
How to beat/farm Weevil Lvl 40

This page notes level 40 Weevil's deck, characteristics, and tips for defeating him.
update 09/04/2017

Amazoness (7,000 - 8,000)

Amazoness PrincessAmazoness PrincessAmazoness PrincessAmazoness QueenAmazoness SageAmazoness Sage
Amazoness SageSanga of the ThunderAmazoness FighterAmazoness FighterAmazoness FighterGravekeeper's Vassal
Union AttackUnion AttackDownbeatDownbeatDownbeatSecret Pass to the Treasures
Amazoness OnslaughtSpirit Barrier----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Can be used only once after starting hands are dealt. Reveal and redraw your starting hand.
Bandit Keith
Bandit Keith

Click below for more details

Sylvan Ra ( 7,000 - 8,000)

Example Deck

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Power of the Tributed
When you sucessfully Tributed Summon "The Winged of Ra", its ATK will becomes the sum of the ATK of the Tirbuted Monsters, and its DEF will becomes the sum of the Tributed Monsters.
Yami Marik
Yami Marik

Tethys deck (7,000 - 8,000+)

Skill -
Essential cards
(Box reset)
No box reset needed

Example deck

Tethys, Goddess of LightTethys, Goddess of LightHarvest Angel of WisdomHarvest Angel of WisdomHarvest Angel of WisdomElement Valkyrie
Element ValkyrieElement ValkyrieGravekeeper's VassalHysteric FairyHysteric FairyHysteric Fairy
Union AttackUnion AttackReloadReloadTransmodifyTransmodify
TransmodifySecret Pass to the Treasures----

Fast farming deck that doesn't require any character specific skills. It will require some good hand when going against level 40 since Weevil tends to get his equip cards, so you can't stall the duel until you get Transmodify using just an 1800 attack monster. If you want a safer farm attempts, you can duel against level 30 instead.

Elements Unite! (8,000 +)

This deck is the latest farming deck with a lot of success to farm a handful legendary duelists, great for farming cards such as Cocoon of Evolution and obtaining Paradox Brothers exclusive drops skills. Click the link to know more about this deck!


After successfully special summoning your Gate Guardian just simply let it on faced up attack position and continue stalling turns, wait for your draw engine cards like a normal monster White Elephant's Gift combo, Shard of Greed or Jar of Greed, to get your final turn combo pieces. This way you can easily achieve 8000k+ duel assessment.

Example deck

The Unhappy Girl deck

Obtainable score7,000-8,000
Essential skillHoly Guard
Essential cardsThe Unhappy Girl

Example deck

Mystical Beast of SerketGravekeeper's VassalThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlRai-Mei
Rai-MeiRai-MeiTwisterTwisterTwisterUnion Attack
Temple of the KingsSecret Pass to the TreasuresCurse of AnubisWindstorm of EtaquaSpell ReclamationEnchanted Javelin
Enchanted JavelinEnchanted Javelin------Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon


Always set a Rai-Mei to either search for unhappy girl or to thin out your deck, or heal with enchanted javelin when they attack her. Summon unhappy girl once you have twister in your hand or if weevil does not have any set trap. Keep passing the turns to stall until you can summon BEUD while leaving 1 monster slot open on the field for vassal on the last turn.

If you don't have union attack, you can use Cu Chulainn with Blue-Eyes White Dragon, ritual weapon and riryoku instead. Twister can also be replaced with Wild Tornado.

Titan Showdown deck (BEUD)

Obtainable score6,000-7,000
Essential skillTitan Showdown
Essential cardsBlue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon

Example deck

Mystical Beast of SerketOtohimeWarrior Dai GrepherWarrior Dai GrepherWarrior Dai GrepherWhiptail Crow
Whiptail CrowWhiptail CrowSonic DuckSonic DuckSonic DuckTemple of the Kings
Sword of Deep-SeatedEradicating AerosolMirror WallMetalmorphCurse of AnubisJar of Greed
Jar of GreedWindstorm of Etaqua------Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon


Summon high attack monsters but don't attack weevil's monsters unless they're in defense position to not lower his LP. You can keep using otohime to switch his monsters to defense. Keep destroying his monsters so that on the last turn you can finish the duel with BEUD that's equipped with sword of deep-seated for 10,000 damage. You can lower your LP either by getting attacked or prolonging mirror wall's activation.

Titan Showdown deck (No BEUD)

Example deck

Cú Chulainn the AwakenedBlue-Eyes White DragonWarrior Dai GrepherWarrior Dai GrepherWarrior Dai GrepherWhiptail Crow
Whiptail CrowWhiptail CrowSonic DuckSonic DuckSonic DuckOrder to Charge
Ritual WeaponEradicating AerosolEmblem of the AwakeningMirror WallMetalmorphMetalmorph
Curse of AnubisWindstorm of Etaqua--------


Summon high attack monsters and keep destroying weevil's monsters without lowering his LP, while lowering your LP to half or more of his LP. Finish the duel with a buffed Cu Chulainn using BEWD and ritual weapon.

