
Legion the Fiend Jester | Decks and Tips

This page notes details of Legion the Fiend Jester (DARK/Spellcaster/Effect Monster) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 30/03/2020

Legion the Fiend Jester

Legion the Fiend Jester
Monster TypeSpellcaster
Card typeEffect
Card Effect TypeContinuous Effect / Trigger Effect / Condition


During your Main Phase, you can Tribute Summon 1 Spellcaster-Type monster in face-up Attack Position, in addition to your Normal Summon/Set. (You can only gain this effect once per turn.) If this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard: You can add 1 Spellcaster-Type Normal Monster from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Legion the Fiend Jester" once per turn.

How to Get / Rarity

PackFlame of the Tyrant [SR]
Level-up reward--
Victory against--
Card trader--




  • Extra Tribute Summon for Spellcaster
  • Ability to recover normal spellcaster monsters from deck or graveyard


  • Low survivability due to below average stats
  • Usable only once per turn
  • Can only recover normal spellcaster


  • The field spell Yami for more survivability.
  • Wonder Wand can be used together to draw 2 more cards and recover a card from the graveyard or the deck.
  • Together with Dark Magician Girl and Sage's Stone for a burst of attack in a turn.
  • Very useful card for Exodia event.

Dark Magician

Other notable Cards

Neo the Magic Swordsman
Neo the Magic Swordsman
Atk 1700/Def 1000


ActionsActivates from your Graveyard / Adds from Deck to hand / Adds from Graveyard to hand
Summoning categoriesAllows multiple Normal Summons


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spend like 2k diamonds here and i never get one
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
40 packs for nothing so sad
<< Anonymous
Shadow_Zero Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Lol diamonds
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
He talkin bout gems
Im on Duel Links playing PvP, currently in Platinum Tier. When I play Jester, his effect to tribute summon in the same turn is not working for me? Any explanation out there?
<< Anonymous(Zuoosh)
Anonymous Reply
Did you start using Duel, Standby! skill?

Also, just saying, summoning Silent Magician is a Special Summon, not a Tribute Summon. But it should work regardless, due to the nature of Special Summon itself.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Also, did you tribute Legion to Special Summon Silent Magician then try to Tribute Summon afterwards? Maybe Legion's effect only applies if it was still on the field, as in, it needs to be the monster tributed for the Tribute Summon, there cannot be anything in between.
<< Anonymous
Zuoosh Reply
Wow, your right!

I am using Arkana's skill called "A Trick up the Sleeve." I've just reread it and it says I cannot Special Summon effect monsters my first turn. ):

Thank you for you help!

<< Anonymous(Zuoosh)
Anonymous Reply
Oh yeah, there's that skill too, but glad you found the issue :)
Evil dude
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I find it kinda interesting how most of Jesters and Clows are introduced as evil guys in western and eastern lores lol
What’s a similar replacement for this card
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You can spend money on Silent Magician, which can special summon itself from a single Spellcaster monster on your field the same turn it was played. Otherwise invest some gems in the Tyrant box you cheapskate.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Blue dragon summoner is an ok replacement.
A must in Exodia's deck
after 10 rerolls i opened first 10 packs, 1 jester, 2nd 10 packs, 2nd jester, 3rd 10 packs, 3rd chester
1500 gems 3 jester LOL good new account <3
Dark Magician deck here i come
L.I von Vackt
Using magical marionette to tribute summon then come the Cosmo Queen !
Is this card considered "new"? I didn't see this card on Arc-V era card pool.
<< Anonymous
MrDude Reply
This card was back in DM. Arcana himself used it as his first or second monster.
<< Anonymous(MrDude)
Anonymous Reply
In DM this card was a Normal monster though. It only gets its effects when it is printed for OCG/TCG.
Hi! Could anyone explain how this card fits in a Graavekeepers deck? The way I see it it only works for summoning GK Chief, and the recovery effect is wasted because GK doesnt use normal monsters... Someone enlighten me plz :D
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
you just explained to yourself. This card does not fit into the Gravekeepers deck. I don't think people will recommend you to use this in that deck
<< Anonymous
Ghoul Reply
It was mostly used to summon GK Chief in 1 turn to (re)gain board presence. It looked something like this: Turn 1 GK Recruiter, protect it with the backrow:
Turn 2 Play Legion the Fiend Jester, tribute Recruiter for GK Chief, search for Oracle, special summon Recruiter from grave, attack.
You just flooded the field, searched your boss monster and still have the same amount of cards.
<< Anonymous(Ghoul)
Anonymous Reply
Agree. However 1 copy is more than enough. More than that is bricky and serve as dead draw. Legion can't even search any GK card. Or you can use double summon instead.
If the effect has 4 or more lines, the card is good :kappanotkappa:
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Man-eater bug?
Okay this happened to me today, I had one fiend jester on the field then I normal summoned my second jester and then tribute summon dark magician. Everything good so far but when both of my jesters went to the graveyard I was only able to active the second effect of one of my jester. Can someone explain me what I did wrong? or what happened here?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Description Reply
Last sentence of the text
<< Anonymous(Confusion)
Fudo Yusei Reply
Read the activation restriction, it's once per turn per effect, not per card copy.
I know DL is for casual players, but man, take a time to read the rulebook and the basic rulings of Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG, it doesn't hurt.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You can only use this effect of "Legion the Fiend Jester" once per turn.
How could I get this card except flame of tyrant , I have one but I want more?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You would have to reset the box to refresh the cards making them obtainable again
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
pure idiots

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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