
Vrain's World Stage Missions in Duel Links

Duel Links Vrains World, Stage Missions, Rewards.
update 12/10/2022

This page shows VRAINS's World Stage Missions in Duel Links.


  • Mission (Reward)

Stage 1

  • Win 6 Duel World (ARC-V) Duel(s). (Gate Keys x50)

  • Summon 4 monster(s) in one Duel World (VRAINS) Duel. (Red Keys X24)

  • Complete all Stage Missions. (SR Jewel x1)

Stage 2

  • Inflict 26000 or more points of battle damage in a Duel World (VRAINS) Duel. (White Keys x16)

  • Perform 3 Link Summon(s) in Duel World (VRAINS). (Yellow Keys x24)

  • Use Spell/Trap Cards 3 times in Duel World (VRAINS). (Stone of Spell x30)

  • Complete all Stage Missions. (Gems x50)

Stage 3

  • Win 3 consecutive Duel World (VRAINS) Duels. (R Jewel x10)

  • Inflict 5000 or more points of battle damage in one Duel World (VRAINS) Duel. (SR Jewel x1)

  • Destroy 3 monster(s) in one Duel World (VRAINS) Duel. (Gate Key x5-)

  • Win 8 Duel World (VRAINS) Duel(s). (Gold x10,000)

  • Complete all Stage Missions. (Gems x50)

Stage 4

  • Perform 5 LINK Summons in Duel World (ARC-V). (Red Keys x32)

  • Win 8 Duel World (VRAINS) Duel(s). (White Keys x16)

  • Reduce your opponent's LP to 0 by inflicting battle damage with Salamangreat Heatleo. (Yellow Keys x16)

  • Complete all Stage Missions. (Gems x50)

Stage 5

  • Win 1 Duels against The Gore while playing as Soulburner. (SR Jewel x1)

  • Summon (Link Summon(s)) Link 3 o higher Link Monster 2 time(s) in one Duel World (VRAINS) Duel. (Black Keys x16)

  • Summon 20 monster(s) in Duel World (VRAINS). (R Jewels x20)

  • Inflict 25000 or more points of battle damage in a Duel World (VRAINS) Duel. (Gold x10,000)

  • Complete all Stage Missions. (Gems x50)

Stage 6

  • Achieve 1 win(s) without using any Level 5 or higher Monster Cards in Duel World (VRAINS) Duels. (Blue Keys x16)

  • Achieve 1 No Damage win(s) in Duel World (VRAINS) Duels. (Red Keys x16)

  • Win a Duel World (VRAINS) Duel with a Duel Assesment of at least 3000. (Gate Keys x50)

  • Win 9 Duel World (VRAINS) Duel(s). (SR Jewel x1)

  • Complete all Stage Missions. (Gems x50)

Stage 7

  • Achieve 1 Comeback Victory(ies) in Duels against Soulburner. (Green Keys x16)

  • Special Summon(s) 4 monster(s) in one Duel World (VRAINS) Duel. (Yellow Keys x16)

  • Achieve 1 win(s) without using any Spell/Trap Cards in Duel World (VRAINS) Duels. (R Jewels x10)

  • Win 9 Duel World (VRAINS) Duel(s). (Gold x10,000)

  • Complete all Stage Missions. (Gems x50)

Stage 8

  • Perform 3 Link Summon(s) in one Duel in Duel World (VRAINS). (Gems x30)

  • Win 5 Duel(s) using The Gore. (Black Keys x16)

  • Summon Gouki The Great Ogre 2 time(s) while playing as The Gore. (SR Jewel x1)

  • Inflict 38000 or more points of battle damage in a Duel World (VRAINS) Duel. (Gems x30)

  • Complete all Stage Missions. (Gems x50)

Stage 9

  • Achieve 1 Comeback Victory(ies) in Duel World (VRAINS) Duels. (Stone of Trap x30)

  • Achieve 1 win(s) using only Warrior-Type Monsters Cards using The Gore. (Gold x10,000)

  • Summon (Link Summon(s)) Link 2 or higher Fire-Type Link Monster 2 time(s) using Soulburner. (Red Keys x16)

  • Win 10 Duel World (VRAINS) Duel(s). (Gems x10)

  • Complete all Stage Missions. (Gems x50)

Stage 10

  • Use Equip Spell Cards 2 times in Duel World (VRAINS). (Gems x10)

  • Inflict 3000 or more points of battle damage with a single attack in Duel World (VRAINS) Duel. (Gold x10,000)

