
How to beat/farm Yugi Muto Lvl 40 (Gate)

Duel Links How to beat/farm Yugi Muto Lvl 40 at the Gate, decks to farm Yugi Muto, and rewards.
update 18/01/2018

Yugi Muto Lvl 40 is finally at the Gate! He uses deck which is same to the one he used during the roaming event.

Decks on this page were used to farm Yugi Muto during the roaming event. We will introduce more optimized/fast farming decks soon!

Get Union Attack!

If you don't have a copy of Union Attack yet...

Union Attack is a very useful card that is often used in farming decks to get a high score. If you don't have any Union Attacks yet, it's recommended that you try to farm at least 2 copies of it to make it easier to farm other LDs.

  • You can use the Kiseitai deck below if you have access to The Winged Dragon of Ra.
  • You can replace Vassal and Union Attacks in any farming deck with Piranha Army and Gift of the Martyr(s) if you have them, but spending gems on old boxes to get them just to get Union Attack is not worth it.
  • You can make an F2P friendly Mythical Beast Cerberus deck by using 1 Cerberus and 19 spell cards against level 30 Yugi to farm. Use Draw Sense: LIGHT skill and bring 2 Abyssal Designator, and Stop Defense.
  • Beast Rising lets you endlessly increase your monster's attack, as long as you have a Beast or Beast-Warrior type monsters.
  • Titan Showdown (skill) is a useful skill that can be used to farm very fast, and works best when you have high attack monsters that you can easily summon like fusion monsters.
  • Last Gamble (skill) is also very good for farming since you can get early card draws, 100 LP left bonus, and comeback victory bonus.

Sea Stealth Attack

This deck credited to ImprfctPulse.

Essential cards

Example Deck

Warrior of AtlantisWarrior of AtlantisGravekeeper's VassalMecha Sea Dragon PlesionMecha Sea Dragon PlesionMecha Sea Dragon Plesion
Terrorking SalmonTerrorking SalmonTerrorking SalmonA Legendary OceanA Legendary OceanUnion Attack
Union AttackAbyssal DesignatorSecret Pass to the TreasuresSea Stealth AttackSea Stealth AttackSea Stealth Attack
Enchanted JavelinEnchanted Javelin----
  • Use Restart skill to increase your chance of getting A Legendary Ocean or Warrior of Atlantis, ideally with another monster that you can summon as well.
  • Using the monsters that you summon, keep destroying Yugi's monsters to prevent his flip effect monsters.
  • Once you have Sea Stealth Attack, activate it so that you can banish your monsters when Yugi tries to return your monsters, or to avoid getting destroyed by his Order to Charge.
  • When you have 1 card left in your deck, if Yugi has not yet used his Sphere Kuriboh, use your Abyssal Designator to get rid of it so you can get "Comeback Victory" by declaring DARK and Fiend. If he has already used it then you won't need to use Abyssal so you'll get no damage taken victory bonus.
  • Make sure that you have at least 2 of the high attack water monsters on your field before your last turn so you can reach over 10k damage when you use Gravekeeper's Vassal and double Union Attack.

Labyrinth Gravity Axe (7k-8k)

Example Deck

AnteatereatingantGravekeeper's VassalIron Blacksmith KotetsuIron Blacksmith KotetsuIron Blacksmith KotetsuUnion Attack
Union AttackGravity Axe - GrarlGravity Axe - GrarlGravity Axe - GrarlShard of GreedShield & Sword
Acidic DownpourAcidic DownpourAcidic DownpourAbyssal DesignatorSecret Pass to the TreasuresRiryoku Field
Riryoku FieldRiryoku Field
  • In the first few turns, try to get some draws using Kotetsu if you get it in your starting hand. If Yugi gets first turn and sets a monster, then Kotetsu will not work. But you can take a few attacks before summoning Labyrinth so that you have more turns to try and draw for Riryoku Field.
  • Once you have Labyrinth, equip him with Gravity Axe - Grarl to prevent Yugi's flip monster effects.
  • If you already equip your Labyrinth with Gravity Axe, don't set your Kotetsu anymore since Yugi will most likely not attack it, unless he has a face up attack position monster on the field.
  • Yugi only has 2 Order to Charge, so you only ever need to set 2 riryoku field. It's recommended that you set them one at a time so that you don't clog your spell/trap zone. Sometimes Yugi also clogs his own field, preventing him from using his OtC.
  • Use Abyssal Designator 1 turn before your last. This is so you don't force Yugi to throw his Sphere Kuriboh from his deck in case his cards left is lower than yours. It's also so that you get comeback bonus.
  • On the last turn, it's important to keep in mind that you need to use Shield & Sword first before special summoning Anteatereatingant / The Fiend Megacyber, and special summon Fiend Megacyber before Gravekeeper's Vassal (if you use megacyber). Then you will need to switch Labyrinth to attack position before entering battle phase.

