
Ra's Disciple | Decks and Tips

This page notes details of Ra's Disciple (LIGHT/Fairy/Effect Monster) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 21/03/2020

Ra's Disciple

Ras Disciple
Monster TypeFairy
Card typeEffect
Card Effect TypeTrigger Effect / Continuous Effect


When this card is Summoned: You can Special Summon up to 2 "Ra's Disciple" from your hand and/or Deck. Cannot be Tributed, except for the Tribute Summon of "Slifer the Sky Dragon", "Obelisk the Tormentor", or "The Winged Dragon of Ra". You cannot Special Summon monsters, except by the effect of "Ra's Disciple".

How to Get

Level-up reward--
Victory againstYami Marik Unlock Event (Part 2) [SR]
Card trader--




  • Instantly fills your field with enough monsters to Tribute summon any DIVINE monster.


  • Weak ATK and DEF stats.
  • Can only be used to Tribute summon DIVINE monsters only.
  • Cannot perform other Special Summons the turn you activate this card’s effect, other than Special Summoning up to 2 Ra’s Disciple.


  • If your opponent uses Floodgate Trap Hole on your Ra’s Disciple, it does not matter as its effect still activates by bringing out another 2 Ra’s Disciple from your hand/Deck. Even when it is face-down, it can still be used as a monster Tribute for your DIVINE monster.
  • Ra’s Disciple is still susceptible to cards like Tribute of the Doom and Man Eater Bug, that destroys your monster without going through Battle Phase, hence it is important to have Powerful Rebirth ready to bring back your monster during your Standby Phase.
  • The main purpose of this card is only to provide enough Tributes in the shortest amount of time, to summon a DIVINE monster. Other that that, we won’t see much uses for this monster.

Divine Monsters

Ra’s Disciple can only be used to Tribute Summon these DIVINE monsters. Except for The Winged Dragon of Ra, the other 2 DIVINE monsters are yet to be released currently.

Protection and Support

Since you have to wait for next turn to Normal Summon a DIVINE monster, you will need to protect all your Ra’s Disciples from being destroyed by your opponents. These are some of the cards to protect your Ra’s Disciples, and Powerful Rebirth to bring back your monster should it be destroyed either by battle or by other effects. Alternatively, you can use Double Summon in order to Normal Summon your DIVINE monster during the same turn you Normal Summon Ra’s Disciple and activated its effect.


Cyberdark Neos Fusion Deck



ActionsPrevents Tributes
Summoning categoriesSpecial Summons from your hand / Special Summons from your Deck / Prevents your Special Summons


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Chloe Jenkins
Can someone please tell me how to use the Ra's Disciples on duel links because I special summoned all three Disciples to the field and had The winged dragon of ra in my hand I tried tributing them all for ra and it wont let me do it even with slifer??....
<< Anonymous(Chloe jenkins)
Anonymous Reply
oops, I just noticed the first anon already mentioned Double Summon xD

But yeah, either use Double Summon/Arrivalrival, or wait one turn.

If you wait one turn, make sure you have backrow cards to protect the Disciples.
<< Anonymous
chloe jenkins Reply
Okay thanks all ;)
<< Anonymous(Chloe jenkins)
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous(Chloe jenkins)
Anonymous Reply
for some reason every time i beat marik i can’t get this dam card
Can someone please tell me how to get ra's disciple besides that old event? I am new to the game
<< Anonymous(Jack)
ZSpectrum Reply
Rá's Disciple can be obtained by WCS's SR Ticket. Check it out!
How come when I had 3 of these with aqua chorus on the field. Their attack was 1600 instead of 2100?
<< Anonymous(Slate-Hood)
akubane Reply
they only get 500, not 500 per copy.
<< Anonymous(Slate-Hood)
Anonymous Reply
Aqua Chorus only looks at the same name, not how many has the same name.

It says "increase their ATK by 500", not "increase their ATK by 500 for each of them".
<< Anonymous(Slate-Hood)
Megazrex Reply
Unless you use two aqua choruses
I only got 2 of this. Can I use 2 of this and another monster to summon Ra
<< Anonymous(Ryan)
Anonymous Reply
You can.
<< Anonymous(Ryan)
akubane Reply
something like cosmic compass could help to summon ra.
Is this very common?
<< Anonymous(Gijs)
nope Reply
nope having a farming deck isn't common not everyone spends money in the game
<< Anonymous(nope)
Gijs Reply
Right, because I used these cards:
1 Ojama Knight
1 Ojama King
3 Ojama Yellow
3 Ojama Green
3 Ojama Black
1 Ojama Country
1 Anti-magic Arrows
2 Union Attack
1 Gravekeeper Vassal
2 Shard of Greed
1 Secret Pass of the Treasures
3 Polymarization
1 Fusion Sage

Almost everything is F2P, used SR tickets earned in the previous event to get Union Attack.

Nice try tho ;)
<< Anonymous(nope)
Seriously? Reply
I've been playing for 31 days without spending a dime and have have 2-3 simple farming decks, even if they aren't optimized yet. It takes some amount of luck digging (and using tickets), but it's not rocket science; plus getting Slifer helped farm 2 Union Attacks to build a farming deck.

You don't need expensive Buster Blader/Dark Paliden farm decks, to farm everything
I have been farmong Yami Marik lv40 for so long and still no Ra's Disciple
Anyone considering this without Ra, Ra will never be competitive - but flooding the field with this guy? Aqua Chorus? Econ tributes? Fairy support? thoughts?
<< Anonymous
Mah Boi Reply
There's already a lot of Ra's Disciple Decks on Youtube, using cards such as Three of a Kind, Treaty on Uniform Nomenclature, Riryoku and the Duel Standby Skill. I would also use Luminous Spark..
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yep, running triple Ra's Disciple along with cards like Aqua Chorus and Three of a Kind is a deck idea I wish to build in the future. I already have three Ra's Disciple too.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I just last night faced Vagabond who uses an interesting Ra's Disciple deck. The owner combined it with Tea's Counter Fairy deck, in addition to using Three of a Kind.
PSA: Powerful Rebirth will NOT work with Ra's Disciple.
<< Anonymous(Antem)
Anonymous Reply
Why? That's strange
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It's pretty simple. "Cannot special summon monsters, except by the effect of Ra's Disciple", so as long as you have at least on of them on the field you can't use Powerful Rebirth to bring one of them back.
yeah i played non stop for ra disciple and only got two to use it sucks too damn hard to even get a third i even did high score deck even to beat marik!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Chill my dude. How much your total event end score? I think I got 9M or something.. Has like 4 RD. Ra right now not really competitive. Hope they release other gods soon and together with RD during event
I wanna get the 3rd one but Marik didnt drop during event RIP
Has anyone used the synergy between this card and Aqua Chorus yet?

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My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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