
Can be activated if you have 3 or more Spell cards with different name in your Graveyard. Randomly add 1 spell card in your graveyard to your hand. This skill can only be used once per duel.

Common Skills

Level Rewards

2Gem x10
3Malice Doll of DemiseMalice Doll of Demise
4Skill: Card Shuffle
5Deck Slot (Arkana)
6Gem x15
7The Stern MysticThe Stern Mystic
8Deck Slot (Arkana)
9Gem x25
10Witch Doctor of ChaosWitch Doctor of Chaos
11Malice Doll of DemiseMalice Doll of Demise
12Gem x35
13Skill: Master of Magicians
15Gem x50
16Maniacal ServantManiacal Servant
17Gem x60
18The Stern MysticThe Stern Mystic
19Gem x75
20Skill: A Trick Up the Sleeve
21Malice Doll of DemiseMalice Doll of Demise
22Gem x100
23Magician's RodMagician's Rod
24Gem x120
25Illusion MagicIllusion Magic
26Gem x150
27Deck Slot (Arkana)
28Gem x200
29Gem x250
30Gem x300
31Gold x100,000
32Gem x200
33Dark Eradicator WarlockDark Eradicator Warlock
34Gem x250
35Skilled Dark MagicianSkilled Dark Magician
36UR Jewel x1
37Gem x200
38Magician's RodMagician's Rod
39Gem x250
40Dark Magic CurtainDark Magic Curtain
41Deck Slot (Arkana)
42gems x100
43gems x200
44gems x250
45Skilled Dark MagicianSkilled Dark Magician


Dark Magician

Arcana's deck revolves around Spellcaster type monsters. He uses cards like Legion the Fiend Jester and Dark Magic Curtain to easily get Dark Magician from his deck. He also uses support cards such as Dark Renewal to special summon Dark Magician from the graveyard and Thousand Knives to destroy an opponent's monster.

Other Duelists

Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal

Yu-Gi-Oh! DSOD

Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX

Note:Atticus is not added to the game yet, but their names were found in the code of the game at least.

Yu-Gi-Oh! (DM)

Note: Marik Ishtar, Solomon Muto, and Yami Joey are currently unplayable.
→ How to get/unlock characters


Hot New Top
help, i have too many gems, 9999 and my box is full, all gems,I don't need any more cards from the released boxes, i'm afraid if the new box don't come out,my game will not allow me to store any more gems, what should i do??
<< Anonymous(kaiba_boi)
Anonymous Reply
How do you get so many Gems?
<< Anonymous(NO)
Pepi Reply
Its not
<< Anonymous(99999gems)
Dude Reply
And what will happen if it becomes 9999?
<< Anonymous(Dude)
Anonymous Reply
It goes to your storage, but it will expire after X days, so forcely you will have to use to not lose it.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Wow it's really Arkana's DM !!!
So they made another artwork for the card, interesting... I mean, this magician was cool and strong as well, too bad Arkana betrayed him just to save his own 🔥 :/ :/ :/
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I'm very sure that's a fanmade card.
can i still get him? he looks funny
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yes I forget how you unlock him, it might be at a certain stage
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
That was one weird dialogue
lol awesome
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
He’s out! ...But pretty much impossible to unlock. Look at those absurd unlock missions, all against a lv30 Arkana who Ectoplasms himself to defeat. Konami really hates new players.
<< Anonymous(Genesis)
Anonymous Reply
if i only have one DM, how do i summon it twice?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You could summon once, get it destroyed then activate a card that allows you to return it to your hand from the GY then resummon it
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Cosmo Brain, Azure-Eyes, Birthright...
<< Anonymous(Genesis)
Anonymous Reply
How did you unlock Ariana? Singing her songs?
Idea for events
Evil Tristin unlock event
Rebecca unlock event
Quadruple dule tournament
Rafael/valin/kaiba rivle event
Solomon/exodia event
<< Anonymous(Mr.bitches )
Anonymous Reply
Idea for events
YGOTAS Tristan Taylor unlock event
<< Anonymous
Tackrad Reply
Duke devlin unlock event
DITCH THE EVENT & focus on unlock missions & decks to unlock him & farm L30+
Jus started skill farming arkana and first skill drop i get is restart.. no more skill farming for me! Lol the other skills i could care less about
anyone got a decent deck list to unlock arkana quickly as possible?
What happens if you already have arkana when this event starts and will exodia ever be added as cards for you to unlock
<< Anonymous(DGouin98)
Genesis Reply
The only way to use exodia is to use Yugi’s (not yami) skill “my grandpa’s cards), which puts exodia into your deck. Otherwise it would likely be broken, cause the skill makes you play with at least 25 cards in your deck.
<< Anonymous(DGouin98)
Anonymous Reply
Nothing. This is just for those who hasn't unlock him yet. For everyone else, nothing happens.

It's not exactly an event either, it's his unlock missions being added, and unlock missions are permanent addition to the game.
What is the gold used for? I dont seem how to use the gold
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Buy cards in card trader inventory

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Comments (updated every hour)

045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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