
Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon | Decks and Ruling

This page notes details of Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon (LIGHT/Dragon/Effect Monster) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 14/04/2022

Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon

Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon
Monster TypeDragon
Card typeEffect
Card Effect TypeSummoning condition / Continuous Effect / Quick Effect


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Tributing 1 "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon" you control. This card gains 300 ATK for each Dragon-Type monster in your Graveyard. You can negate the effects of Spells, Traps, and Effect Monsters that target this card.

How to get / rarity

Level-up rewardSeto Kaiba Lv 40 [UR]
Victory against--
Card trader--




  • High attack that can be increased even further if you are using a Dragon deck.
  • Negates monster effects, spell, and trap cards that targets this card.


  • Can only be special summoned under its condition.
  • Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon is already difficult to summon, making summoning Shining Dragon even more difficult.
  • Attack and defense is lower than the required tributed monster.
  • Cards like Yomi Ship, Mirror Wall, or Order to Charge are somewhat common, and they can still destroy Shining Dragon.

Tips, related cards, skills


Instead of getting Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon through fusion, you can use Cyber-Stein's effect to special summon it. Increase your LP to more than 5000 to use Cyber-Stein's effect when you have Shining Dragon in your hand.

Summoner of Illusions

An alternative method to special summon Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon instead of fusion summoning. Flip summon Summoner when you have another monster on your side of the field, and when you have Shining Dragon in your hand.



Monster/Spell/Trap categoriesNegates the effects of Effect Monsters / Negates the effects of Spell Cards / Negates the effects of Trap Cards
Summoning categoriesCannot Normal Summon / Cannot Set / Nomi / Special Summons itself from your hand
Stat changesThis card gains ATK


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Metal Gear Ray
Is the negation an if or a when?

Nothing written
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
i was asking for the opposite.
that it was a "when" at first and was then changed to "if"
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Well to clarify all this thread:

*The image shown here is old
*The text of the card got modified some time ago so it no longer looks like this one
*The negation is, at this very moment, a "When" effect.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Thanks for the clarification.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
That is very not UR worthy
Blue Eyes is Top Tier!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
ofc champ don't let anyone say otherwise

Keep trying and all your dreams will come true
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
hence why dream tickets have a Blue-Eyes on it.
The Ultimate dragon skill now allows you to easily summon this Badass dragon.

Now Blue-Eyes deck can easily summon an un-targetable card.

Thanks Konami. BE are top tier again thanks to easy Ultimate and easy Shining Dragon.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Are you a group of trolls? Summoning this card means that you have to have it in hand and invest atleast 4 cards or 3 cards plus a skill just to get a monster that has TARGET immunity in an era of mass every summoning, floodgates, judgement dragobs, witchcrafts 4000+attack boosters, favourite heroes, overflow etc etc. This cards requires more effort than exodia.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Not really, It's easy to get Ultimate on the field.
With Melody + Priestess you have 4 searches.

You can consistently summon this guy during turn 4 or 5 I would say. Neo Ultimate requires a first attack before having another one in the GY for one target protection only. Dimension prison and bye. This one can help prevent Floodgate if your ultimate gets flipped.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Havent seen d-prison in competitive game for over 1 year. As i said 4 cards plus this one is a huge effort in a game where you can get for example an e-hero neos equiped with favourite hero in turn 1 each game and have basically the same effect and attack. This card will remain a casual duel card. Not even to mention what a huge brick this card is.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Eye of Timaeus works because it's a fusion summon.

Fusion is unique in that for some reason, it can use face-down material, even though normally face-down card is treated as having no identity. Tributing works differently, if a specific monster is required, that specific monster has to be face-up, as like I said, face-down monster has no identity.
I used a prismatic ticket for this. Was it a waste? But the art is so beautiful...
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
it's not a waste... if it's your ticket XD
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Personally I don't think it's a waste.

The card is useless, yes, but the artwork does deserve to have that Prismatic foil on it.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Only if you can protect it from non-targeting effect.
Does fusion tag work for this card ?

Like change the name of a monster to ultimate and then Special summon shining from hand.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I was wondering, since many people use Monstermorph to easily summon Gandora, the same should work to play Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon.

The question is, does playing Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon guarantee your victory in the current meta ?
Considering that Monstermorph will allow you to play up to 2 Blue-Eyes Shining Dragons in a standard duel.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
If you use the equip spell Synchro Boost on a blue eyes (any of the BE dragons) to increase its level to 9 you can then use your skill to turn the blue eyes dragon into a level 10 Shining Dragon in 1 turn.

But Shining won't be protected from effects like Judgement Dragon.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Monstermorph skill cannot summon BESD.
The skill specifically said, play 1 random monster that CAN BE NORMAL SUMMONED.

BESD cant be normal summoned.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Konami should seriously change the summoning requirements of unused cards like these.
Why doesnt this card negate desperado dragon effect when it was the only card on the field en it clearly was targeted by desperados effect?
<< Anonymous
WoodFrJared Reply
Hi, since Desperado's effect doesn't target. Therefore, you cannot use Shining Dragon's effect to negate it
Qentut Quda
Idk why this card was hyped overseas when it's effect isn't compensated with the summoning requirements. It's ultimately garbage for competitive duel.
It's still fun for casual or PvE though
make him ressist mirror wall and disruptor, wtf that 🔥 cards rip off this dragon
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Ps. I've negated the dark magician version of this card with Champion's Vigilance... That shouldn't be possible as CV only negates normal summons.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
No CV REQUIRES a normal monster on your side. It negates every type.
Vorse Raider is 10 times better.
<< Anonymous(Alexandrite dragon)
Anonymous Reply
How do you upvote in here
<< Anonymous
Shield & Sword Reply
-guffaws suddenly in the background, almost dying of laughter-
<< Anonymous(Alexandrite dragon)
Anonymous Reply
i just negated mask of the accursed but i still took damage en i couldnt atk
<< Anonymous
Axe Raider Reply
Bow down before your God peasants
As a user of BESD I'm going to clarify something right now to everyone complaining. The card text says "You can negate the effects of Spells, Traps, and Effect Monsters that target this card." That implies "single target" cards such as Man-Eater bug. "Multi-target" cards like mirror wall and wall of disruption effect all cards on one side of the field and not just Shining Dragon.
<< Anonymous(Diaage)
Anonymous Reply
...Your explanation sucks. Cards like Mirror Wall and Wall of Disruption aren't "multi-target cards". They don't target at all. The way you're saying it is misleading, because there are cards that can target multiple cards, such as Morphtronic Mix-Up or Double Magical Arm Bind, and those can obviously be negated by Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon.
<< Anonymous
Diaage Reply
Alright so I used the wrong words, my point is Morphtronic Mix-Up and Double Magical Arm Bind, although they can target up to two monsters, it counts it as a "single target" if Shining Dragon is selected. Mirror Wall and Wall of Disruption don't exactly target per se as they effect an entire field and thus Shining Dragon's effect cannot be activated as those cards aren't specifically targeting it.

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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