
Seto Kaiba

This page notes Seto Kaiba's skills, level-up rewards, starter deck, and cards and skills you can get by winning a duel against Seto Kaiba.
update 13/04/2022


In Manga / Anime

Seto Kaiba first appeared as a villain. However, after losing a duel with Yami Yugi, he changed his ways and became a good rival. His signature card was Blue-Eyes White Dragon, called BEWD, and showed a dynamic way to fight.

Description in the game

Yugi's eternal rival and president of KaibaCorp - the world's leading gaming conglomerate. Extremely proud and confident, Kaiba will stop at nothing to become the greatest Duelist in history. Kaiba's signature monster is the legendary "Blue-Eyes White Dragon".

Signature Card

Blue-Eyes White Dragon

Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Blue-Eyes White Dragon
LIGHT Dragon ★8
ATK 3000 / DEF 2500
Kaiba [UR]
Kaiba's starter deck [UR]
Pre-registration bonus (alternate artwork) [UR]
Ranked Rewards [UR]
100 Million Download Appreciation Campaign [UR]
This legendary dragon is a powerful engine of destruction. Virtually invincible, very few have faced this awesome creature and lived to tell the tale.

Related Decks

Blue-Eyes Deck

How to Unlock Seto Kaiba

Trigger event

Seto Kaiba is one of the two starter characters. If you pick Yami Yugi as a starter, you can challenge Seto Kaiba unlock missions by reaching Stage 15.

Seto Kaiba Unlock Missions

Use a Spell Card 5 time(s) in one Duel.8000 Gold
Collect 10 cards.8000 Gold
Use Dark Magician 1 time(s).White Gate Key x20
Win 1 Duel(s) against Seto Kaiba at Level 3 in Duel World.8000 Gold
Complete all Character Unlock Missions.Stone of Light x3

Seto Kaiba's skills

Exclusive skills

[Skill] descriptionHow to get
Peak Performance
Begins Duel with the Field Spell "Mountain" activated.
Boosts the ATK of face-up attack position monsters you control by 300 per level 5 or more monsters you control. You can only use the skill once per turn.
Draw Sense: High Level
Can be used each time your Life Points decrase by 1800. In the Draw Phase, instead of doing a normal draw, draw a random level 7 or more monster.
Heavy Starter
If your Deck has 3 or more Level 5 or higher monsters with different names, you will have improved chance of having a Level 5 or higher monster in your starting hand..

Common skills

Level-Up Rewards

2Gem x10
3De-Spell De-Spell
4Skill: Peak Performance
5Deck Slot
6Gem x15
7Gyakutenno Megami Gyakutenno Megami
8Deck Slot
9Gem x25
10Lord of D. Lord of D.
11Dark Energy Dark Energy
12Gem x35
13Skill: Beatdown!
14Ryu-Kishin Powered Ryu-Kishin Powered
15Gem x50
16Burst Stream of Destruction Burst Stream of Destruction
17Gem x60
18Interdimensional Matter Transporter Interdimensional Matter Transporter
19Gem x75
20Skill: Draw Sense: High Level
21Lord of D. Lord of D.
22Gem x100
23Versago the Destroyer Versago the Destroyer
24Gem x120
25Interdimensional Matter Transporter Interdimensional Matter Transporter
26Gem x150
27Deck Slot
28Gem x200
29Gem x250
30Gem x300
31Gold x100,000
32Gem x200
33Cave Dragon Cave Dragon
34Gem x250
35Burst Breath Burst Breath
36UR Jewel x1
37Gem x200
38Majesty with Eyes of Blue Majesty with Eyes of Blue
39Gem x250
40Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon
41Deck Slot
42Gems x100
43Gems x200
44Gems x250
45The Melody of Awakening Dragon The Melody of Awakening Dragon