  • Achieve 2 win(s) using only Cyberse-Type Monster Cards in Duel World (VRAINS) Duel. (Black Keys x16)

  • Win 1 Duel(s) against Playmaker and Ai in Duel World. (SR Jewel x1)

  • Win 11 Duel World (VRAINS) Duel(s). (Stone of LIGHT x30)

  • Complete all Stage Missions. (Gems x50)

Stage 11

  • Collect 1 Link Monster Card in Duel World (VRAINS). (Gold x10,000)

  • Earn 40000 or more Duel Assessment points in a Duel World (VRAINS) Duel. (Gems x20)

  • Perform 5 Link Summon(s) in Duel World (VRAINS). (Red Keys x16)

  • Inflict 41000 or more points of battle damage in a Duel World (VRAINS) Duel. (White Keys x16)

  • Complete all Stage Missions. (Gems x50)

Stage 12

  • Win 3 consecutive Duels against Soulburner at level 30 in Duel World. (R Jewels x20)

  • Perform 3 Link Summon(s) in one Duel in Duel World (VRAINS). (Blue Keys x32)

  • Banish your opponent's card 3 time(s) with your Card Effect in Duel World (VRAINS) Duels. (Yellow Keys x16)

  • Win 11 Duel World (VRAINS) Duel(s). (Gems x30)

  • Complete all Stage Missions. (Gems x50)

Stage 13

  • Destroy 30 monsters in Duel World (VRAINS) Duels. (SR Jewel x1)

  • Summon 30 monster(s) in Duel World (VRAINS). (Gold x10,000)

  • Win 1 Duels within 6 turn(s) against Soulburner at level 30 while playing as Playmaker and Ai. (R Jewels x20)

  • Achieve 1 win(s) with 1000 or less LP left in Duels against The Gore at level 30 using Playmaker and Ai. (R Jewels x10)

  • Use Trap Cards 20 times in Duel World (VRAINS). (Gems x30)

  • Complete all Stage Missions. (Gems x50)

Stage 14

  • Achieve 3 Comeback Victory(ies) in Duels against Playmaker and Ai at level 30 using Soulburner. (Gold x10,000)

  • Reduce your opponent's LP to 0 by inflicting battle damage with Gouki The Great Ogre in a Duel against Playmaker and Ai at Level 30 using The Gore (SR Jewel x1)

  • Achieve 10 win(s) without using any Spell Cards in Duel World (VRAINS) Duels. (White Keys x20)

  • Inflict 45000 or more points of battle damage in a Duel World (VRAINS) Duel. (Green Keys x20)

  • Complete all Stage Missions. (Gems x50)

Stage 15

  • Summon Decode Talker 3 time(s) while playing as Playmaker and Ai. (Gems x30)

  • Perform 8 Link Summon(s) in Duel World (VRAINS). (SR Jewel x1)

  • Use Counter Trap Cards 2 time(s) in one Duel World (VRAINS) Duel . (Black Keys x16)

  • Win 13 Duel World (VRAINS) Duel(s). (Red Keys x20)

  • Complete all Stage Missions. (Gems x50)

Stage 16

  • Perform 6 Special Summon(s) in one Duel in Duel World (VRAINS). (SR Jewel x1)

  • Use Link 2 or higher Dark Attribute Link Monster Cards 2 time(s) in one Duel World (VRAINS) Duel. (Gems x30)

  • Use Continuous Spell Cards 2 time(s) in one Duel World (VRAINS) Duel. (Yellow Keys x20)

  • Earn 50000 or more Duel Assessment points in a Duel World (VRAINS) Duel. (White Keys x20)

  • Complete all Stage Missions. (Gems x50)

Stage 17

  • Win 3 consecutive Duels against The Gore at Level 30 in Duel World. (Gems x30)

  • Inflict 5000 or more points of battle damage with a single attack in a Duel against The Gore. (SR Jewel x1)

  • Destroy 5 monster(s) in one Duel against The Gore. (Green Keys x20)

  • Win 14 Duel World (VRAINS) Duel(s). (Blue Keys x20)

  • Complete all Stage Missions. (Gems x50)

Stage 18

  • Use Skill 10 times in Duel World (VRAINS). (Gate Keys x50)

  • Banish your opponent's card 5 time(s) with your Card Effect in Duel World (VRAINS). (SR Jewel x1)

  • Use Quick-Play Spell Card 10 time(s) in Duel World (VRAINS). (R Jewel x30)