Ojama Token (7k-8k)

This deck credited to @yutolinks.

Obtainable score7,000 - 8,000
Popular skillOjama Overflow
Essential cardsBreath of Light

Example deck

Power InjectorPower InjectorMythical Beast CerberusSerene Psychic WitchSerene Psychic WitchSerene Psychic Witch
Gravekeeper's VassalUnion AttackUnion AttackEnemy ControllerEnemy ControllerEnemy Controller
ExchangeBreath of LightBreath of LightBreath of LightMirror WallWall of Disruption
Wall of DisruptionWall of Disruption--------

How to Use

  • Get your LP to 500 or below. Adjust your LP by letting Yugi attack you directly, placing your monsters in attack position to let Yugi attack them, or paying for the effect of Power Injector or Mirror Wall.
  • Use Wall of Disruption, Mirror Wall, or Enemy Controller to save yourself from lethal attacks.
  • Next you need Breath of Light to clear Yugi's field. Do not summon Cerberus before activating Breath of Light if Yugi has a set spell/trap card, that card might be Order to Charge.
  • After clearing Yugi's field, activate Ojama Overflow to fill his monster zones with Ojama tokens which cannot be tributed. At this point you can stall easy for the rest of the Duel.
  • Summon Mythical Beast Cerberus and another monster while stalling and them keep on the field. Do not attack.
  • What you need for your final turn are: 1 Gravekeeper's Vassal, 2 Union Attack, 1 Exchange, 1 Enemy Controller, and 1 Mythical Beast Cerberus and 1 other monster on the field before your final turn. You can use extra Enemy Controllers you have to power up Mythical Beast Cerberus, do not use Enemy Controller's second effect.
  • On your final turn, summon Gravekeeper's Vassal then use 2 Union attacks on him.
  • Use Enemy Controller to switch an Ojama token to attack position.
  • Use Exchange to take Yugi's Sphere Kuriboh if he has it on hand. Make sure you have nothing important in your own hand when you activate exchange.
  • With you boosted Gravekeeper's Vassal, attack the attack position token to finish the Duel.

Labyrinth Builder (6k-8k)

  • Union Attack: 7000 - 8000
  • Piranha: 6000 - 7000
skillLabyrinth Builder
Essential cards

Sample deck

Mystical Beast of SerketA Cat of Ill OmenA Cat of Ill OmenCrystal SeerCrystal SeerPiranha Army
Double SummonTemple of the KingsStormArray of Revealing LightGift of the MartyrAbyssal Designator
Abyssal DesignatorSecret Pass to the TreasuresDimension GateDimension GateDimension GateAdhesion Trap Hole
Jar of GreedJar of Greed---Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon

Lvl 40 Yugi Muto's deck



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The deck needs to be updated. Now we have Gaap the Divine soldier which prevent flip effect. Combine it with piranha + gift of martyr. You can obtain all of them in selection box. Since in the real box is different each other and to save gems. Bring breath of light to destroy his megarock or valkyrion in case he might summon and spell/trap that protects Gaap.
What will you do if yugi muto plays valkyrion or megarock Dragon . You're 🔥ed
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Dude. LD decks are fixed. They don't change to other composition.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
umm, Yugi Muto does have Valkyrion and Megarock Dragon in his lv40 deck.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
holy cosmos, really? damn! thank you.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
.....I don't know what the "thank you" is for here.....