Reward Cards

Seto Kaiba duel rewards

Card / [Rarity]Kaiba's Level
Blue-Eyes White DragonBlue-Eyes White Dragon [UR]30 or above
Battle OxBattle Ox [SR]30 or above
A Wingbeat of Giant DragonA Wingbeat of Giant Dragon [SR]30 or above
Enemy ControllerEnemy Controller [SR]30 or above
Familiar KnightFamiliar Knight [SR]30 or above
Champion's VigilanceChampion's Vigilance [SR]30 or above
Mystic HorsemanMystic Horseman [R]All levels
Rabid HorsemanRabid Horseman [R]All levels
TatsunootoshigoTatsunootoshigo [N]All levels
The Flute of Summoning DragonThe Flute of Summoning Dragon [R]All levels
Mesmeric ControlMesmeric Control [R]All levels
CloningCloningAll levels
Light EffigyLight EffigyAll levels

Seto Kaiba's Starter Deck

Starter Deck

Blue-Eyes White DragonFireyarouFireyarouFireyarouRyu-KishinRyu-Kishin
Ryu-KishinOne-Eyed Shield DragonOne-Eyed Shield DragonCrawling DragonHitotsu-Me GiantHitotsu-Me Giant
Hitotsu-Me GiantBlue-Eyed Silver ZombieBlue-Eyed Silver ZombieBlue-Eyed Silver ZombieBanner of CourageBlock Attack
Stop DefenseRaimei----


Hot New Top
Brandon Carter 2hour ago
Priest seto dule links
Edo Phoenix fan
I wish we had a blue-eyes skill for Kaiba. Or they could just give him trick up the sleeve.
<< Anonymous(Edo Phoenix fan)
Anonymous Reply
Trick Up The Sleeve does not fit him since he at least still has some degree of honor.
<< Anonymous(Edo Phoenix fan)
Mah boi Reply
What about an Obelisk skill for Kaiba? Both Ra and Slifer got their own skill with Marik and Yugi respectively...
Eu vim ver o macaco
I'm going to fiendish chain your fiendish chain, rabbit man.
Cringe Bud
i believe in..
i believe in..

tHe pEaK oF eVoLuTiOn..
<< Anonymous(Cringe Bud)
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous(Cringe Bud)
Anonymous Reply
23 is so cringe.
Can everyone stop using this annoying 🔥 character in Ranked Duels!! There’s other characters you know!
<< Anonymous
Lovely Aster Reply
lol Yes, I understand. Except once in awhile.
<< Anonymous(DragonMaster82)
Anonymous Reply
We will be getting a second Kaiba in the dsod style soon. He is supposed to have a skill that lets him use blue-eyes alternative dragon.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Fine, we'll switch to DSOD Kaiba instead XD

(also, that's a cute kitty)
Yagami Light
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
lol, ikr. New mat theme looks sick with black backgroud. Love it!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I wonder if he PLAYS TENNIS !!!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Kaiba hates people with eye bags confirmed.
Once, I was a human, then I became a horse, then a lion, then a dog, then a Lizard and now I’m a Blue-Eyes White Dragon LOL
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
kinda makes sense
Did the voice actor/s record new lines for the old Kaiba when they did the dsod one? In pvp the other day when I was dueling the first Kaiba, he said stuff for dragon spirit of the white that I don't remember before. Does anyone know what cards all the additional lines are for if I'm right?
Say, what would the best deck to invest in (besides Blue-Eyes) for Kaiba?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Vampire deck, it's fun to play and every once now and then you have to use your own brains too.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
New Kaiba Skill: "Screw the rules".

Pay $1000. You can destroy all cards on your opponent's hand and field. Then you can special summon 3 blue-eyes white dragon from your hand, deck or graveyard.
All blue-eyes can attack your opponent directly this turn. Your opponent cannot activate any cards or effects in response to your monster's attacks.
If your opponent still survives.. pay $1000 and you win the duel.
<< Anonymous(Anonymous.)
Seto Kaiba Reply
To be honest this strategy surprisingly works! I used it 56 times already and there was nobody who could defeat me!
<< Anonymous(Anonymous.)
Anonymous Reply
That's why I always thought DARK BRIBE should be a Seto Kaiba's signature card, 'cause he's the master of BRIBING !
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New Still
<< Anonymous(Your Name(Option))
Anonymous Reply

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Priest seto dule links
Never change, Brandon. Never change. You are the most weird bot here. I appreciate your existence
Did you fall for a crypto scam and are looking for a way to cope with? Look no further! I have th...
Sounds as legit as the shady @@@ dealer I see sometimes after nightfall in the park V
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