Cerberus deck (6,000-7,000)

Obtainable score6,000 - 7,000
Popular skill
Essential cardsMythical Beast Cerberus

Example deck

Mythical Beast CerberusRiryokuShard of GreedShard of GreedSupremacy BerryTwister
Shooting Star Bow - CealMurmur of the ForestWastelandBook of Secret ArtsBook of Secret ArtsStop Defense
Abyssal DesignatorAbyssal DesignatorTimidityBlue MedicineWindstorm of EtaquaEnchanted Javelin
Enchanted JavelinEnchanted Javelin--------


  • Use skill like Sorcery Conduit or Draw Sense: Low Level to get Cerberus into your hand by getting attacked.
  • Summon Cerberus and start using spells to increase your attack. Don't attack until you are left with 0 cards in your deck and make sure to keep a copy of Stop Defense or Shooting Star Bow - Ceal.
  • On the last turn, either use stop defense on an enemy and Riryoku or equip Cerberus with the Ceal bow if you have 11,000 attack to deal the finishing blow.

Level 40 Weevil's Deck

Annoying cards

CardEffect Summary
  • Has 2350 ATK.
  • By summoned twice, it gets an effect and can attack all monsters the player's opponent controls.
  • Has 1600 ATK.
  • Can special summon level 4 Insect monsters from the graveyard.


Cards Weevil Underwood Lvl 40 drops

Card / [Rarity]Rating
Perfectly Ultimate Great MothPerfectly Ultimate Great Moth [SR]1.0
Great MothGreat Moth [SR]1.0
GrasschopperGrasschopper [SR]6.0
Skull-Mark LadybugSkull-Mark Ladybug [SR]6.0
Cocoon of EvolutionCocoon of Evolution [SR]7.0
Insect ImitationInsect Imitation [SR]6.0
Flying Kamakiri #2Flying Kamakiri #2 [R]1.0
Giant FleaGiant Flea [R]1.0
KiseitaiKiseitai [R]1.0
Larvae MothLarvae Moth [R]1.0
ForestForest [R]1.0
GokiboreGokibore [N]1.0


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I wonder in which box Shapesnacth will be included
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Id like to know that as well
Is there a deck to use for completing stage 59 mission: achieve 3 wins with 1000 or less LP using Rex against Weevil at lvl 40?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah it's called using Winged dragon of Ra

Easy to farm !
Over 5000 green keys later.
Using ol' reliable and cheap cerberus farming deck, averaging 7000 each match.
+Shadow game skill for Marik
+3 Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth
+6 Great Moth
+3 Grasschopper
+4 Skull-mark Ladybug
+3 Insect Imitation
+~150 rare jewels
+>300 gems
+0 Cocoon of Evolution
Thanks Weevil. Guess I'll be spending a SR ticket.
<< Anonymous
Sorry Reply
Here is a play set
<< Anonymous(Sorry)
Yep Reply
I just wanted 3 Kisetai for tea still dont have those yet tho
I've dueled Weevil level 40 with a deck with a monster than can reach about 4000 attack. I hope to get insect imitation but gets others like great mother, grasschopper, etc. I hate him
I have already used 2k keys, 100% win rate, and I haven't received any cocoons... I hate you Weevil
<< Anonymous(Gissa)
join the club Reply
Same here
<< Anonymous(Gissa)
Anonymous Reply
Try over 5000 green keys and 3+ of every super rare, but 0 cocoon of evolution
<< Anonymous(Gissa)
Axarion Reply
I have wasted so many green keys battling weevil and have never received a cocoon of evolution. I have multiple copies of everything else :-(

I’ve been battling him for months
<< Anonymous(Gissa)
Anonymous Reply
Same for me, I got 1 after one year of playing. But let's be honest, cocoon is useles now with everyrone running E-Con.
Well i spent 5k key all lvl 40 still not get a special card of weevil
Any one wanna add me my number is 511-431-741
Mistyc Goku
After 10 attempts he made a generous drop... But I expected to get at least 1 Cocoon :(
<< Anonymous(Mistyc Goku)
Mistyc Goku Reply
Looks like posting comments here bring good luck...
<< Anonymous(Mistyc Goku)
Anonymous Reply
bruh i have like 10 but have 1 of the other cards
<< Anonymous(Mistyc Goku)
Yugiohlolz Reply
your 🔥, these things you collected are filthy insects! FILTHY INSECTS!! death to all insects

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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