
Discontinued Card Sets

update 10/05/2017
Available card boxes
The Ultimate RisingAge of DiscoveryNeo-ImpactFlame of the TyrantValkyries Rage
Wonders of the SkyChaotic ComplianceLand of the TitansCrimson KingdomDawn of Destiny
Electric OverloadEchoes of SilenceServants of KingsGalactic Origin
Blades of Spirit Primal BurstSelection Box Vol. 01Resonance of ContrastAbyss Encounter
Rampage of the ForestValiant SoulsVisions of IceSelection Box Vol. 01 MiniCrusaders Battleground
Clash of WingsBurning NovaEmpire of ScarletGaia GenesisStardust Acceleration
Power of BraveryBlackstorm RisingSecrets of the AncientsSelection Box Vol. 02Revolution Beginning
Tornado of PhantomsAbsolute InfernoDimension of the WizardsWarriors UniteLords of Shining
Blazing RoseGuardians of RockCybernetic RebellionCurse of DreadValhalla Calling
Dark DimensionSpirit of the BeastAerial AssaultSoul of ResurrectionFuture Horizon

Dincontinued pack re-released!

Re-release dateMay 17

Announced on May 10, The Ultimate Rising and Age of Discovery boxes re-released on May 17 in preparation for the Duel Links World Championship Tournament 2017.

Don't forget to claim bonus gems!

The 1st/2nd cardbox cards list:



The Ultimate Rising

The Ultimate Rising is the first box in the game. With cards that can help both new and veteran players alike with its versatility.

Strengthened decks
Status1st Release:
10/25/16 - 03/30/17
2nd Release:
05/17/17 - ??

Notable cards

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Age of Discovery

Strengthened decks
Status1st Release:
12/06/16 - 03/30/17
2nd Release:
05/17/17 - ??

Age of Discovery is the second box introduced in the game, also the first mini box in the game. It gives more water monsters along with the support cards that can make summoning Levia-Dragon - Daedalus to wipe the field easier.


Will cards come back to the game?

These packs will be available again on May 17th, announced officially through the in-game news announcement. This is to prepare players for the Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links World Champion, as well as helping the Korean players who never got access to the boxes because of their late launch.

Should Gems be spent for them?

Absolutely yes. The 1st expansion, the Ultimate Rising, has a lot of versatile cards represented by Sphere Kuriboh and Order to Charge. The second, Age of Discovery, contains cards necessary to Umi decks, such as Levia-Dragon - Daedalus and Unshaven Angler.


The next booster to be rotated out will most likely be Neo-Impact, together with the mini box Flame of the Tyrant, or just by itself. Like The Ultimate Rising, it also has great cards in it such as Mirror Wall, Senju of the Thousand Hands, and many other useful SR cards.

Plan which packs to roll by knowing what cards to aim for. Check out the Reroll Tier List to get an idea.

Disclaimer: This is merely a prediction. The next box to be rotated is yet to be revealed officially.


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Not KoG
I would be happy if they discontinued Master Duels.
Konami please forward the date of pack ultimate rissing and age descovery
<< Anonymous
Not KoG Reply
Disabling the first set would be the Ultimate Pissing.
They need to ban Mirror wall or raise the starting life points so players have a chance to survive the next turn. I can see everything wrong with the pvp meta considering there is no main phase two makes it worse. Certain skills need to be banned from PVP it makes it unfair and unskillful, I'm about to rightfully win and a skill activates on his turn so he can draw a card that suddenly gives my opponent advantage and they win cause of the skill other wise they would have lost.
<< Anonymous(Blabla)
Blabla Reply
But for skills and fast game play, they are part of the concept, maybe they will create a normal mode in the future but right now this format is the signature of duel links
<< Anonymous(MissCookiez)
WhaNOLRdius Reply
It isn't konami's fault that you don't plan ahead of something.
ALWAYS take into consideration what your opponent could do.
Otherwise, you won't get very far
<< Anonymous(MissCookiez)
Anonymous Reply
You do aware that raising the LP also means they can keep Mirror Wall for more than a turn, right
<< Anonymous(MissCookiez)
Not KoG Reply
The meta changes quickly and URs such as Mirror Wall fade into antiquity.
2022 meta will be so powerful that even 3 MIRROR FORCE's would be just a mediocre deck.
160 packs pulled out of the 200, still no SK nor OTC nor Twister
<< Anonymous
Not KoG Reply
KoMoney logic. Put money in and you get those.
They should do a mode without these 🔥ings kuriboh, order to charge, mirror wall and all the other dead 🔥 🔥 cards, I never play with them it's just the 🔥in level zero of creativity
<< Anonymous(Yeye)
Anonymous Reply
Not the cards it's that they need to make the deck size the same as in official tournament 40-60 no less if they did that would give more a chance to use other cards that just don't get used because everybody is building 20 card decks!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
But the 20 card limit really removes a lot of 'bad luck' drawing.

Also it lets you have a good deck without many UR/SR. Imagine all the new players drawing garbage cards instead of their 20 good ones
<< Anonymous(Yeye)
RICEcube Reply
anyone else reading this in 2019 and laughing to yourself because Six Samurai and Subterrors are the current 🔥s?
<< Anonymous(RICEcube)
Anonymous Reply
Still laugh in 2020 XD
They told us they discontinued the packs. Now they bring it back? Then why discontinued in the first place ? Don't you guys feel cheated by konami? They basically eat their words. Its barely 2 mths.
<< Anonymous
Boxman Reply
Yes thats the keyword. They wanna make "money" from us. I dislike their attitude towards this. They can bring in any excuses (cups,cater for players, anniversary..) to discont, re-release boxes whenever they like it. We are the suckers aren't we? :p
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I think you aren't a new player, and maybe will struggle when new players get MW and such, but you realize that is very unfair you having cards that others can't even have a chance to get? There is many new F2P players in this game, also the ones who pay, that just started the game now, so Konami gave them equal chances
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Boxman precisely said it all. Giving equal chance is just an excuse. Revenue is the real deal. Lets earn more money to play this game.
<< Anonymous(Boxman)
NoneOfYoyrBusiness Reply
Boxmam quit 🔥ing u lil goof
Managed to pull four URs (S. Kuriboh, Fusion Gate, Magic Arm Shield, Autonomous Action Unit) and two SRs (Twister, 4-Starred Ladybug of Doom) 29 packs into Ultimate Rising. Thank you, based Konami.
Dia 17 de Maio? Na minha caixa de correio diz 16/05...?
<< Anonymous(Droghon)
kfkg Reply
foda viu
Why don't they just leave them my god
<< Anonymous(Atem)
Anonymous Reply
Koman coloca logo sa poraa de peck mano pfv não agumeto mais sepera poraa e tira esi evento e coloca o kaiba ?
Should I save my gems for this, or buy from Valkerie's Rage to get SE?
going for my 3rd kuriboh

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