
Wonders of the Sky

update 17/03/2017
Available card boxes
The Ultimate RisingAge of DiscoveryNeo-ImpactFlame of the TyrantValkyries Rage
Wonders of the SkyChaotic ComplianceLand of the TitansCrimson KingdomDawn of Destiny
Electric OverloadEchoes of SilenceServants of KingsGalactic Origin
Blades of Spirit Primal BurstSelection Box Vol. 01Resonance of ContrastAbyss Encounter
Rampage of the ForestValiant SoulsVisions of IceSelection Box Vol. 01 MiniCrusaders Battleground
Clash of WingsBurning NovaEmpire of ScarletGaia GenesisStardust Acceleration
Power of BraveryBlackstorm RisingSecrets of the AncientsSelection Box Vol. 02Revolution Beginning
Tornado of PhantomsAbsolute InfernoDimension of the WizardsWarriors UniteLords of Shining
Blazing RoseGuardians of RockCybernetic RebellionCurse of DreadValhalla Calling
Dark DimensionSpirit of the BeastAerial AssaultSoul of ResurrectionFuture Horizon

Wonders of the Sky overview

The release of the Wonders of the Sky mini box has given rise to banish-dependent decks. With cards like Desert Twister and The Atmosphere, players will expect to see many different decks that revolves around the removal of cards from play. There are also additional playable key cards added, such as Birdface and Sonic Duck - which fit perfectly well in a Harpie deck.

Example decks

Here are decks made by P2W players who pulled cards from the new card set. Those decks are not tested by GameA but credited to duelist who built them.

UR / SR cards

R cards

N cards


The Ultras rares

The Atmosphere

A very strong card that can fit in almost any deck. A high level monster that can be special summoned with an effect that takes control of your opponent's monster, essentially destroying it when it's summoned.

Desert Twister

Also a powerful card, but it has a harsher restriction when it comes to special summoning it. It fits better in some decks that uses mostly WIND cards.

Super rares

Many of the SRs cards can go in different decks since they are quite versatile. Rising Energy can boost your monster's strength to a very high amount, possibly creating more OTK(One Turn Kill). Big Bang Shot can be equipped to your monster for an attack increase or to banish your opponent's monster by equipping it to them and destroying it.

Diskblade Rider and Birdface can make your Yami deck or Harpies' Hunting Ground deck much better, and it comes with a really good attack stats.

Banish and Summon

This pack contains several cards to help with different banish playstyles. though they are mostly spell cards instead of monster cards. Combined with the cards that are currently available like Dimensional Alchemist, Bazoo the Soul-Eater, or Escape from the Dark Dimension can make banish decks viable already.

Banishing spells

Degenerate Circuit can make Crass Clown and Hane-Hane better, and using Soul Absorption will heal you for every card that got banished. Different Dimension Gate allows you to trade 1 for 1, and Unicorn Beacon can be used to special summon a banished monster from either player's banished cards.

Banishing monsters

If you want to empty your graveyard and banish the spell or trap cards, Diskblade Rider and Chaosrider Gustaph can do just that while also empowering themselves. This can allow for plays by using Dimension Distortion or Chaos Greed.

Dark Ritual Deck

With the addition of another high level DARK ritual monster, Magician of Black Chaos, you can make a purely dark ritual monster deck. By using Contract with the Abyss, you can ritual summon any DARK monster as long as the levels of the used monsters totals to EXACTLY the same as the ritual monster's level, but you can use Ritual Raven to ritual summon any of them. Similar to the Dark Contract SD Lv51 Deck.

Making the best use out of the Rs and Ns

For those who aren't sure about being able to get the SR/UR cards, the rares and normal cards in the pack still provide good utility and can improve your current decks.

Notable Cards

Sonic Duck
Sonic Duck
A good normal monster with high attack for Kaiba or Mai players who often uses the field spell skills.
requires it to be tributed, but this allows you to search for ANY level 4 or lower WIND monsters from your deck or graveyard to your hand. This can branch off to many different cards by using cards like Blue Dragon Summoner.
That Wacky Magic!
That Wacky Magic!
This card is quite useful in a high score Cerberus farm decks, especially if you never got Shooting Star Bow - Ceal. Use Dark-Piercing Light and wacky magic so you can direct attack.
Armageddon Designator
Armageddon Designator
Essentially the "Ban" card. You can use this in a duel to prevent your opponent from being able to activate certain cards, from Sphere Kuriboh, Enemy Controller, Mirror Wall or even all Harpie cards.

Card Lists

Booster Packs

Available card boxes
The Ultimate RisingAge of DiscoveryNeo-ImpactFlame of the TyrantValkyries Rage
Wonders of the SkyChaotic ComplianceLand of the TitansCrimson KingdomDawn of Destiny
Electric OverloadEchoes of SilenceServants of KingsGalactic Origin
Blades of Spirit Primal BurstResonance of ContrastAbyss EncounterRampage of the Forest
Valiant SoulsVisions of IceCrusaders BattlegroundClash of WingsBurning Nova
Empire of ScarletGaia GenesisStardust AccelerationPower of BraveryBlackstorm Rising
Secrets of the AncientsRevolution BeginningTornado of PhantomsAbsolute InfernoDimension of the Wizards
Warriors UniteLords of ShiningBlazing RoseGuardians of RockCybernetic Rebellion
Curse of DreadValhalla CallingDark DimensionSpirit of the BeastAerial Assault
Soul of ResurrectionFuture HorizonMasters of ShadowJudgement ForceFortress of Gears
Truth UniverseFlames of the HeartWitchs SorceryChronicle of GloryInfernity Destruction
Arena of SanctuaryShining HopeVoltage of the MetalShark FangRage of Volcano
Infinite RayPhotons of GalaxyAntinomic TheorySign of HarpiesEternal Stream
The King of VermillionDarkness GimmickArts of AtlantisPendulum GenesisIdea of Armageddon
Chaotic SoldiersForce of InfinityFantastic ArcPhantom of RebellionMaximum Gustav
Heart of XyzShining SunriseStars of SynchroLink RevolutionStage of Trickstar
Braver VictoryArms of GiantFuture CircuitLord of Borrel