Also, the AI very rarely gets Valkyrion out, and just cannot play Megarock Dragon right.
What's ama?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
anti-magic arrows
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Ask me anything = ama
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
why is metamorphcastle a trap card
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Because Konami hates the idea of spell monster, so all we get is trap monster.

Besides, that's Yugi DSOD's card, why are you asking about it in a page for Yugi DM?
Dr. Dr. Anonymous
Here a deck that works much better against Muto without any skill, so that you can use it with ANY character. Also its F2P. Basically use statue of the Anguish pattern and destroy everything.
Robin Lionheart
Another suggestion for "Get Union Attack!":

Train Your Kuriboh UR/SR tickets can only be redeemed for LD drops, and Union Attack would be a good card to obtain with them if you lack a set.
Deck:(with Union Attack)
2 X Angel 07 (Valkyrie's Rage)
1 X Gravekeeper's Vassal (Ishizu level 3 reward)
2 X Union Attack (Yugi Muto)
1 X Secret Pass to the Treasures (Ultimate Rising)
3 X Swamp Mirrorer (Card Trader)
3 X Tiki Soul (Card Trader)
1 X Embodiment of Apophis (Odion deck)
1 X Quantum Cat (Odion level 45 reward)
1 X Tiki Curse (Blades of Spirits)
3 X Good Goblin Housekeeping (Dawn of Destiny)
2 X Riryoku Field (Card Trader)

Before the final turn, you should summon 2 Angel 07 on the field.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Commenter Reply
Thanks! This successfully worked for me!
I wanted to farm Union Attack but you need Union Attack to get Union Attack. Whut?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Use piranha army instead
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Not necessarily. In my first duel against him, i got 4800 score, and got UA and ATMW (Alpha the magnet warrior)
I have a consistent deck to farm Yugi. I still need to run more tests on it and make sure I got the perfect cards to farm him. Only problem is that Defense Draw is a very good card against him but I have 0 of them.

Anyways, once I finalize the deck, I will post it here. Wish me good luck.
<< Anonymous(N!bba)
Anonymous Reply
Good luck
<< Anonymous(N!bba)
Anonymous Commenter Reply
Much luck to ya.
Mr Hyde
Hey guys can someone Tell me how to complite this mission cus i use 2times lvl7monster and still not end mission
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
with yugi DUMBAS
<< Anonymous(Mr Hyde)
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
OMG... u are right!!!
I TRIED SO MANY TIMES (with special summon)

And when i tried it again without special summon, i cleared the mission!!!

<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
How to get UA without UA: This FH deck is pretty consistent at getting >8k points:

Yugi's cards are built to return yours to the hand. He uses 2 "Order to Charge" cards, usually waiting to remove your Dyna.

He will use Sphere Kuriboh to block one attack during the duel. Bait it out with a Dyna direct attack before you use Ra.

If you keep Dyna on the board you can destroy all of the monsters he sets in defense.

He will only tribute a monster when he sets his Guardian Sphynx card. Destroy this card at all costs.

If he protects a face down monster successfully he will usually use a flip effect afterwards to return your monsters to your hand.

Stall with Wiz and Dyna; save Wiz negates for his "A Feint Plan"

Bait Kuriboh > Get Wiz, Dyna, (2500 ATK Monster) on the board > Clear his front row > Arrivalrivals into Ra > Use Marik's skill. 11k+ Direct damage.

Hope this helps.
you need to farm Yugi Muto to get UA. To do that, you need 2x UA in your farming deck. I get it.
<< Anonymous
Explanation time^^ Reply
Hey there, first Yugi was only a roaming duelist where you could get UA. I didn't get it back then so there has been a long time i couldn't farm anything. Most people got it or later for free with tickets. Most of these decks have been made months later so having UA is already a standard for every older player and makes sense they didn't think of making new decks without UA. :)
<< Anonymous(Explanation time^^)
little addon Reply
but funnily enough even with the first roaming duelist of yugi over a year ago they already had UA as the casual farm method for yugi so this is kind of a long term mistake on here ;)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
pretty sure u can get UA from SR tickets, thats how i got mine
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Did you not read? If you don't have UA,replace Vassal & UA wit Piranha Army + Martyr. Dat's it.
What can I use to replace the massivemorphs in the Ra one?

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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