
Standby Burn: deck recipe

update 07/04/2017


Essential skillDuel, standby!
Essential cards


  • Win or lose duels pretty quickly.
  • Most of the cards are relatively easily obtainable.


  • Does not work against opponent's with more than 4000 LP.
  • Difficult to win if you get second turn.

Example deck

Big Shield GardnaLady Assailant of FlamesCobra JarGravekeeper's CurseCard of SanctityCard of Sanctity
Goblin ThiefGoblin ThiefGoblin ThiefHinotamaHinotamaHinotama
Cup of AceCup of AceCup of AceRestructer RevolutionRestructer RevolutionRestructer Revolution
Burning LandBurning Land--------

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Duel, standby!
Gives 1 more card in each player's starting hand.

How to use this deck

This deck wins by dealing some burn effect damage without needing a lot of monsters or protection. If you get a good hand, you can win in first turn.

Start by using the Cup of Aces to either get or give more cards, then Restructer Revolution once you have used them so it deals more damage. Use Card of Sanctity once you are down to 2 cards in your hand, use it to get more cards and use whatever other burns you get from your hand.

Useful cards

Lady Assailant of Flames
Lady Assailant of Flames
A sure 800 effect damage is massive for this deck, just keep in mind that cards will be banished.
Big Shield Gardna
Big Shield Gardna
This card is a great defensive card and hard to work around for your enemy. Also, it can negate spells such as Soul Exchange.
Gravekeeper's Curse
Gravekeeper's Curse
An instant 500 damage to your opponent, be aware that it has a low stats that can easily be destroyed and you may take battale damage in return.
Cobra Jar
Cobra Jar
This card may help you block 2 attacks as it produces a token with its FLIP effect which deals 500 when destroyed.
Inaba White Rabbit
Inaba White Rabbit
This card can deal 700 damage per turn to your opponent as long as it is able to return safely to your hand during every End Phase. It is able to direct attack.
Needle Ball
Needle Ball
It deals a guaranteed 1000 damage to your opponent as long as you are able to pay 2000 LP.
Abare Ushioni
Abare Ushioni
This card can deal 1000 damage to either you or your opponent depending on your luck. It is advisable to not rely on this card too much.
Burning Land
Burning Land
It is able to destroy your opponent's field spell and also deal damage to both players per turn, even better if it is a Harpies' Hunting Ground so your Attack and Receive will not be destroyed by it.
Card of Sanctity
Card of Sanctity
A great draw engine to reload your hand
Cup of Ace
Cup of Ace
Either you win or lose the toss, you can take advantage of this card as long as you have cards in your hand such as Restructer Revolution.
Attack and Receive
Attack and Receive
Most viable trap card for this deck has a potential to do massive 700-1300k damage.

Other example decks


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i miss this deck
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
some people still played it, i almost lost to it yesterday with 400 LP left
<< Anonymous
Lupin Reply
sometimes I use this deck for fun, I run mine with yu-jo friendship and unity and its a lot of fun to play with lol
<< Anonymous(Lupin)
Anonymous Reply
this deck is as old as Atem the Pharaoh.
Rip this deck we have 5000LP now
Not too bad got plat with the deck, and it's only been half the season
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
it's ok, being edgy isn't a bad trait in my opinion
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
ok pls refer to urself as "shadow the hedgehog" from now on
<< Anonymous
raja Reply
so ? what's wrong with shadow the hedgehog, u just a random Internet trend slave, be original plz
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
meme slave
You can't have three Restructer Revolution in a deck you can only have one.
<< Anonymous(Ken)
Anonymous Reply
This was when duel links first came out that's why.
<< Anonymous
Ken Reply
Well they need to update it or take it down.
Hey Guys, I have been trying out something new which worked surprisingly well.
LP-Cost 0 paired with 2 Needle Ball and 2 pieces of Aegis of Gaia. The "burst" of Needle Ball is really essential to finish them of.
Does anyone use Black Pendant, Fire Sorcerer, or even Mirror Wall with this type of deck? I want to try using a burn deck, but I want to try to personalize it a bit, too. Ugh, I don't know. I'm so worried that using burn will just look like I'm taking the easy way out, but it can't be THAT simple to win all of the time with it, right?
<< Anonymous(Valencia)
Ghoul Reply
I played burn a lot in the past. The cards you mentioned don't work with this type of deck.
At the moment "traditional" burn doesn't work because other decks like Naturia just swarm the field and 🔥 you in two turns.
<< Anonymous(Ghoul)
Ghoul Reply
The only "burn" deck working atm for me is a cointoss burn deck.
Something like
3 Second Coin Toss
3 Time Wizard
3 Abare Ushioni
3 Burning Land
3 Cup of Ace
Some defense Traps/Quickspells
<< Anonymous(Ghoul)
Valencia Reply
Thanks for explaining. I doubt that what I would do would even really qualify as a burn deck. I guess I am just going for anything that is not "traditional" battle damage. I don't even know if I can my idea going at this rate. I can't even get the stupid Black Pendant. And Naturia is one of the deck types that is killing my dragon deck!
<< Anonymous(Valencia)
Ghoul Reply
You could try to build a deck aroud "Skull Invitation". It does a lot of damage if you can get it working. I once had a "burn" deck which focused around milling with warm worm. Graveyard based strategies tend to become more and more popular so Skull Inviation might become a good burn card in the future.
how can i replace the two revoluction i won't be able to keep anymore? is there any good card?
<< Anonymous(Ghoul)
Sickstreak Reply
And what were those helpful trap and spell cards did you use?
<< Anonymous(Ghoul)
Realm Reply
Last season the card wasnt banned, I climbed to Plat while farming win using this deck traditional way alone.
<< Anonymous(Realm)
Realm Reply
Plat 3*
<< Anonymous(Sickstreak)
Ghoul Reply
Sorry for the late answer, I was in holidays for 2 weeks.
Quickspells: 3x Super Rush Headlong,
Traps: 1x Windstorm, 2 Security Orb

Of course you can replace Security Orb with E-Con, but I liked Security Orb more because of HHG and Storm.
why not just use Final Flame instead of Hinotama? Final Flame is 600 damage, whilst Hinotama is 500
<< Anonymous(ChrisJ)
Anonymous Reply
because final flame isnt in duel links
Can an Admin on this page update this to a useful version with one Restructed please? xD
We are gathered here to pay our respects to a fallen beloved deck.. Who am I kidding? This deck was 🔥ing 🔥 and 🔥 any one who ever used it.. Go 🔥 yourselves cunts.. Your deck is rightfully DEAD
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Hahaha. Thumbs up
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I got 70wins in one day in ranked last season... its easy to win with this but its nothing now :(
We are gathered here to pay our respects to a fallen beloved deck.. Who am I kidding? This deck was 🔥ing 🔥 and 🔥 any one who ever used it.. Go 🔥 yourselves cunts.. Your deck is rightfully DEAD

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Comments (updated every hour)

My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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