Card Trader & PvP Tickets

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Selection Box

Selection Boxes
Selection Box Vol. 01Selection Box Vol. 01 MiniSelection Box Vol.01 Super MiniSelection Box Vol. 02Selection Box Vol. 02 Mini
Selection Box Vol. 03Selection Box Vol.03 MiniSelection Box Vol.04Selection Box Vol.04 MiniSelection Box Vol.05
Selection Box Vol.06

Special Packs

Special Pack
Special Pack Vol. 01Special Pack Vol. 02Special Pack Vol. 03Special Pack Vol. 04Special Pack Vol. 05

Structure Decks

Structure decks
Sorcerers AllianceDragonic ForceHero RisingLegendary WarriorsDestiny Rulers
Dragonic KnightsSpellbound SilenceSynchro ConnectionThe White Dragon of LegendSwordbound Silence
Ancient Gear AwakeningNeos FusionReturn of the Red-EyesFull Metal DesperadoMaster of Chaos
Kings ResonanceDragunity OverdriveGladiators StormHERO GenerationReturn of the Fire Kings
Gagaga XyzTales of the Noble KnightsBlue-Eyes EvolutionStardust NexusRise of Gaia
Evil DominationMagicians ArcD/D/D ApocalypseCyber Style ExtremeSword of Paladin
Tellarknight AdventBrave HopeRuddy Rose BurningCyberse CodeThousand Illusion
Imperial Joker


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3 sonic duck and 2 birdface was the only good investment in this box for harpies deck, maybe Atmosphere as well for venus upgrade
This pack is honestly 🔥. The good cards are rare and the rare cards are bad.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
To rephrase:
The pack is 🔥. The good cards never appear and a lot of the SRs and both URs kinda suck.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
None of the cards in the packs are very relevant now.
the only decent ones might be big bang shot.
Everything else is rather outdated by now.

Also this pack wasn't all that good to begin with when it was still new either (but still better than it is now).
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Armageddon Designator is literally the only possibly relevant card in this box now.

And even then, like I said, it's just "possibly" relevant.
<< Anonymous
dr. Zakar Naik Reply
Summoned Skull is relevant now. Not meta, but quite competitive. Trust me, I'm a medical docter
This one might become meta once atticus is here.
The first 4 packs I bought from this box lol
Atmosphere even came out as glossy.
<< Anonymous(Zack)
Anonymous Reply
I get my UR cards quite often this same way ^^
<< Anonymous(TonyM.)
Anonymous Reply
It's beautiful
<< Anonymous(TonyM.)
Some guy Reply
foo.... dayuum.
<< Anonymous(Chance)
Daemon Blitzkrieg Reply
Um, just buy it? Literally have plenty Gems & just 1 more pack. Want more bang, buy the Sale packs.
<< Anonymous(Chance)
Anonymous Reply
unluckiest man on earth right here RNGesus clearly left you at birth
<< Anonymous(Daemon Blitzkrieg)
Some guy Reply
" Daemon Blitzkrieg close reply
Um, just buy it? Literally have plenty Gems & just 1 more pack. Want more bang, buy the Sale packs."
the picture wasn't about him deciding ti buy/not buy the last pack you stupid moron. It's to show just how bad it was that the last UR (something he may have wanted), was the literal last card in the pack. That sucks.
Luckiest 4 pack
4 packs remaining :'(
At last, this pack is complete with 95% using gems.
the new double fusion deck, i change 2x twin headed thunder dragon with 2x b.skull dragon
<< Anonymous(Engrish )
Anonymous Reply
@anon: balance just resembles the balance of cards you have in your deck into your hand

He has 5 spell cards (2+3) and a 20 card deck -> 5/20 -> 1/4 which means even in your starting hand (4 cards) you will have poly or fusion g. (4 x 1/4 = 1)
<< Anonymous(Engrish )
Anonymous Reply
How come u always have every card 3 times?
<< Anonymous(Engrish )
Anonymous Reply
It's powerful. But dead draws are a lot more common, because only 1 thunder dragon needs to be drawn get a Twin Thunder dragon whereas your deck needs more.
<< Anonymous(casantos)
Linneaus Reply
yeah, it'll be great to reuse a Graveyard Dark Monster (B. Skull Dragon), remove it from play using Bazoo or Skull lair, then summon it again using Escape from the Dark Dimension.

In the link below, I used a similar variant with Double Dragon Fusion using Chaos Zone + Skull Lair + Magical Merchant;
7 tools of the bandit in the houseeeee! I just said it last week and someone said it was to op guess what? Not too op billy lmao
New deck....thoughts? Teal life cost 0

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Comments (updated every hour)

045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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