
Holy Guard (Skill)

update 30/06/2022

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Skill Details

You receive no battle damage during your turn.

How to Get

CharacterHow to Get
Tea GardnerLvl3
CharacterHow to Get
Blair FlanniganLegendary Duelist/PvP Duel Reward
Jim Crocodile CookLegendary Duelist/PvP Duel Reward
CharacterHow to Get
Tea Gardner (DSOD)Lvl 4
CharacterHow to Get
LunaLegendary Duelist/PvP Duel Reward
CharacterHow to Get
Tori Meadows
Tori Meadows
Legendary Duelist/PvP Duel Reward
CharacterHow to Get
Zuzu Boyle
Zuzu Boyle
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Tea Gardner skills list


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Im so confused how holy guard works. it activates hwen i start the match how do i activate it whenever I want?
<< Anonymous(Mka43)
Anonymous Reply
You can't, the effect of Skills that automatically activates at the start of the duel, is applied all the time.

In Holy Guard's case, the effect is automatically applied whenever you would take battle damage during your own turn. You can't choose, it's more akin to a continuous effect.
Nerf Holy Guard to once per turn. what 🔥 is this seriously.
<< Anonymous(Shon Seung-mo)
Anonymous Reply
Who the f uck even play Umbral Horror?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Shon Seung-mo does. Did you read the comment?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
A mere noob.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Thank you hmmmmmm
Everyone talks about Unhappy Girl, but there's a lot more about this ability.

If you are using this skill, After the Struggle (Valkyrie's Rage N) becomes a mass Order to Charge. If you generate a lot of tokens, you can send them to attack on your enemy monsters, and everything dies at the end.

<< Anonymous(Mardon82)
glad beast main Reply
better yet, put that combo in glad beasts and s l a p
This skill actually works really well with Madolches, espcially with Puddingcess.
<< Anonymous(Skyheart)
Evangels Reply
But, madolches especially hootcake works so well with "what's grown in the graveyard" akiza skill. Eazy summon for puddingcess or messengelato to gather your spell.

but "holy guard" max the potential of madolche ticket and puddingcess to rumble your monster
This skill is not exclusive only to Tea Gadner anymore. It also can be obtain by Luna through the pvp duel/ legendary duelist drops skill.
Good for Reptilianne Gorgon as it lets you attack stronger cards without getting hurt in return and you can attach a Molting Escape so the Gorgon survives to repeat the same thing next turn.
Why is it that the skill Holy Guard is not effective against Yubel?
<< Anonymous(edojnatiuq)
Anonymous Reply
0 ATK monsters don't inflict a whole lot of battle damage.
<< Anonymous(edojnatiuq)
Anonymous Reply
Yubel inflicts effect damage, not battle damage.
teas skill are such hilariously bad designs
just happen to me
enemy use skill holy guard...
attack my defend card using Amazoness Swords Woman with 0 AP and it damage my LP

Since holy guard make he receive no battle damage during his turn how come it still damage me..
<< Anonymous(Anonymous)
Xenon Reply
Because of ASW's effect. Same for Vassal vs. Spirit Barrier(+Monster).
<< Anonymous(Anonymous)
Anonymous Reply
Swordswoman makes it so your opponent takes the battle damage instead of you, it didn’t matter wether he had Holy Guard or not, it would’ve ended the same way even if he didn’t have the skill equipped, swordswoman with 0 atk is scary
Holy Guard = immune to lava golem :D thanks me later
<< Anonymous(Madeinsweden)
Anonymous Reply
lava golem is your card, so it cant inflict battle damage to you
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
🔥ation in its grounded up, powdered and finest form.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
ground* up
<< Anonymous
bananabajanana Reply
You need to say thank me :D thanks me later
Supreme Defender
wow i had my 2 big shield gardna 2600 def each +unite for go over 5000 in defense + mirror wall to low enemy atack and to another guy was using this stupid skill +gladiator beasts..... he just atacked normaly as my supreme defense was just nothing and destroyed all my cards on camp whith the fire one wowowowo this is unfair
<< Anonymous(Supreme Defender)
Anonymous Reply

The Noob Defender needs to learn to adapt & adjust their strat accordingly.
<< Anonymous(Supreme Defender)
Anonymous Reply
This is a strategy game, you need to adapt your game and not just go brainless.
<< Anonymous(Supreme Defender)
Anonymous Reply
That's what you get for running stall decks
Holy guard is broken must be limited once per duel

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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