Skill pages | |
![]() Skill database | ![]() How to get drop skills |
Some skills are obtainable as drops from Legendary Duelists from the gate or the ones that appear in Duel World, the skills that you can get are random from character exclusive skills, such as "Destiny Draw" of Yami Yugi and "Harpie's Hunting Ground" of Mai, to common skill drops, such as "LP Boost" skills and "Draw Sense" skills, that all characters can get.
Farming guides | |
![]() How to get high score | ![]() Tips for farming LDs |
You can fight any Legendary Duelists (LD) to get a chance to drop skills, the easiest ones being Tea Gardner, Weevil Underwood, Rex Raptor or Odion. Additionally it's better to duel against the lvl 40s since the chance of getting better cards, gems and skills are higher compared to the lower lvls. Rex is considered the easiest because he doesn't have any attack increasing cards other than his field spell, and most of his monsters have only about 1800 attack.
There have been multiple event featured in the game, and during those event periods, players can challenge them without spending Gate Keys! The GameA website also shows decks to farm those LDs for a limited time with no set skill.
There's also a chance for a skill to drop when you play PvP. This only applies to Ranked Duels, and Casual Duels. Friend Duels won't give you any rewards. This can be a better option sometimes if you are low on keys, or don't want to spend any, and you can keep dueling other players without a limit. The common strategy that people like to do is to go to Casual Duels using decks that causes them to lose the duels fast, or simply keep passing the turns until your opponent beats you.
The main thing that you'll want to achieve is a high score, and can farm fast and consistently. Cerberus decks are often used due to how easy it is to get attack more than 9999 damage which gives 3000 pts, and the cards needed in a Cerberus decks aren't difficult to obtain.
→ How to get a high score
I strongly recommend you to use this deck for the following three points:
Deck recipe is currently in progress. Stay tuned!
Basically your Yami Yugi, Weevil Underwood, and a character who has already acquired drop "Draw Sense: Light" skill, can handle a deck with cerberus and put 19 spell cards which includes stop defense works. Their "Sorcery Conduit" skill and "Draw Sense: Low-Level" skill allows you to get the monster to your hand. This is known to be an easy way to achieve a high score.
→ High Score Cerberus: deck recipe
Tethys deck can be used to farm easily farmable LDs like Rex Raptor pretty fast and consistently, and it also doesn't require any character specific skills so you can use it on any characters. Unfortunately, Tethys was only available through an event, but if there are future obtainable ways and you get 1 or 2 copies of her, you can use her in the Tethys fairy deck for skill farming.
If you don't have cerberus or scorpion then you can use any cards that can increase your attack points endlessly like Mystical Beast of Serket, Guardian Baou or Piercing Moray + Jam Breeding Machine. This will need to be used in a different deck using fusion summon, ritual summon and other ways to get a higher score.
While the character exclusive skills aren't a necessary thing to have, some skills are really good depending on your deck and some are fun to use.
[Skill] description | User |
Destiny Draw Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 2000. In the Draw Phase, instead of doing a normal draw, draw the card of your choice. | ![]() Yami Yugi |
Last Gamble Can be used in your Main Phase, starting from the fifth turn. Upon activation, reduces your LP to 100 and discards 2 cards from your hand. You roll a die and draw that number of cards. This skill can only be used once per Duel. | ![]() Joey Wheeler |
Duel, standby! Gives 1 more card in each player's starting hand. → Burn OTK | ![]() Tea Gardner |
Harpie's Hunting Ground Begin the Duel with the Field Spell "Harpies' Hunting Ground" on the top of your deck. → Harpy Beatdown: deck recipe | ![]() Mai Valentine |
Titan Showdown Whichever player has double or more LP than the other takes double battle damage. | ![]() Rex Raptor |
It's a Toon World Begin Duel with the Continuous Spell Toon World activated. → Toon: deck recipe | ![]() Maximillion Pegasus |
Creator Can be used if your Life Points drop below 2000. In the Draw Phase, instead of doing a normal draw, a powerful card, from outside of your Deck, is added to your hand. This skill can only be used once per Duel. | ![]() Maximillion Pegasus |
Fiend Farewell Can be used when one of your monsters is destroyed by battle. 1 random Fiend-Type monster from your Deck is sent to the graveyard. → Fiend Farewell: deck recipe | ![]() Yami Bakura |
Labyrinth Builder Shuffle 2 cards from your hand into the Deck to create "Labyrinth Wall" on your side of the field. This skill can only be used once per Duel. | ![]() Paradox Brothers |
Three-Star Demotion Can be used when your Life Points are 1,000 or below. Until the End Phase, reduce the Level of all monsters in your hand by 3. This skill can be used to "Suijin, "Kazejin", and "Sanga of the Thunder," regardless of your remaining Life Points. This skill can only be used once per turn. | ![]() Paradox Brothers |
Shadow Game At the end of their respective turn, each player will lose LP equal to "100" times the number of cards in their own graveyard. | ![]() Yami Marik |
Life Cost 0 You can use the skill when your Life Points are 1000 or less. You do not have to spend Life Points to activate a card until your opponent's next turn ends. You can only use the skill once per Duel. | ![]() Odion |
Firm as the EARTH Can be used after your Life Points are at 3000 or below. Play the Field Spell "Gaia Power." If there already is Field Spell on your side of the Field, rerturn it to your hand. This skill can only be used once per Duel. | ![]() Bastion Misawa |
In the deck edit mode, tap the skills at the top and it will show you a list of skills that you have unlocked that can be used.
Getting duplicate skills will automatically be converted to gems while duplicate unnecessary rare cards can be converted to gold or SR/UR orbs.
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Duel / Level rewards | |
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Skill pages | |
![]() Skill database | ![]() How to get drop skills |
Card Trader | Ranked Rewards |
![]() Card Trader | ![]() Ranked Rewards |
![]() Cards you should trade | ![]() How to beat the Vegabond | ![]() How to solve Duel Quizes |
Standard Duelists | ||
Lvl 14 | Lvl 20 | Lvl 27 |
Lvl 33 | Lvl 39 | Lvl 45 |
Lvl 51 | Lvl 57 | - |
Legendary Duelists | ||
Lvl 30 (DM) | Lvl 30 (GX) | Lvl 30 (5D's) |