
Dawn of Destiny: card set

update 07/07/2017
Available card boxes
The Ultimate RisingAge of DiscoveryNeo-ImpactFlame of the TyrantValkyries Rage
Wonders of the SkyChaotic ComplianceLand of the TitansCrimson KingdomDawn of Destiny
Electric OverloadEchoes of SilenceServants of KingsGalactic Origin
Blades of Spirit Primal BurstSelection Box Vol. 01Resonance of ContrastAbyss Encounter
Rampage of the ForestValiant SoulsVisions of IceSelection Box Vol. 01 MiniCrusaders Battleground
Clash of WingsBurning NovaEmpire of ScarletGaia GenesisStardust Acceleration
Power of BraveryBlackstorm RisingSecrets of the AncientsSelection Box Vol. 02Revolution Beginning
Tornado of PhantomsAbsolute InfernoDimension of the WizardsWarriors UniteLords of Shining
Blazing RoseGuardians of RockCybernetic RebellionCurse of DreadValhalla Calling
Dark DimensionSpirit of the BeastAerial AssaultSoul of ResurrectionFuture Horizon


Strengthened decks
  • Winged Beasts
  • Zombie
  • Plant/Insect
Low - High
July 11, 2017 ~

Mostly offer supports for Winged Beasts, Zombie, Plant or even Beast type monsters. Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys can clear all spell/trap cards on the field. If an effect like "Star Boy" is active, and "Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys" is Summoned, and "Chain Destruction" is activated to destroy other copies of "Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys" in the hand and Deck, those copies will be Special Summoned during your next Standby Phase.

Cards you should get

[UR] Sacred Phoenix of Nepthys

ATK 2400/DEF 1600
During your next Standby Phase after this card was destroyed by a card effect and sent to the Graveyard: Special Summon this card from the Graveyard. When you do: Destroy all Spell and Trap Cards on the field.

[UR] Tribute to the Doomed

Spell Card
Discard 1 card, then target 1 monster on the field; destroy it.

[SR] Il Blud

ATK 2100/DEF 800
This card is treated as a Normal Monster while face-up on the field or in the Graveyard. While this card is face-up on the field, you can Normal Summon it to have it become an Effect Monster with this effect.● Once per turn: You can Special Summon 1 Zombie-Type monster from your hand or from either player's Graveyard. When this card leaves the field, destroy all Zombie-Type monsters Special Summoned by this card's effect.

[SR] The Dark - Hex-Sealed Fusion

ATK 1000/DEF 1600
You can substitute this card for any 1 Fusion Material Monster, but the other Fusion Material Monster(s) must be correct. You can Tribute Fusion Material Monsters on the field, including this face-up card; Special Summon 1 corresponding DARK Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck.

Possible Combos

Summoning Sacred Phoenix of Nepthys


  • When you summon Naturia Pumpkin while your opponent controls a monster, you can special summon a "Naturia" monster in your hand.
  • Special summon Naturia Stag Beetle a strong 6-starred monster.
  • Since a "Naturia" monster activated its effect this turn, you can special summon Naturia Hydrangea.
  • Naturia Hydrangea effect- If the effect of a "Naturia" monster you control was activated during this turn, you can Special Summon this card from your hand.

Fire Kings

  • Activate [Fire King Island once you have a faced up "Fire King" monster, destroy 1 monster in your hand or you control, and if you do, add 1 "Fire King" monster from your Deck to your hand.
  • Add Fire King Avatar Yaksha to your hand from your deck, to activate its effect "If a face-up "Fire King" monster you control is destroyed by a card effect (except during the Damage Step): You can Special Summon this card from your hand."
  • This combo allows you to trade a Fire King Avatar Kirin to a better Fire King Avatar Yaksha.

