
DM Legendary Duelists Lvl 30

update 26/06/2019

Updated Information

  • Tristan Taylor Lvl 30 Decklist Updated


Here is the list of cards for each deck of legendary duelists at Lvl 30.

Yami Yugi

Moonlight Magic / Lvl: 30

Monster Cards x15QTY
Dark MagicianDark Magician1
Curse of DragonCurse of Dragon2
Phantom Beast Wild-HornPhantom Beast Wild-Horn3
Toy MagicianToy Magician3
The Illusory GentlemanThe Illusory Gentleman3
Maiden of the MoonlightMaiden of the Moonlight3
Spell Cards x5QTY
Book of Secret ArtsBook of Secret Arts3
Trap Cards x0QTY

Seto Kaiba

Path of Feral Power / Lvl: 30

Monster Cards x15QTY
Gyakutenno MegamiGyakutenno Megami2
Battle OxBattle Ox3
Twin-Headed BehemothTwin-Headed Behemoth1
Mystic HorsemanMystic Horseman3
Saggi the Dark ClownSaggi the Dark Clown3
Spell Cards x5QTY
Enemy ControllerEnemy Controller2
Cost DownCost Down1
Trap Cards x0QTY

Joey Wheeler

Mai Valentine

Scent of the Amazoness / Lvl: 30

Monster Cards x14QTY
Amazoness TigerAmazoness Tiger2
Amazoness TraineeAmazoness Trainee3
Amazoness Chain MasterAmazoness Chain Master3
Amazoness FighterAmazoness Fighter3
Amazoness ScoutsAmazoness Scouts3
Spell Cards x6QTY
Amazoness VillageAmazoness Village3
Amazoness SpellcasterAmazoness Spellcaster3
Trap Cards x0QTY

Tea Gardner

Angel and Friendship / Lvl: 30

Monster Cards x13QTY
Dark WitchDark Witch1
Shining FriendshipShining Friendship3
Fire SorcererFire Sorcerer3
Petit AngelPetit Angel3
Spell Cards x5QTY
Silver Bow and ArrowSilver Bow and Arrow3
Symbol of FriendshipSymbol of Friendship2
Trap Cards x2QTY
Gift of The Mystical ElfGift of The Mystical Elf2

Yugi Muto

Weevil Underwood

Laser Cannon Armor Bugs / Lvl: 30

Monster Cards x13QTY
Skull-Mark LadybugSkull-Mark Ladybug3
Hunter SpiderHunter Spider1
Hercules BeetleHercules Beetle1
Giant FleaGiant Flea3
Flying Kamakiri #2Flying Kamakiri #23
Spell Cards x5QTY
Insect ImitationInsect Imitation2
Laser Cannon ArmorLaser Cannon Armor3
Trap Cards x2QTY
Infinite DismissalInfinite Dismissal2

Rex Raptor

Jurassic Fussions / Lvl: 30

Monster Cards x15QTY
Black PteraBlack Ptera3
Two-Headed King RexTwo-Headed King Rex3
Crawling Dragon #2Crawling Dragon #23
Spell Cards x5QTY
Big Evolution PillBig Evolution Pill2
Trap Cards x0QTY
Extra DeckQTY

Mako Tsunami

Coastal Vessel / Lvl: 30

Monster Cards x14QTY
Spike SeadraSpike Seadra2
Sentinel of the SeasSentinel of the Seas3
Fiend KrakenFiend Kraken3
Cannonball Spear ShellfishCannonball Spear Shellfish3
Spell Cards x6QTY
Power of KaishinPower of Kaishin3
Trap Cards x0QTY

Yami Bakura

Yami Marik

Bandit Keith

US Champ's 6 Blasters / Lvl: 30

Monster Cards x15QTY
Barrel DragonBarrel Dragon1
Blowback DragonBlowback Dragon3
Twin-Barrel DragonTwin-Barrel Dragon3
Heavy Mech Support PlatformHeavy Mech Support Platform3
Yaiba RoboYaiba Robo3
Cyber FalconCyber Falcon3
Spell Cards x5QTY
Second Coin TossSecond Coin Toss3
Stop DefenseStop Defense2
Trap Cards x0QTY

Ishizu Ishtar


Immortal Apparition / Lvl: 30

Monster Cards x15QTY
Giant Axe MummyGiant Axe Mummy3
Decayed CommanderDecayed Commander3
Zombie TigerZombie Tiger3
The Snake HairThe Snake Hair3
Armored ZombieArmored Zombie3
Spell Cards x5QTY
Violet CrystalViolet Crystal3
Hard-sellin' GoblinHard-sellin' Goblin2
Trap Cards x0QTY


Mokuba Kaiba

Paradox Brother

Labyrinth of Nightmare / Lvl: 30

Monster Cards x9QTY
Giga-Tech WolfGiga-Tech Wolf3
Beastking of the SwampsBeastking of the Swamps3
Cannon SoldierCannon Soldier3
Spell Cards x9QTY
Fairy Meteor CrushFairy Meteor Crush2
Fusion SageFusion Sage3
Trap Cards x2QTY
Labyrinth of NightmareLabyrinth of Nightmare2
Extra Cards x3QTY
Labyrinth TankLabyrinth Tank3

Arkana [Pandora]


Espa Roba

Tristan Taylor


Hot New Top
But how do you unlock lvl 30
Finally, the long awaited update. Thank you.
Michael Rotor
When will Yami Marik be added to the gate? I'd like to farm some good cards for my Immortality-Torture Deck.
just why?
you need these lists for farming lvl 30? i mean is lvl 30 farm rly worth it?
<< Anonymous(just why?)
Anonymous Reply
Lv30 is generally easier to beat, at the cost of having regular card drops.

It's for those who find Lv40 decks too annoying for them, but still want to farm the cards.

After all, consistent 8k DA on Lv30 is better than consistent losing/low DA on Lv40 one.
Please gamea.
Update this list and link it to the main page.
Please gamea. Update this list and link it to the main page. :(
What's Yami Bakura's deck.
I'd like to use it.
Pegasus incomplete:

Manga Ryu-Ran x1
Toon Alligator x3
Toon Masked Sorcerer x3
Toon Mermaid x3
Copycat x1

Toon World x1 ( should be 3 )
Toon Table Of Contents x2
I dueled the Brothers at L30 and saw almost their entire deck, perhaps my incomplete deck list is at least a start:

3 Canon Soldier
3 Beastking of the Swamp
3 Gigatech Wolf

2 Polymerisation
2 Fusion Sage

1 Labyrinth of Nightmare

Extra Deck

3 Labyrinth Tank
(I only saw one,but the deck indicates that they'll have 3 copies.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Thanks a lot it was what i came for
Now we need information about Pegasus and Paradox Brothers.
Just where has this information been hiding? It needs to be posted and highlighted where people can see it, like the basic LD & Farming information pages and such.

Requesting GameA to update their pages according... :/
<< Anonymous(Non-Anon)
Anonymous Reply
I agree
Long awaited!! Thanks!!!!

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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