  • Win a Duel World (VRAINS) Duel with at least 8000 LP remaining. (R Jewel x30)

  • Inflict 70000 or more points of battle damage in a Duel World (VRAINS) Duel. (White Keys x20)

  • Complete all Stage Missions. (Gems x50)

Stage 19

  • Summon a Level (Rank) 8 or higher Machine-Type monster in a Duel against Playmaker and Ai at level 30. (Black Keys x32)

  • Perform 3 Link Summon(s) in a Duel against Playmaker and Ai at level 30. (Gems x30)

  • Use Field Spell Card 2 time(s) in a Duel against Playmaker and Ai at level 30. (Black Keys x16)

  • Win 18 Duel World (VRAINS) Duel(s). (Yellow Keys x20)

  • Complete all Stage Missions. (Gems x50)

Stage 20

  • Summon Dragon-Type monster 4 time(s) in a Duel against Playmaker and Ai. (SR Jewel x1)

  • Inflict 2000 or more points of effect damage in a Duel against Playmaker and Ai. (Gold x15000)

  • Win 5 Duel(s) during your opponent’s turn in Duel World (VRAINS). (Yellow Keys x20)

  • Win 20 Duel World (ARC-V) Duel(s). (Black Keys x16)

  • Complete all Stage Missions. (Gems x50)

Stage 21

  • Win 3 consecutive Duels against The Gore at Level 30 in Duel World. (Gems x50)

  • Summon Link 3 or higher Link Monster 2 time(s) in one Duel against The Gore while playing as Soulburner. (SR Jewel x1)

  • Summon Dinosaur-Type monsters 4 time(s) in a Duel against Soulburner while playing as The Gore. (White Keys x30)

  • Inflict 70000 or more points of battle damage in a Duel World (VRAINS) Duel. (R Jewels x30)

  • Complete all Stage Missions. (Gems x50)

Stage 22

  • Perform 10 Link Summon(s) in Duel World (VRAINS). (Black Keys x20)

  • Perform 3 Ritual Summon(s) using Playmaker and Ai. (Gold x15,000)

  • Achieve 5 win(s) using only Cyberse-Type Monster Cards using Playmaker and Ai. (Green Keys x30)

  • Win 25 Duel World (ARC-V) Duel(s). (UR Jewel x1)

  • Complete all Stage Missions. (Gems x50)

Stage 23

  • Summon a Link 4 or higher Link Monster Cards using Playmaker and Ai. (Blue Key x32)

  • Win 4 consecutive Duels using Playmaker and Ai. (Gate Keys x50)

  • Use Equip Spell Cards 9 times in Duel World (VRAINS). (R Jewels x30)

  • Win 27 Duel World (VRAINS) Duel(s). (R Jewels x30)

  • Complete all Stage Missions. (Gems x50)

Stage 24

  • Achieve 1 win(s) with 1000 or less LP left using Playmaker and Ai. (Gold x15,000)

  • Achieve 2 win(s) using only Machine-Type Monster Cards in Duels against Playmaker and Ai at level 30. (Gold x10,000)

  • Perform 3 Fusion Summon(s) in Duel World (VRAINS). (Green Keys x30)

  • Inflict 120000 or more points of battle damage in a Duel World (VRAINS) Duel. (SR Jewels x1)

  • Complete all Stage Missions. (Gems x50)

Stage 25

  • Achieve 3 win(s) against Soulburner at level 40 in Duel World. (Gate Keys x50)

  • Achieve 1 win(s) using only Fairy-Type Monster Cards in a Duel against Soulburner at level 40. (Gold x10,000)

  • Inflict 3000 or more points of effect damage in a Duel against Soulburner. (Red Keys x30)

  • Win 30 Duel World (ARC-V) Duel(s). (Stone of Light x30)

  • Complete all Stage Missions. (Gems x50)

Stage 26

  • Use Spell/Trap Cards 3 times in a Duel against Playmaker and Ai. (Red Keys x30)

  • Perform 5 Special Summon(s) in a Duel against Playmaker and Ai at level 40 in Duel World. (Stone of Trap x30)

  • Summon 5 Level 7 or higher Fusion Monster(s) using Playmaker and Ai. (Gate Keys x50)

  • Win 32 Duel World (ARC-V) Duel(s). (Gold x10000)

  • Complete all Stage Missions. (Gems x50)

Stage 27

  • Win 1 Duels within 3 turn(s) against Brave Battler. (Gold x10,000)

