
Power of Dark: deck recipe

update 23/03/2017

Deck profile

Example deck

Dark NecrofearDark NecrofearThe Fiend MegacyberSphere KuribohDark Ruler Ha DesTrance Archfiend
Trance ArchfiendTrance ArchfiendGil GarthGil GarthGil GarthWhiptail Crow
Whiptail CrowWhiptail CrowEnemy ControllerEnemy ControllerEnemy ControllerEscape from the Dark Dimension
Mirror WallWindstorm of Etaqua--------

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
[Power of Dark]
Begins Duel with the Field Spell "Yami" activated.

How to use the deck

Tips for using the deck

During early levels of play, it is as simple as summoning monsters with high ATK. Yami Yugi's Power of Dark skill helps boosts all Fiend and Spellcaster type monsters, this will give you an advantage when going against opponents who are not using those types of monsters. Some monsters of those types already good base ATK, this is further boosted from the field spell and the other spell cards in the deck.

Even works in Auto Duel

AI can easily understand how the deck simply works, equipping spell cards to Dark monsters and attacking with them to beat the cpu using auto duel. This is easily doable when you are going against lower level standard duelists.

LIGHT monster, Tribute summon, Trap

Summoning LIGHT monsters, high level monsters and using Trap cards often are recommended since you have to perform them a number of times to unlock some of the Legendary Duelists.

NameTrigger event
Successfully perform 150 Tribute Summons.
Summon LIGHT Monster(s) 200 time(s) in total.
→ Tips for unlocking Ishizu
Use Trap Cards 300 times.
→ Tips for unlocking Odion


  • No Wind or Earth attribute monsters to use “Element” monsters effect?

    There are currently only a few wind/earth that are either spellcaster or fiend that have good attack, so they won't get the benefit of the field spell but some can be a good choice once you have obtained better cards in the future such as Blue Dragon Summoner or Arsenal Summoner and equip spells that can be used on all elements.

Other useful cards

Although example deck just contains cards very easy to get, you can add/substitute more powerful/versatile cards once you get them. Here is a list of useful cards.

Other useful skills

None since the deck is built to be used with Yami Yugi's Power of Dark skill. Due to the "Yami" field, Element monsters gain 200 ATK/DEF boost.

Other useful cards

Budget replacement


This deck list is pretty weak imo.
I suggest this low-cost deck instead:

Monster Card (12)
2x Dark Magician
1x Dark Magician Girl
3x Arsenal Summoner
3x Element Magician
3x Element Doom

Magic Card (5)
3x Banner of Courage
1x Mystic Box
1x Yami

Trap Card (3)
3x Conscription

This deck is:
- very cheap and easy to farm
- very good early
- good for auto-dueling
<< Anonymous(rompokus36)
Weakling Reply
would be nice if you can provide necessary packs to farm for these cards :)
<< Anonymous(Weakling)
Anonymous Reply
Mostly Neo and Ultimate Rising buddy
Update this deck lol, with cards that came out like whiptail crow, neo and fiend jester if available that are much better.
Ricardo Sousa
How can i get this deck if I cant buy the pack ultimate rising?
<< Anonymous(Ricardo Sousa)
Rudy Reply
U're screwed.
<< Anonymous(Rudy)
Anonymous Reply
Yami Yugi - Power of Dark

3x Diskblade Rider
3x Element Doom
2x Element Magician
3x Element Soldier
2x Summoned Skull
3x Riryoku
1x Mirror Wall
2x Rising Energy
1x Windstorm of Etaqua

Yami Power's up everything. Bring out Summoned Skull ASAP. Use the synchronicity between Diskblade Rider's Wind element and Element Doom/Magician's special ability to attack twice along with using Riryoku. Duskblade also combos with Rising Energy. Mirror Wall and Windstorm of Etaqua allow some defence while you line your ducks in a row.
this deck is ok for low level or people who don't have much cards to play with at their current situation.

this is my setup though and open for adjustments/critics as well :)

Dueler Yugioh

Field card > Yami

Monster cards > 12

1x Dark Magician Girl
2x Dark Magician
3x Dark Effigy
2x Rogue Doll
1x Elemental Doom (going to switch out as soon as I get another Rogue Doll)
1x Legion The Fiend Jester
1x Emissary of the Afterlife (switching out for Legion ASAP)
1x Arsenal Summoner (switching our for Legion ASAP)

Magic cards > 5

1x Black pendant
1x Twister
2x Thousand Knives
1x Sword of Deep-Seated

Trap cards > 3

1x Michizure
1x Magic Jammer
1x Trap Jammer

Open for Suggestion and tweaking possibility.

<< Anonymous(Asian_Suracha)
TheLEGEND27 Reply
Bau Sword negates monster effects, and Dark Magic Attack
Most decks in this website arent really that good, and yea this deck is terrible.
<< Anonymous(Lies)
Anonymous Reply
Then where would you recommend looking for deck rankings/tier lists/what to head for? Because this this sight is pretty much all I can find
I find this decklist very weak.

Dragon Zombie and Ghoul make no sense. Yami is only for fiends and spellcaster. Sword of dark Destruction is only for the first 1-3 days usefull. U can replace it fast with Grarl, Baou or Pendant.

This is my Decklist
Monster (10)
2x Blue Dragon Summoner
2x Flash Assailant
1x Sphere Kuriboh
1x Ryu-Kishin
3x Rogue Doll
1x Riryoku
2x Baou
1x Grarl
1x Twister
1x Order to Charge
Traps (4)
1x Metalmorph
1x Etaqua
1x Michizure
1x Magic Jammer

I will add a third flash assailant as fast as possible
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Your list isn't new player friendly.

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Comments (updated every hour)

045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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