Card list

UR cards

SR cards

R cards

N cards


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Not KoG
I remember this is still good because you can farm with Sylvans with this.
Garbage Event
The Survey is up for this Garbo. You know what to do everyone. I don't say you must
Regret getting 3 phoenix from this in 2017, wasn't able to play much before quitting, now after returning to game I have 5 of it after buying the fire king deck...
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
chance to get prismatic
yeah this was definitely a good investiment

Nephyts deck + Naturia deck + 3 Staples (SRH, tribute and heavy flame knight)

at last go for 2 Knight and 2 SRH amazing staples was a good idea
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I forgot about Beast Rising in hazy flamen in the future soon
This is the only pack on the 50% sale(s) really worth buying. This article doe sit little justice, as a lot of value is found in the rares.

Super Rush Headlong x1
Sacred Pheonix of Nephthyss
Magical Exempler x1
Heavy Knight of the Flame x1
Il Blud x1
Tribute to the Doomed x1
Fire King Avatar Yaksha x3
Fire King Island x3
Good Goblin House Keeping x3
Hazy Flame Hyppogrif x3

For 2,000 Gems!

All of these cards are "meta", you get some good tech options, and some core deck building material. Not bad at all.
Wow dude this box has been completely resurrected thanks to Yubel
If you don't rank this pack as a 9.5/10, you are discrediting your own work here GameA.

Phoenix and Naturia is budget freely KoG Decks.

Beast Rising in combination with Yaksha and Des Wombat is a great auto-dueling deck in itself

Not to mention staple cards like Super Rush Headlong and Heavy Knight of the Flame.

Throw in great utility like Tribute to the Doom and Good Goblin Housekeeping.

And in an 80 pack can go through this three times to make 2 competitive decks with 6 good URs, at least 6 GREAT SRs, and a bunch of good rares FOR the same cost of going through a main box.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
They rated Mirage Knight a 7.0/10 and rated Skull Conductor (a card that nobody uses) higher than Heavy Knight of Flame (a card that many people use and a huge card right now) so you can kinda tell just how brain-dead the people who do the ratings are just by that alone
<< Anonymous
Guigeek Reply
Skull Conductor in a Vampyre deck is great ! Not a top tier deck, but a really fun deck to use in casual duels and against Standard Duellists.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
NOT to mention it also had super rush
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Flame King Genghis.
Among the mini boxes, this is one of the better and worthwhile ones to get. Sacred Phoenix is good, plus you get a ton of good staple cards and monsters in the box too. SRH, TTD, and Naturia's are a really good budget deck to play

Servant of Kings, Dawn of Destiny and Echoes of Silence are the best of the mini packs.
Honourable mention to Blades of Spirit.
<< Anonymous(Flame King Genghis.)
Anonymous Reply
Awesome box as well
<< Anonymous(Flame King Genghis.)
Anonymous Reply
Rampage of the forest I mean


<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I totally agree who da fok want useless zombies and Naturia, we want amazoness!!!!!!
<< Anonymous
Zombie Fans Reply
you will regret it fast,as fast as your family regret you

<< Anonymous(Zombie Fans)
Amazofanss Reply
I bet you love to sucking blood than 🔥
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
So naturia and zombies are still 🔥, and amazoness should honestly get nerfed as it's op as 🔥 rn
I am still f2p player.
<< Anonymous(Komoney)
Anonymous Reply
give him applause
<< Anonymous(Komoney)
Anonymous Reply
Only took you a weeks worth of resetting Kappa
<< Anonymous(Komoney)
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
^ 🔥
I doubt there's someone more unlucky or hated by Komoney than me. I tried to be F2P but already realized that it is impossible, there is a scheme that makes it impossible,
they even reduced the gems of the legendary duelists and those at the back of the screen. I quit, good luck to those who stay.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I have 3 srh, heavy knights, and tribute to the doomed (1 being prismatic!) Git gud mate
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
F2p as well btw!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
f2p lucky guy with 2 tribute 3 phoenix and 2 s rush with 4k gems
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
So I got first Nephthys early and reset the box. Got the 2nd Nephthys early again (16 packs). The problem is I still have only 1 Yaksha...

Should I reset? Don't really think I need a 3rd Nephthys.
<< Anonymous(TrollBox)
Anonymous Reply
most decks use 3 phoenixes. Reseting won't really help getting yaksha. (I tried doing that to get dai-sojo). I suggest resetting after you get srh.

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