  • Special Summon Spellcaster-Type monsters 5 time(s) in Duel World (VRAINS). (SR Jewel x1)

  • Inflict 3000 or more points of battle damage with a single attack in Duel World (VRAINS) Duels. (Gems x10)

  • Summon Despair from the Dark 1 time(s) in a Duel against Soulburner at level 40. (R Jewels x50)

  • Inflict 150000 or more points of battle damage in a Duel World (VRAINS) Duel. (Gate Keys x50)

  • Complete all Stage Missions. (Gems x50)

Stage 28

  • Summon (Synchro Summon(s)) Level 8 or higher Dragon Monster 10 time(s) in Duel World (VRAINS) Duels. (Yellow Keys x30)

  • Achieve 2 win(s) without using any Skills in Duels against The Gore at level 40 using Playmaker and Ai. (Gems x30)

  • Summon (Xyz Summon(s)) Rank 4 or higher DARK-Type Xyz Monster 10 time(s) in Duel World (VRAINS) Duels. (Blue Keys x30)

  • Win 40 Duel World (VRAINS) Duel(s). (Gate Keys x100)

  • Complete all Stage Missions. (Gems x50)

Stage 29

  • Achieve 3 win(s) using only FIRE Monster Cards in Duel World (VRAINS) Duels. (Stone of FIRE x40)

  • Achieve 3 win(s) using only EARTH Monster Cards in Duel World (VRAINS) Duels. (Stone of EARTH x40)

  • Achieve 3 win(s) using only WATER Monster Cards in Duel World (VRAINS) Duels. (Stone of WATER x40)

  • Achieve 3 win(s) using only WIND Monster Cards in Duel World (VRAINS) Duels. (Stone of WIND x40)

  • Achieve 3 win(s) using only LIGHT Monster Cards in Duel World (VRAINS) Duels. (Stone of LIGHT x40)

  • Achieve 3 win(s) using only DARK Monster Cards in Duel World (VRAINS) Duels. (Stone of DARK x1)

  • Win 45 Duel World (ARC-V) Duel(s). (Gold x20,000)

  • Complete all Stage Missions. (Gems x50)

Stage 30

  • No Missions


"Win 1 Duels within 3 turn(s) against Brave Battler"

Ok, I'm having a problem with this. 5 or 6 turns is the minimum I can do to win. And it's a nightmare because Brave Battler is not a legendary duelist so every time I fail I need to wait for him to appear again.

I'm using Blue-Eyes Deck. I tried some others (which I have enough cards) without success.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Maybe try a deck that counts on monsters with high attack. For example the Galaxy one, spawn an xyz galaxy-eyes monster (like cipher blade dragon) and then galaxy-eyes photon dragon (you use the overlay unit of cipher blade to get rid of your opponent monster and then with galaxy zero or monster reborn you can re-summon galaxy-eyes photon dragon)
I don't know if it's a bug or what but I can't complete Stage mission 21. I have problems with either the 4 dinosaur monsters summon in one duel (using Gore vs Soulburner) and the one in which you have to summon LINK 3 monsters 2 times in a duel as said by others in the comments. Anyone managed to pass this?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Can't use Ra or most xyz monsters that could finish off the game quickly. Suggestions?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Or did you win by deckout from him?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Deck out won't work. Heatleo disables/removes my field/spell cards that protect my mosters. Even is able to destroy them.
More levels in all worlds please, these are some of the fun parts of the game. Already maxed in all worlds so kind of boring now.
Stage 23 lol
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
how to complete mission stage 23 is vrains world ?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Right! What is a link 4 monster??
<< Anonymous
somesmuck Reply
Use Playmakers skill (Storm Access) in order to get Firewall Dragon in your extra deck. It's link 4, allowing you to complete the mission.
What do I do in stage 19 like I did summoning lvl 8 cyber monster but wouldn't let me finished the mission
Anyone know what stages 27, 28 and 29 are? Im on stage 26 as of now.
<< Anonymous
Fetih 1453 Reply
They are after stage 26.
It also happens to me, in phase 21 the mission of link 3 does not seem to be done
in mission 21 where you have to link 2 or more level 3 monsters with the gore against soulburner I do it and they don't take the mission for granted
I’m currently on stage 22 lol
Stage 21 plz

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TRUST GEEKS HACK EXPERT We are literally the same scammers that scammed you before
If you look at what they did to lava golem, yes. Honestly it doesn't matter to me as long...
Planet level elephant pretty cool.
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